
"If I met God, I would f*** him."

VIDEO: Pro-gay tourism company mocks job-seeker because she attended Christian college

Canada's Bethany Paquette surely had no idea what a firestorm she was walking into when she applied for a job as a tour guide with Amaruk Wilderness Company.
An experienced river-rafting guide, Paquette probably figured she had a lot to offer to a company like Amaruk. What she didn't anticipate was that the company's hiring manager - a self-proclaimed Viking named Olaf Amundsen who declares himself steeped in Norse culture - would note on her resume that she attended the Christian college known as Trinity Western University . . . and go completely insane. Amundsen didn't just reject Paquette's application. He didn't just make the flimsy claim that she is unqualified. No, he launched into a tirade against Paquette because she is a Christian. The CBC reports:
He explained why graduates from Trinity Western are not welcome in the Norwegian company.

"In asking students to refrain from same-sex relationships, Trinity Western University, and any person associated with it, has engaged in discrimination." He ended the email writing, "'God bless' is very offensive to me and yet another sign of your attempts to impose your religious views on me. "I do not want to be blessed by some guy... who has been the very reason for the most horrendous abuses and human rights violations in the history of the human race." Amundsen then used an expletive to state that if he met God, he would have sex with him.
Except that's not exactly how he said it, if you see what I'm saying. Here's a video in which Paquette gives more details of what happened, and explains why she decided to file a formal complaint with British Columbia's Human Rights Tribunal: This should be interesting. Canada is not known for its commitment to the rights of Christians, especially as it pertains to the expression of beliefs concerning homosexuality. But if there is any legal principle whatsoever in Canada to prohibits religious discrimination, it simply has to be applied in this case. Culturally, here's what you have to recognize about what happened here. This Amundsen guy may have gone too far, but what his behavior demonstrates is that the cultural/secular left now has no fear whatsoever that it will pay any price for its hostility toward Christians, and thinks that gay rights provides the license it needs to go all out. And I've been telling you this: The gay rights movement is not really about gay rights at all. It's about marginalizing the Word of God and everyone who lives according to it. This incident proves it. Bethany Paquette didn't make any statement in her job application concerning homosexuals. All she did was indicate where she went to school. That was enough for Olaf Amundsen, who took that one piece of information as his cue to go on a rampage against her - citing gay rights as his rationale, but making it clear as he went on that his issue is really with Christianity in general. There is a cultural divide in this society, and as this story demonstrates it's not only in the United States. Homosexuality is not what the divide is all about. God is. The Christian person who refuses to support gay marriage, and refuses to say that homosexuality presents no moral problems, is not hating anyone but is practicing obedience to the Word of God. That is what really threatens secular society - the idea that anyone other than themselves has a say in what they do. Christians don't object to living according to God's Word because it is righteous and good. We celebrate verses like Psalm 119:9, which exalt purity. The secular world recoils at such notions, because to them when you talk about "purity" you're just trying to take away all their fun. Bethany Paquette didn't show up at Amaruk preaching to anyone. She just wanted to be a tour guide. It didn't matter. Olaf Amundsen was threatened not by anything she did or said, but by who she is and the God she serves. That's why he went on his little rampage. In many ways, secular society is doing the exact same thing right now. We all need to respond to it with the same strength, grace and class that Bethany Paquette did.

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Dan Calabrese——

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