
This essay discusses two principal problems associated with the notion of assigning residence to terrorists’ family members

The DI Revolution Spreads Viv Forbes | April 10, 2016
The pampered green class will rejoice temporarily, but will soon join the modern pommy paupers forced back to candles, poaching and workhouses.

Unfortunately for the desperately creative lib-left media, not everyone is foolish and not all people are fools

A Warning in 1960 by Gen. Carlos P. Romulo Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | April 10, 2016
The agit-prop machine, agitation and propaganda, has spent billions of dollars on hundreds of special schools which produced “armies of experts in brainwashing and subversion”

As seen from Brazil, Justin Trudeau is cute, but highly ordinary

Dedication to Barney Herman Cain | April 10, 2016
Rest in peace, friend

Methane mendacity—and madness Paul Driessen | April 10, 2016
Radical green and government agitators slam methane in latest bid to terminate fossil fuel use

Deep-sixing another useful climate myth Guest Column | April 10, 2016
The vaunted "97% consensus" on dangerous manmade global warming is just more malarkey

“It might be more difficult than often assumed to project into the future,” the study’s lead author, Fredrik Ljungqvist of Stockholm University, told AFP, adding, “The truth can be much, much more complicated.”

Harris, a pro-abortion Democrat, chose to focus her investigation on Daleiden and his associates rather than Planned Parenthood

Latest News on Ebola and Infectious Diseases News on the Net | April 9, 2016
Shakespeare First Folio Discovered in Library in Scotland | Michigan patient's mysterious infection matches deadly Wisconsin outbreak | New Legionnaires' disease cluster found in the Bronx

Americans must destroy the demon of political correctness, start facing reality, and stop living in a fantasy world where the bogeyman of racism is everywhere

Rising Threats—Shrinking Military

In addressing what he referred to as “consequences” of Operation Choke Point, Bresnick called for government officials to work “closely” with banks to solve problems he says the program created.

Zari will first appear in season five of Baghch-e-Simsim, which is the Afghan version of Sesame Street.

The truth is that each of the news sources either got their stories from people who do not like Donald Trump, or pulled it out of their vivid imaginations.

In yet another twist in campaign-trail attacks, Bill Clinton also delivered a rhetorical backhand to Black Lives Matter race activists on Thursday after being repeatedly interrupted.

Canada’s future population Bob Christie | April 8, 2016
The Muslim invasion of Europe is overwhelming host countries. And not just by sheer numbers, but by demands made by newcomers

UN Issues Deeply Flawed Audit of Corrupt Dealings Between the UN and Private Interests Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist | April 8, 2016
What this unfolding corruption scandal demonstrates is a deep flaw in the United Nations system relating to its reputation

Suspiciously shady, don't you think?

Climate change surveys still useless Tom Harris | April 8, 2016
Pollsters should ask how much Americans will pay to set an example to the world

We will be on the lookout for sharks circling next month

Since energy equities basically trade as a proxy for the commodity, it's safe to say all boats rise when the tide comes in

In days to come, America is absolutely destined to see Islamic violence that I believe will make the Belgian airport incident look like a walk in the park

China Plans To Export Cheap Energy To Europe


"Ain't gonna happen."

Act II - Decade of the Nineties Gary Hunt | April 8, 2016
The Harassment of the Hammonds

City has failed to provide information on possible non-citizen voters

Two bodies were found inside a room of a building at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Bexar County sheriff's spokesman James Keith said.
