
Why should we tolerate the invasion? What's in it for America?

The Immigration Debacle

By Guest Column Greg Easley——--August 25, 2010

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Our Constitution and our laws on immigration should be more than adequate and simple enough for even first year students to understand. Instead we are forced by our government to wage a legal war over illegals entering our nation and setting up shop in our cities whenever and however they want. Citizens opposed to this invasion are called racists. Citizens supporting the invasion have an agenda that is not in the best interest of our nation.

Republicans want them here because business lobbyists want cheap labor. The unions are against it because illegals won't join unions but Democrats want the votes because most illegals vote for the Democratic party. They are taught that the Democratic party will "free them" and not even bother to prosecute them. Arizona has proven this for all of America to see and so has every left wing progressive instigating boycotts, paid SEIU led rallies and ridiculous school agendas. Most of our Illegals are from Mexico. The estimates are anywhere from 10 to15 million. When you add in the other nationalities it means that 1 out of every 15 people you see in America is illegal. In 1986 President Reagan granted amnesty for the 3 million Mexicans in America telling us that this would solve the problem. In 1986, 1 out of every 80 people you saw on the street was illegal. Amnesty did not solve the problem, it open the flood gates for an all out invasion. Today we have terrorists seeking to kill us from dozens of nations and drug cartels shipping guns, drugs and humans to and from America. The amount of money flowing between Mexico and the U.S. is in the billions, most of it staying in Mexico. Illegals send over $80 billion back home every year, and its tax-free earnings. That is enough money to buy a car for 2.3 million Americans each year and the very reason Mexican President Calderone is suing Arizona, along with 9 other nations, and insulted us in Congress. Free money! I think most Americans will agree that the Mexican people work hard, build strong family units, believe in God and are nice people. Some are not, just like some people from every nation are not. We have no great animosity for them, just the fact they are bleeding our country dry nearly as fast as Obama and his Marxist Congress is. When Mexicans are brought to the border by the "coyotes" that charge them hundreds or thousands of dollars, they are also given "survival training" to be "successful" in the U.S. They are given contacts in U.S. border cities and picked up by comrades and taken to underground sanctuaries. They are given fake Ids (not free either), taught some of our basic laws so they can avoid trouble, and told to vote for the Democrats if they can qualify with their fake Ids to do so. It is very well organized. They get their jobs through others that have been here for a while and are often treated very poorly by their "benefactors". When they go home to Mexico for a visit, they are often robbed and sometimes killed for their belongings or cash. Western Union and the American banks makes a killing on money transfer fees and check cashing outlets charge them anywhere from 10-20% to cash their checks. Illegals are big business on both sides of the border, but America is the big loser.

Why should we tolerate the invasion? What's in it for America?

  • Illegals don't pay income taxes in the U.S. or Mexico. They make more money in the U.S. and pay no social security taxes! We build the homes they live in, roads they drive on, shopping centers and grocery stores they shop in. Nice set-up, for them.
  • Illegals use our emergency rooms for every little ailment they can come up with. That's the law and we pay for it through higher taxes and medical premiums.
  • Illegals send their kids to our schools and again we pay for the ride. We also spend extra money teaching them English instead of spending it on our own legal children for advanced study.
  • They send their earnings, our currency, back to their own country depleting our reserves and devaluing our currency because we just print more money to replace it.
  • Many Illegals are criminals escaping their own country's justice and just continue their crimes here against Americans. The incarceration costs for those jailed is $1.6 billion per year to U.S. taxpayers.
  • Illegals come here, have their children, and then leave. Their kids return as citizens and move to the U.S. After they are settled they can bring their parents in because our laws provide that little loophole. Free legal entry for parents who then go on welfare.
Our government gives them food stamps and soon social security benefits from a broken down system that is going bankrupt because Congress stole our money. We have to listen to recordings to Dial 1 for English but we never did that for any other nationality. What does that tell you? The Banks want their money on deposit or to cash their checks, the government wants their votes, and business wants to hire them or sell them goods. Our businesses hire them for less money, pay no employment taxes and save a lot of money for themselves. It's a win-win for them and a total loss for us. When illegals commit crimes, they cross the border to safety and leave Americans with the cost of the damage to body and loss to property. Now they demonstrate, freely, with the help of our government against those citizens or states that are fed up with the crime and the debilitating cost of having them here. Lets face facts; they are illegal and have no rights. Their mere existence in America is fraught with crime against our nation that would not be tolerated by Mexico or any other nation. They would be thrown in prison, tortured, executed or ransomed in most of their own nations as soon as they are caught. But members of our Congress benefit from the problem through payoffs in the name of campaign contributions, favors and votes and from a one-world order perspective, the intended destruction of our nation from within. Now that I have you all warmed up, read this excellent expose by Tina Griego, a journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News:.americanchronicle.com You will be absolutely shocked at how illegals' affect our country and you will have the greatest appreciation for why they should be deported as soon a possible. To make things even more ridiculous, Mexican President Calderone is now considering joining Columbia and Brazil to legalize marijuana to cut into the cartels profits in an effort to stop the horrific murder rate of civilians caught in the cross fire of the drug wars that are out of control in those countries. guardian.co.uk But he is still suing Arizona for trying to close their borders to keep the death, drugs and illegals out of America. The attempt to legalize drugs is not about rights or civilian death rates; it is about taxes for the government and control of the people. Placating drug lords is about as nonsensical as our government paying terrorists to be nice. 2solitudes.com trendsupdates.com thecommonills.blogspot.com prisonplanet.com theworld.org Yes we are paying the terrorists and drug cartels billions to produce death and not to kill us instead of wiping them off the map or securing our borders and taking care of our own. And yet our government says we don't pay kidnappers ransom. The average unemployment benefit in the U.S. is $293 a week. Paying people seems fair while unemployed but not while the government is making sure there aren't any jobs for the unemployed who want to work and build futures for themselves and their loved ones. Keeping them alive but unable to prosper is exactly what Obama is doing. Poor people can't fight back which is why the Mexicans are here in the first place . . .. They won't fight back. They come to America because there are jobs and they are safer here than in their own country. I think 15 million armed patriots is more than enough to conquer a country that is yours to begin with. That would be a site to see. Take it back, one city at a time. How hard could that be? Calderone won't stop them. He can't even get a handle on the drug pushers. They have enough courage to demonstrate against us, risking arrest and deportation, but not enough to fight for what is really theirs, their own home town. And that is where WE are at. The problem with America is not our form of government, an unfairness of our laws or an inability to produce what we need. It is about power and greed. Soldiers who die for us are reduced to bribery while politicians squander our nation. Millions are unemployed because there are hundreds of people around the world that aren't content with just being mind-boggling rich, powerful or famous. They want it all for themselves and the rest of us will be used as slaves or just killed off. http://www.threeworldwars.com/new-world-order.htm

We have people in America who get it, who know the score.

americanthinker.com dailyreckoning.com moneyandmarkets.com finance.yahoo.com We just can't seem to find enough of them with the guts to lead us out of this nightmare. We have to take back our country, city by city; incumbent by incumbent because right now the only three choices we seem to have are Marxists, Fascists or another civil war. Secession may be the only answer and the seeds of it are being sewn now as our states begin to revolt against the Marxist takeover of our nation. Our economy has been deliberately destroyed. We are ripe for plucking and it has done by our own fathers and brothers and uncles and mothers and aunts and grandmothers. You know whom I mean - Congress! Ask yourself one simple question: does any of this make any sense to you? Does Immigration Reform (Amnesty for 20 million illegals who will still send their money home) the Health Care debacle, the farcical Cap and Trade or the Financial Reform legislation make any sense to anyone who cares about America? Does it make any sense to anyone who has actually taken the time to find out what these new laws really do? If you are still uniformed, let me put it to you as simply as I can: You lose, They win! Another $10 trillion transferred to the rich who will take over the world and it doesn't matter what color you are, whether you voted for these Marxist or where you live, you will be dumped on the trash heap they are building along with everyone else. Americans are in a dire fight for our nation. Mexican citizens need to get into a fight for theirs! As part of the solution to save our Nation, all illegals need to be deported. It's the law pure and simple, it is being deliberately ignored and there is no other acceptable solution. Greg is a professional Information Technology Analyst and a devout political conservative concerned about the destiny of The United States of America and the free world. He is a member of the Tea Party Patriots and publisher of his own web site The 4th Awakening. The site features his own commentaries and important political news items posted daily. Greg lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area and is looking forward to retirement in the woods. Greg can be reached at: gdeasley@bellsouth.net

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