
Many were intimidated out of attending. It was truly their loss.

The lowdown from my dinner with Dr. Ben Carson

Last Saturday night was not the first time my wife and I had had dinner with Dr. Carson and his wife. This time it was with about 300 friends and supporters of Victory Over Diabetes. It was a fundraising dinner and Dr. Carson was the keynote speaker, and I had the pleasure of introducing him.
The event was originally planned for about 600 attendees based on past history, but I learned from the organizer of the event that several organizations and individuals (even some doctors) backed out when they learned that Dr. Carson was the keynote speaker. Their reason? Dr. Carson had publicly criticized ObamaCare, and they did not want to be targeted by Big Brother for associating with someone so well known for criticizing the president's health care plan. It's called intimidation avoidance, even if they do not agree with the plan. This was not an isolated incident. I have had callers to my radio show express similar instances of threatened or even actual intimidation because they did not agree or support a liberal objective of this administration. Dr. Carson shared with me that similar attempted disruptions of events had happened where he was scheduled to be the keynote speaker.

This is no different from the intimidation by the IRS of targeting conservative groups applying for not-for-profit status. That's corruption and abuse of power, which this president and Democrats deny. The president even says there's "not even a smidgen of corruption" at the IRS. Right! Several years ago when I was also on the radio as a talk show host, a caller said I was "shameless" for disagreeing with our "black president". I told him that when we cannot disagree or criticize our elected "leaders", then we are no longer a democratic republic, but we will have become a nation governed by tyranny. I also told him that some of us will not let that happen on our watch. When the patriots who were willing to fight and die for the birth of this new nation against Ol' King George, there were probably some citizens who did not want to fight or be intimidated by supporters of "The King". But yet, they benefitted and celebrated the eventual victory. Just like the birth of this nation, some of us will fight to preserve our liberties, and use our voices to inspire those willing to fight with us for what's right. For those that would rather remain silent, that's fine, just don't get in our way. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is quoted as saying, "Our lives begin to end, when we remain silent about things that matter." Some of us are going to make some noise to expose the truth! Renowned retired surgeon Dr. Ben Carson is one of those voices of truth. He gave one of the most informative and inspiring speeches I have ever heard.

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Herman Cain——

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