
American Politics, News

Filibuster to kill the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Ku Klux Klan

Quote Of The Day News on the Net | June 28, 2010
Vice President Joe Biden,

Unfortunately for acolytes of Chavez, the Stone film, South of the Border, too slanted even for the New York Times to accept as a “documentary.”

$100-million contract with the controversial firm formerly named Blackwater Worldwide to provide security services in Afghanistan

A shrine to Shariah? Frank Gaffney Jr. | June 28, 2010
Imam Rauf is a skilled practitioner of the Shariah tradition of taqqiya deception for the faith

I strongly suggest that what Obama has effected constitutes the high crime of treason against the USA and its citizens

It’s the media, stupid! Lloyd Marcus | June 28, 2010
Liberal mainstream media attempts to put and keep us tea party patriots on the defensive

Oh, Happy Graduate! Alan Caruba | June 28, 2010
The unemployment rate among young Americans, age 16 to 24, now stands at 18.9 percent

Troopathon Countdown: Only 4 DAYS Remaining!

Why a .XXX Top-Level Domain Won’t Work Christian Newswire | June 28, 2010
Commercial pornographers, ICANN

"What really happened?"

Cracking the Code of Civilization Daniel Greenfield | June 28, 2010
The savage has cracked the code of civilization and to allow him to exploit it, is to let the civilized

Unfunded Liabilities: A solution Guest Column | June 27, 2010
The Legacy of Unfunded Liabilities

A MacArthur Moment - Requiem William R. Mann | June 27, 2010
General McChrystal, the ascetic Liberal Warrior, thought he was immune from attack by the Left

Must Block Dodds-Frank Bill, Kagen Nomination, Must stop Obama from regulating conservative campaign finance

Obama’s Drilling Moratorium a Sop to Unions? Warner Todd Huston | June 27, 2010
BP Oil mess: Shut down the very oil rigs that unions have been trying to organize for decades with a six-month moratorium

No government solutions offered by the Obama administration?

Basic Principles Sarge | June 27, 2010
Freedom, Information, Internet, Government censorship by decree

Weigel was just the latest version of a Washington Post liberal hatchet man

Hundreds of oil skimmers across the country and the federal government has refused to allow them to be transferred to the Gulf to help in the cleanup

Beware Analysts Worried About the GOP Michael R. Shannon | June 27, 2010
Keith Fimian Tea Party Conservative's 12 point win over Pat Herrity in Virginian's 11th Congressional District

How do you spell incompetence? Henry Lamb | June 27, 2010

A Good Father’s Day Gift Phyllis Schlafly | June 27, 2010
Reform the Violence Against Women Act

Open Borders, Open Pit Daniel Greenfield | June 27, 2010
Bloomberg has announced the Partnership for a New American Economy

Support Canada Free Press


The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010

Obama’s sparse resume, consisting of nothing really but three bullet items- black, leftist, speechmaker- doesn’t seem quite adequate to fulfill the role of chief executive

Another Test For President Obama Looms J.J. Jackson | June 26, 2010
Venezuela; Hugo Chavez, seize eleven idled drilling rigs owned by Helmerich & Payne Inc

Nikki’s Faith Bruce Walker | June 26, 2010
Nikki is a pro-Life social conservative

Democrats would restrict free speech and violate the First Amendment

Ignorant Democrat: “Geography for $200” Greg Halvorson | June 26, 2010
The failure of citizens to participate in elections has handed nimrods wide powers
