
Aftermath of the Haitian quake

Haiti in America

By Guest Column Lynn M Stuter——--January 22, 2010

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On January 12, 2010, an earthquake, 7.0 on the Richter Scale, hit the tiny country of Haiti in the Caribbean. The quake, felt as far away as Tampa, Florida and Caracas, Venezuela, was centered (epicenter) very close to Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. The last approximated seismic activity along the tectonic plates believed responsible for the quake was in the mid-1800's. There have been approximately 50 aftershocks, the largest measuring 5.9 on the Richter Scale occurring on January 20, 2010 with the epicenter 30 miles west-southwest of Port-au-Prince.

Because Haiti is a relatively poor country, the damage was extensive. Buildings, not built to withstand earthquake activity, collapsed killing and injuring many inside. Estimates of the number killed have reached as high as 200,000 people. The hunt for the living continues with the probability of survivors dwindling with each passing day. There is no doubt the situation in Haiti is dire. In a matter of seconds, the people of Haiti went from living their lives to facing the havoc nature can wreak. But the Haitian people, living in the hurricane zone, are not unaware of the destructive force of nature. More than one hurricane has devastated the country in the past, leaving thousands dead in the aftermath. What makes an earthquake so much more horrifying is that it strikes without warning. Immediately following the quake, every news organization in the United States started soliciting money from Americans to help. Benefits were quickly put together, every broadcast featured those soliciting donations and where Americans could donate. Also Known As (AKA) Obama enlisted the assistance of former presidents Bill Clinton and George W Bush in organizing and overseeing aid. The machinations of trying to get help to a country, whose ability to accommodate large planes and ships was limited at best before the quake, has been excruciating to watch. Since government runs largely on the premise that money is no option, efficiency isn't either. Much like trying to drive a square peg into a round hole, instead of looking at what would work, given the situation, they tried to force the situation to accommodate them, which never works. The result has been aid planes being forced to divert as they were unable to land and off-load supplies and ships that could not dock because the ports were mostly destroyed by the quake. How these same government personnel could fight a war with any hope of winning is undoubtedly a question that has crossed more than a few minds even though the circumstances are different. Americans have been approached to give, give, give, to help the poor people of Haiti. From an article, published in the Tennessean on January 20, 2010 comes this little jewel, "We need so much. Food, clothes, we need everything. I don't know whose responsibility it is, but they need to give us something soon." "I don't know whose responsibility it is, but they need to give us something soon." It's been eight days since the quake hit. What this quip intones is that a majority of the Haitian people are sitting back, expecting someone else to be responsible for them: feed, clothe and shelter them. Since when is anyone else responsible for them? Yes, helping the relief effort is a good thing, but this rather indicates they expect it. And Americans, by the accounts given by news organizations, nation-wide, have been more than generous, not only in what they have given out of their pocket, but in the cost to them for all the military people, ships, planes and supplies showing up in Haiti on the American taxpayer dime, including those that have had to divert because they couldn't land. And Americans are also being ordered to sacrifice. By Executive Order, AKA has instituted involuntary recall of reserves; people who have jobs and families who must now leave those jobs and families to head to Haiti. That is happening at this time. Estimates are that it will be six months before the Haitian people can become self-sufficient again. I'm sure most can see cost estimates reaching into the billions, coming right out of the pockets of the American taxpayer, already swamped by an national debt rapidly approaching $13,000,000,000,000! In addition, an article published in the Miami Herald, states that 200,000 Haitians could file for temporary protective status, meaning they are, at this time, in the United States illegally but will be allowed to remain here for another eighteen months rather than be deported. Illegal aliens are taking jobs that Americans need to survive and too many illegals end up utilizing the already over-stressed social welfare systems of the United States, the cost of which is coming right out of the pocket of the American taxpayers. On August 29, 2005, a hurricane named Katrina devastated New Orleans, Louisiana. Many lost their lives as they expected the government would help them, save them, look out for them; they learned, too late, how inefficient and ineffective government bureaucracy is. The devastation from water breaching dikes was catastrophic; Katrina was the costliest hurricane in history. As happened in the aftermath of the Haitian quake, the machinations of those who should have been there, immediately, to help, was embarrassing at best, inefficient and disorganized at worst. When the government finally got its act somewhat together, it provided formaldehyde saturated trailers for survivors to live in. Many are still living in those trailers today, five years later. The money and help, supposed to be there for them, has never arrived. Where did all the money go that the American people so generously gave to help the people of New Orleans? No one seems to know. There has been no accounting. But one cannot help but remember GW Bush's comment, in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, to FEMA Director Mike Brown, "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job!!!!" This is the same GW Bush now enlisted to help in the Haiti relief effort! The following is an e-mail I received from a colleague whose name shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons:
I deplore anybody demanding that I give my money to the RED Cross / Clinton-Bush!! First off - Let the IMF -World Bank that bankrupted these folks do the bailing out! How about Baby Doc with his exclusive Paris Apt - mansion on the Riviera! Most appalling was appointing Clinton-Bush to head financial part of this crisis! Right! Bush Sr. - Clinton supposedly did this for Indonesia - billions disappeared - the victims left in the lurch! Same with Katrina! Billions gone missing. How dare there be this GREAT outpouring, when people in the Gulf are still living in FEMA trailers - and in Aug, President Obama told (stopped over for a couple hrs!) folks in New Orleans, that there was 'no money for a hospital'. Before this 'convenient' earthquake - the coast guard would STOP any Haitians (unlike Cubans) trying to land - and escort them BACK to Haiti. A few weeks ago Homeland Security was 'deporting some 30 thousand'!! What makes this an unbelievable travesty is the FACT that many citizens are being put off dialysis treatment in Florida — NO MONEY. Millions (Americans) are living in their cars - shelters - flea bag motels and TENT Cities from Seattle to HAWAII ( 3,400) which I noted that the Obama's did not visit on their 2 week vacation with the gang from Chicago (a thank you). Meantime, we have millions out of work - taxes upon taxes being put on homeowners. It appears to me that any relocation should be to 'other' islands - South America (climate wise) - NOT in a bankrupt country where we're borrowing money from China to give to Haiti. What is not being discussed, is the epidemic of AIDS in this population and TB (incurable). But God forbid you say anything — you're labeled inhumane!! But - note, you will not see these sick, illiterate people, relocated to Hawaii (near Oprah's' massive acreage) - West Palm Beach - CaptiviaIsland - Jackson Hole, Wyoming etc. Plus the Red Cross! Are you kidding me - ask folk (9/11 - Katrina) about where all the millions went? They are the LAST people I'd give to.
The anger here is unmistakable which brings us to another aspect of this. Where are all the charitable organizations when an American family loses their home and is forced to live in their vehicle, under a bridge, in a tent, or in a shelter (if one can be found that can and will accommodate them) because of circumstances beyond their control, because of the policies instituted by Congress, and the current and past administrations that have resulted in home loans now in foreclosure and jobs sent overseas? What about those people, and there are literally hundreds of thousands now, if not millions, in the United States who are homeless, starving and dying because of circumstances beyond their control? No, they didn't suffer catastrophic and sudden loss, evoking TV cameras and a rush of reporters to record their gut-wrenching plight; but are they any less victims? Are they any less in need of help? Where is the outpouring of generosity to help these people? What, generosity is only forthcoming if there are TV cameras, notoriety, and a pat on the head from a celebrity for helping the cause? Shouldn't we look out for our own first? Do these people need a building to fall on them, a bridge to collapse, a dike to burst, or some such calamity to get the help they need? What a sad indictment of the need of the American people to be entertained by the trauma of others brought to them in daily doses through the lens of a camera from places like earthquake-ravaged Haiti! What a sad indictment of the American people that they will fork over billions to help Haiti but ignore those in need in their own country! What happened in Haiti is horrible, gut-wrenching; of that there is no doubt and no quarrel; but what is happening to our own people in our own country is just as bad, if not worse, and it's been going on for a whole lot longer than eight days!

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