
Comrade B. Hussein Obama, Exalted Leader of Obamaland

Who Is The Terrorist?

By Guest Column Bill Turner——--September 2, 2009

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I believe B. Hussein Obama is trying to tell America, through his actions, he just won‘t say it, but I will: "Dear America, I hate you.

I hate you because you’re stupid, you’re bigoted and you’re dangerous . I know that you’re stupid because you believe in an invisible man in the sky. Not only does that make you stupid, it makes you dangerous. After all, if you’re that easily led to believe in some invisible man in the sky then you might be led into believing in witches and you might burn people at the stake. I don’t care if you “cling” to your religion because you’re not as rich as I am, the fact that you cling to that stupidity makes you a threat to the utopia that would come if only there were no religion.” From Evan Sayet. Because you are stupid, arrogant and lazy, you post your deepest thoughts and feelings on social networking sites, linking to your friends and you include your personal information. Because I am smarter than you, I will hire a company, with your money (I love the irony, don’t you?), to harvest all of this information, from face book, twitter and other sites, so I will know who is naughty and who is nice. As you have seen on my web page, barackobama.com, I have special plans for you ignorant believers in a deity other than me, “All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders“. I have apologized to the world, in several places, on several occasions because you sniveling American’s cannot be bothered to recognize that you are citizens of the world, not of America. I have sent two letters to Iran, offering to meet with them. They have yet to respond, but they are busy, what with all the arms shipments from North Korea and conducting operations in Iraq, to stop American imperialism. They even had to take care of a pesky revolution, involving people who want to be like you. Silly people. Infidels. You silly, patriotic Americans must let the past go. You are still stuck on the Lockerbie bombing. Why? They are dead, get over it. You are like those silly people in the military. They scare me. You are blood thirsty and evil, always wanting to kill your fellow world citizens. You used to kill white people when you fought in wars, then you switched to yellow people, but lately, you keep attacking brown people, people of the worlds one true religion, praise Allah. You cannot be trusted. Reverend Wright and Van Jones have both told me that America and that cracker, George W. Bush are responsible for 9/11. Why won’t you accept it? Does it have to do with Van Jones calling Republicans “A$$holes”? Get over it and stop being a$$holes. You Republicans, with your God and your guns, are so, “Deliverance” like. But, you do have pretty mouths. Speaking of pretty mouths, quit complaining about my date night with Michelle will you? Why couldn’t you be happy with my explanation of it costing a mere $24,000 dollars? So I forgot about all those C17’s, the five helicopters, the two Lear jets and the $100,000 in hotel rooms and per diem for the marines and secret service. It isn’t like I was off by two trillion dollars…oh, well that was the budget, that is different. Why are you so upset because I want to talk with your children? I’m not Michael Jackson. Is it because I know Bill Ayers, who said, “Education is “the motor-force of revolution”? What about the fact that Bill Ayers dedicated a book to Sirhan Sirhan, who killed Ted Kennedy’s brother, I wrote a blurb for Billy’s book, and eulogized Teddy. The circle of radical life. Homeland Security has called you people domestic terrorists, not me, nor my cabinet members, like Van Jones. He is just a communist. It isn’t like he believes in God or anything silly. So, don’t worry, I just want to ask your kids why mommy and daddy (if they know who he is) don’t want sick people to get better? I want to ask them why mommy and daddy don’t want us to make the world healthy, since it has a temperature. It is harmless, you will see. And, please don’t ask those heathen crackers in Utah about the new pledge I had shown to their children. They’re Mormons, you know you can’t trust them. Folks, I told the world that America is no longer a Christian nation. Join with me in the coup to take over all of America. We are world citizens now and the time for your silly superstitions, your patriotism and belief in any deity but Allah be gone. You may bow, Comrade B. Hussein Obama Exalted Leader of Obamaland Although this letter is fictitious, it is apparent that B. Hussein Obama is bent on the destruction of America and Americans. He must be stopped. It is our duty as Americans to stand up and say no more. We must push back against the communist agenda and say “no more”. We must demand our Constitution be honored and run out of office any whose actions show otherwise. Bill Turner is a Patriot Warrior, fighting to preserve the Constitution and the liberties provided therein. He is the US Western Regional Director for Anystreet.org. He is available to speak on a variety of subjects and is notorious for his talks on Creeping Sharia.

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