
Marxist whose political career was created by domestic terrorists and financed by Islam

The “Social Justice” of
the Marxist Messiah

By Guest Column Alex LaBrecque——--November 1, 2008

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Just seven years after the 9/11 attacks, half the nation's voters and myriads of registrants who do not exist will vote in the presidential election for a Marxist whose political career was created by domestic terrorists and financed by Islam.

Days before the election, the stealth candidate boasts that his campaign is on the verge of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America." In defiance of the US Constitution, the change he seeks to impose would forever change America from being the nation of liberty the Founders intended it to be.

Many will vote for Barack Hussein Obama because they identify with him racially or feel a need to assuage their white guilt.

Many will vote for him because they feel financially insecure or want other Americans to pay their way through life.

Many will vote for him because their empty souls are mesmerized by his messianic charade, projecting that he is a spiritually enlightened savior bringing hope and change.

His chief financiers and inner circle will vote for him because they are committed enemies of the United States and oppose the individual liberty that Americans are guaranteed under the Constitution.

As Obama admitted in a 2001 radio interview, he regards the Constitution as deeply flawed because it does not allow redistribution of wealth -- the centerpiece of his Marxist agenda for America.[1]That won't stop him; he also refuses to prove that he is a natural-born citizen of the United States, and government officials have shown no inclination to enforce that constitutional requirement.

This summer he declared that "America's greatest moral failure in my lifetime has been that we still don't abide by that basic precept in Matthew that 'whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me,'" citing our nation's sins of "poverty," "racism and sexism."[2]

According to Obama and his mentors Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, the root cause of America's evil is economic inequality. "Social justice" requires the remedy of redistribution of wealth, the transfer of taxpayers' earnings to whomever their regime will determine has need.

As Karl Marx said, "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Or as the Marxist messiah told Joe the Plumber: "It's good to spread the wealth around."

After inadvertently tipping his hand, Obama denies he is a socialist but affirms redistribution of others' assets is a virtue. Meanwhile his minions on government computers have scrutinized Joe's records for the purpose of discrediting him.

Joe the Plumber is every American citizen who dares to challenge the Leader. In Obama's Marxist utopia, hard questions are disallowed.

To conceal his Muslim background and cloak his Marxist agenda, Obama fabricated the ruse that he is a Christian. In this ruse, one of Obama's favorite biblical allusions is that "I am my brother's keeper."[3] Meanwhile, the millionaire messiah's own half-brother George has been living in a shantytown hut in Kenya, subsisting on a dollar a month.[4] To his brother in need Obama has given nothing, but in recent years he donated over $20,000 to Wright's hate-inciting Black Power cult.

Dreams From My Father is the 1995 memoir that the communist terrorist Ayers wrote for Obama to launch his protégé's political career.[5] In that memoir, Obama's Kenyan aunt Zeituni was prominently featured as a beloved family member. This week, The Times of London -- not the domestic Obama-worshipping propaganda media -- broke the news that for five years this aunt has been living in a slum in Boston, just miles where he gained prestige at Harvard Law School for his charm and racial identity. Like many of his supporters, she hopes that Obama's presidency will change her life for the better.[6]

Obama's heartless disregard for his own family members proves that he is an authoritarian Marxist, whose real concern is not others' well-being but his pathological quest for power to control the lives of us all.

Under the guise of concern for the poor, Marxists invoke the name of Jesus as a champion of their cause. But Jesus never condemned economic inequality as a moral failure; both Jesus and the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament, recognized this disparity as a fact of life in the world that God created.

From a biblical perspective poverty can be caused by evil -- from theft, swindling and the financial schemes of the ACORN crime organization in collusion with a corrupt Congress, or from government tyranny and seizure of assets, which are standard policies of Marxism. Poverty can also result from illness or be due to personal negligence. But there are valid and blameless reasons that some people have more than others, due to the reality of the world as God created it.

People are born into different circumstances, with different innate abilities and talents. Individuals apply themselves to their learning and their work with differing levels of personal initiative and responsibility. So in this world there will always be a spectrum between rich and poor. Jesus said "the poor you will always have with you,"[7] and he never proposed the Marxist remedy -- involuntary redistribution, known as theft when committed by anyone but the state. The Tenth Commandment also constrains a sinful human impulse that Marxism exploits -- coveting another person's property.

The religion of Barack Hussein Obama is inherently alien to the Bible and the teaching of Jesus.

For Jesus, the problem of being rich is not that others have less but that it is easy to mistake wealth for life's ultimate purpose, as an end in itself; that is why it is difficult for the rich to enter God's kingdom. [8] Jesus taught that the greater one's wealth, the greater one's obligation to voluntarily use it for the good of others, remembering those in need.[9]

Jesus never advocated compulsory redistribution to offset economic disparity. When Christians voluntarily give from their personal assets to those in need, their generosity is service to the risen Christ. To the Messiah whom Christians serve, "America's greatest moral failure" is not economic inequality.

Rather, Jesus reserved his strongest condemnation for those who harm innocent children, and he warned of punishment more horrific than drowning, for "it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish."[10]

Most vulnerable and dependent of all humans, the unborn and the newborn are easily regarded by many as of lesser value and a disposable inconvenience. Abortion and infanticide were acceptable and widespread in Roman society, and with Jewish precedent early Christians took Jesus' judgment to heart in opposing those two practices.

The first-century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus extolled the respect of Judaism's scriptures for innocent human life: "The Torah, moreover, enjoins us to bring up all our offspring, and forbids women to cause abortion of what is conceived,or to destroy it afterward; and if any woman appears to have so done, she will be a murderer of her child, by destroying a living creature, and diminishing humankind."[11] In Psalm 139, the psalmist marvels that God knew him as a person even as he was developing in his mother's womb.

The Didache, a first-century catechism of Christian morality, is explicit in its application of Jesus' regard for children: "you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill the infant already born."[12] From the same period the Epistle of Barnabas adjoins this to the commandment to love: "You shall love your neighbor more than your own soul. You shall not murder a child by abortion, nor again shall you kill it when it is born."[13]

But in homage to the narcissism of this age Obamessiah hallows as "reproductive justice"[14] an unfettered right to kill the unborn and the partially-born for personal convenience. Invoking his family values, this champion for abortion declares that he would not want his own daughters to be "punished with a baby" [15] -- the birth of an unwanted child, for whom thousands of adoptive parents yearn for years.

Obama surpasses even Planned Parenthood and NARAL in trivializing the value of innocent human life. In a shocking justification of infanticide, Ayers' and Wright's state legislator insisted that babies who survive abortion and are born alive must not receive medical care lest they be acknowledged as persons, undermining the decision to abort.

Three times he voted against Illinois' Born-Alive Infants Protection Act -- the third time, against virtually the same legislation approved 98-0 by the US Senate in 2001. He is fully committed to sign as president the Freedom of Choice Act, to rescind all federal and state restrictions on abortion. He pretends to regard this with all moral gravity, but when asked at the Saddleback Church forum to identify at what point a baby's human rights begin, he replied flippantly that to answer this specifically is "above my pay grade."[16]

He claims to follow the Golden Rule, but his own words condemn him: "America's greatest moral failure--has been that we still don't abide by that basic recept in Matthew that 'whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.'" In the cult of the Marxist messiah, infants in and out of the womb are slain with Jesus on the altar of expediency.

The harm Obama's "reproductive justice" will inflict on children extends beyond their survival of infancy. In accord with Planned Parenthood's agenda he claims "it's the right thing to do to provide age-appropriate sex education" to kindergartners.[17] The purpose of sex education, its proponents initially alleged, is to prevent teen pregnancy and transmission of STDs. How then is sex education "age-appropriate" for kindergartners? Don't parents already teach their kids no one may touch their privates? Do kindergartners need knowledge of the reproductive process? No, this "age-appropriate sex education" includes STD prevention, and under that guise its purpose is to awaken the sexual curiosity of children prematurely and to exploit their innocent minds for early affirmation of the Left's lifestyle choices. It's really the advocacy of "gender" justice.

Likewise, Obama's opposition to parents' choosing of their children's school is because he, like the terrorist Ayers who created his political career, regards education as an instrument of Marxist revolution. To that end Ayers first made him chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, and in turn Obama dispensed millions to their communist comrades under the guise of "education reform" -- to indoctrinate with the "social justice" of Marxism the fertile minds of Chicago's children.

Before his campaign restricted her opportunities to expose their agenda, Michelle Obama revealed that despite his denials he really supports gay marriage but the issue is too controversial to openly endorse before the election. "It's like you gotta do the baby steps," she told The New Yorker, explaining the community organizer's ploy. "You don't start with the hardest, toughest issues when you're trying to unite a group."[18] She told the DNC's Gay and Lesbian Leadership Council that he will repeal the Defense of Marriage Act,[19] and she regards opposition to the gay agenda as morally equivalent to racial discrimination in Selma.[20] Hand in hand with gay marriage is the recruitive adoption of children into such a home.

What may account for his allegiance to this agenda? In his adolescence and teens Barry Obama was mentored by Frank Marshall Davis, a Stalinist agent of the Communist Party USA with an FBI dossier of 600 pages.[21] In his personal life a bisexual, a pedophile, and a lecher who roamed parks seeking sex with strangers, Davis later wrote that he "specialized in sex" during that time frame and previously boasted that his deviance acted out his communist rebellion.[22]

Davis was the mysterious "Frank" whose actual identity and importance was largely concealed in Obama's memoir. Analysis of the Dreams memoir indicates the principal author was Ayers, the communist terrorist who created Obama's political career. The memoir is secretive about key aspects of Obama's life, concealing his activities and his communist and Islamic allies at Columbia, at Harvard and in Chicago.

Nonetheless the memoir does disclose that "Frank" initiated young Barry's racial obsession and his resentment of whites, and manifests his retributive hatred of America. Despite living in the post-racial paradise of Hawaii and attending a prestigious prep school there, "I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that I was ingratiating myself to whites."[23] The memoir discloses that Frank and Barry's grandfather had the lad write sexual limericks, that Frank warned him against women and that Frank gave the minor whiskey. Also disclosed is Barry's discomfort in sensing a transactional arrangement between the two men -- the same discomfort he felt at the age of 11 or 12 when Gramps routinely took him to a sleazy bar in the red-light district, adorned with pornographic images on the walls, where the grandfather sought others' acceptance for being different.[24]

These deviant men had the opportunities to influence Obama's formative years because his Marxist Kenyan father abandoned him in his infancy, and because for her career his Marxist white mother abandoned both his stepfather and Barry in his youth.

Obama is not responsible for the corrupting influences and damaging experiences to which he was subjected as a child. It is a tragedy, for which he as a private citizen would warrant our compassion. But he is responsible as an adult for seeking to impose those influences and experiences on America, for his determination to act out his narcissistic personality disorder against our nation.

In a 2007 speech reviewing the history and future of Communism in America, Gerald Horne, a contributing editor of the Communist Party journal Political Affairs, identified Frank Marshall Davis as the "Frank" hidden in Obama's memoir. The speech's occasion was a university's reception of the Community Party USA's archives for its library. Horne hailed Davis as "a decisive influence in helping [Obama] to find his present identity as an African-American, a people who have been the least anti-communist and the most left-leaning of any constituency in this nation." With optimism Horne envisioned a future day when Obama's memoir will be assigned reading for students of Communism alongside Davis' autobiography. [25]

Young Barry's Stalinist mentor trained him well -- politically, psychologically and culturally.

While Obama opposes applying Jesus' ethics to the unborn and newborn, he claims the Sermon on the Mount is more definitive on gay marriage than the apostle Paul's judgment of homosexual behavior in the Romans letter, alleging the latter is only "an obscure line."[26] In reality the Sermon on the Mount upholds and raises the heterosexual bar of Judaism's ethics,[27] and Paul likewise affirms without ambiguity the standard Jewish teaching against homosexual conduct.[28] Paul's argument is that Roman society's engagement in such practices manifests a rebellion against the world as God created it, against the Creator who designed male and female to be heterosexual as is evident from the procreative function of our bodies.

Just as Obama supports abortion and infanticide, so too he opposes legislative efforts by Christians and non-Christians to prevent the Left's re-definition of marriage. His assault on the family seeks to impose a social novelty never adopted even by Greco-Roman paganism. Thus the lord Obama sanctifies in matrimony males sodomizing males and sanctions the killing of unwanted infants as non-personal tissue masses.

In their rebellion against reality as God made it, Marxists are seeking to impose their political, psychological and cultural pathology on America, with Barack Hussein Obama as the anointed Leader. While posturing as morally enlightened, Obamessiah is antichristian and a malignant narcissist to the core. Big Media's elite are his adoring disciples, the god whom he worships is himself, and this false messiah's kingdom is Americare-made an oppressive Marxist state.

The United States faces a far greater risk on November 4, 2008 than it did on September 11, 2001. On this election day, all Americans who value life and liberty have a moral duty to themselves and future generations to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin, and against the Marxist messiah.


[1]For a transcript of that interview, see http://obamahood.org/?page_id=37.

[2] "Transcript of Obama, McCain at Saddleback Civil Forum with Pastor Rick Warren" (August 16, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times, August 18, 2008.

[3] Ariel Sabar, "Barack Obama: Putting Faith Out Front," The Christian Science Monitor, July 16, 2007.

[4] Nick Pisa, "Barack Obama's 'Lost' Brother Found in Kenya," The Telegraph (UK), August 21, 2008.

[5] Jack Cashill, "Who Wrote 'Dreams From My Father'?" WorldNetDaily,October 29, 2008.

[6] "Found in a Rundown Boston Estate: Barack Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango," TheTimes , October 30, 2008.

[7] Matthew 26:6-13.

[8] Luke 12:13-34.

[9] Matthew 6:24-34; 19:23-30; 25:14-30.

[10] Matthew 18:1-14.

[11] Against Apion, Book 2, 25.

[12] Didache 2:2.

[13] Epistle of Barnabas 19:5.

[14] At the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Obama boasted: "Throughout my career, I've been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100% pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America" ("Sen. Barack Obama's Record on Choice," NARAL Pro-Choice America).

[15] Speech at Johnston, Pennsylvania, March 31, 2008.

[16] Lynn Sweet, "Transcript of Obama, McCain at Saddleback Civil Forum with Pastor Rick Warren" (August 16, 2008), Chicago Sun-Times, August 18, 2008.

[17] "Sex Ed for Kindergarteners 'Right Thing to Do,' Says Obama," ABC News Blog, July 18, 2007, italics supplied.

[18] Lauren Collins, "The Other Obama. Michelle Obama and the Politics of Candor," The New Yorker, March 10, 2008.

[19] "Mrs. Obama Reaffirms Husband's Support to Gay Community," ABC News, June 27, 2008.

[20] Celeste Katz, "Michelle Obama's The Belle of Gay Democrats Ball," New York Daily News, June 26, 2008.

[21] Cliff Kincaid, "Who Was Frank Marshall Davis?" Kincaid's website USASurvival.org contains copies of the FBI dossier on Davis.

[22] Cliff Kincaid, "Obama's Red Mentor Was a Pervert," Family Security Matters, August 26, 2008.

[23] Dreams rom My Fathers. A Story of Race and Inheritance (New York: Three Rivers Press, 1995), p. xv.

[24] Ibid, pp. 76-77.

[25] Gerald Horne, "Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party," Political Affairs, March 28, 2007, italics supplied.

[26] The Audacity of Hope. Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (New York: Three Rivers Press, 2006), p. 222.

[27] Matthew 5:27-32.

[28] Romans 1:26-28.

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