
State sponsor of terrorism.

While Obama and Kerry work on their nuclear 'deal,' Iran ramps up financial support of Hamas

While President Obama and his surrogates were busy working on their "historic" deal with Iran, the totally peaceful terrorist nation in question was busy with plans of its own.

Iran, as you're no doubt aware, has no interest in a nuclear weapon because having one would be "against their religion." Because of this, you should have no concerns about the United States lifting sanctions in exchange for...um...helping them get that bomb they don't want. Unfortunately, there are a few things that aren't against their religion. Chief among these is "working to destroy Israel by funding terrorist organizations." As the Telegraph reported this weekend, at the same time America's "leaders" were helping Iran achieve their nuclear dreams, Iran was busy helping Hamas rebuild their tunnels into Israel.
Iran has sent Hamas’s military wing tens of millions of dollars to help it rebuild the network of tunnels in Gaza destroyed by Israel’s invasion last summer, intelligence sources have told The Sunday Telegraph. It is also funding new missile supplies to replenish stocks used to bombard residential neighbourhoods in Israel during the war, code-named Operation Protective Edge by Israel. The renewed funding is a sign that the two old allies are putting behind them a rift caused by the conflict in Syria, where Shia Iran is backing President Bashar al-Assad against Hamas’s mainly Sunni allies. Iran has sponsored Hamas’s military operations for years, despite the contradiction that Hamas is part of the worldwide, Sunni-supremacist Muslim Brotherhood, while Iran is Shia.
Isn't that nice of Iran? Despite the grueling sanctions under which their nation toils, their supreme leaders have still found a way to supply and rebuild Israel's enemies to the tune of tens of millions of dollars! Fortunately, President Obama has promised that - despite all evidence to the contrary - our deal with the Iranians doesn't "place them on the path to a nuclear weapon." If it did, they might be tempted to smuggle one into Israel via those tunnels they're funding. It's great to know that we can count on their pious nature to ensure that such a terrible scenario never comes to pass.
