
'ISIS is now going to regret this … because King Abdullah is not Barack Obama.'

Jordan's King Abdullah quotes Eastwood - takes the gloves off in battle with ISIS

Here in the United States, we're used to an administration that dithers, deliberates, and debates every issue until it's too late to do anything of substance. It's Obama's standard M.O. and we've seen it with Keystone XL, the HealthCare.gov debacle, and - most egregiously - his decision to label ISIS the jayvee team.
King Abdullah of Jordan is not Barack Obama. After seeing Americans beheaded by ISIS, Obama is busy wondering what "bankrupt ideology" could possibly have spurred such atrocities. After seeing his pilot burned alive, King Abdullah is quoting Clint Eastwood and promising to wipe ISIS off the face of the Earth. As Al Arabiya News reports; Abdullah spoke with members of Congress, including Republican Rep. and USMC vet Duncan Hunter Jr, and made his intentions clear:
During a private session with members of the House Armed Services Committee lawmakers, the king expressed his anger by citing American movie icon Clint Eastwood. “He said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn’t seen,” said the Marine Corps veteran. However, Hunter would not say which part of “Unforgiven” the king quoted, but noted it was where Eastwood’s character describes how he is going to deliver his retribution.

For the record, the scene to which he's referring is most likely the one that contains the following lines:
Any man I see out there, I'm gonna shoot him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down.
Now the Jordanian Air Force is gearing up for a massive series of strikes that will allegedly dwarf anything they've done in the past. The gloves are off, and their leader is furious.
“He’s angry,” Hunter said of King Abdullah. “They’re starting more sorties tomorrow than they’ve ever had. They’re starting tomorrow. And he said, ‘The only problem we’re going to have is running out of fuel and bullets.’” “He’s ready to get it on,” Hunter added. “He really is. It reminded me of how we were after 9/11. We were ready to give it to them.”
How utterly refreshing to see that there's at least someone out there who knows this problem isn't going to be talked away. There's no diplomatic solution here. No half-measure will appease ISIS and they aren't going to simply "settle" for what they've already done. You can't "degrade" them into submission. This ends one of two ways: their complete destruction or Western defeat. ...And it appears that Abdullah knows that the U.S. President isn't someone he can really rely on. Hunter also said that the lawmakers and King Abdullah did not make any mention of U.S. President Barack Obama. He added: “ISIS is now going to regret this … because King Abdullah is not Barack Obama.” King Abdullah is not Barack Obama? Ya don't say....

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Robert Laurie——

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