
This is why we need more men like Cruz

Senator Ted Cruz leading the fight to abolish the IRS

Last week, I wrote a piece suggesting that Barack Obama isn't really the problem. Sure, he's a terrible President and, yes, it would be nice to see him leave office at the earliest possible moment, but the issue we face is bigger than any one man. Once Barack Obama is gone, there are thousands of other power-mad statists who are simply salivating over the chance to take his place.
Our real problem is that the current structure of our federal bureaucracyprovides footing on which the anti-constitutional agendas of men like Obama can thrive. If we limit, or eliminate, the tools by which they abuse their power, government will shrink, and the abuse will - at least to a degree -subside. Senator Ted Cruz seems to be one of the few Republicans to actually understand this. Better yet, he's not shy about saying so. For the last couple of weeks he's been leading te charge against expansive federal power, in particular targeting the IRS. Mr. President, if your #1 priority is fixing the problem, let's abolish the #IRS and ensure it NEVER happens again! -- Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) May 16, 2013

Now THAT'S the fight we ought to be having. The only way to ensure that a President - Republican or Democrat, can't target free speech via IRS overreach is to eliminate the agency. It has far too much power, far too few constraints, and performs a task that could be done better with far less expense and intrusion. Listen to this interview from last Friday's installment of KSKY's The Wells Report. Ask yourself: Why isn't EVERY so-called Republican making these points?

I've argued before that, right or wrong, there's no way Republicans will ever impeach Obama, it would be politically disastrous if they try, and he doesn't have enough dignity to resign. Barring some sort of monumentally incriminating piece of hard evidence, the United States is stuck with him until his term is up. However, if Senators like Cruz and Paul can frame the next three-and-a-half years as the worst case scenario of Democrats abusing big government, they'll position their party well for 2014 and 2016. Then, we have to hold the GOP to its oft-forgotten small-government promises. Here's one more clip. This time it's Ted Cruz appearing on Fox News this past Saturday, discussing his desired replacement for the IRS and the Obama administration's mounting scandals.

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Robert Laurie——

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