
And with Anderson Cooper's help, he flogs the conspiracy strawman

In CNN town hall, Obama very disappointed in you for not agreeing with his gun grab

You don't think someone has this backward, do you? The president of the United States is determined to shove gun control down the throats of a nation that decidedly does not want it, and the president is very frustrated with the people for disagreeing with him. I've had enough of your insolence! CNN thought it would be a good idea to host a town hall, with an audience consisting of partisans on both sides of the issue, so Obama could calmly explain his position and "bridge the gap." Yeah. That didn't go well, despite Anderson Cooper's attempt to help Obama by painting his critics as wild-eyed conspiracy theorists. Needless to say, Obama took that and ran with it, since not much else was going right for him:
This is a classic tactic of dishonest people: Take your opponents' argument to a ridiculous extreme and then argue against the extreme. Martial law? There may be some people unhinged enough to believe that but most who oppose his gun control agenda simply don't believe you make people safer by making it more difficult for them to arm themselves, and don't believe "common sense" measures like the ones Obama talks about would have done anything to stop the mass shootings we've had recently. Because even Obama's liberal media allies admit they wouldn't. The Washington Post hilariously portrayed this whole exercise as an attempt by Obama to "bring people together" on the issue, which is of course not what he's trying to do at all. He's trying to marginalize and defeat those who don't agree with him, and when he fails, he thinks it's because his opponents live in a fantasy world: That Obama’s forum was broadcast on cable news — which the president has said he almost never watches, because of the hyper-partisan discourse — shows how determined he is to break through the noise to reach the public. The NRA called the show a “public relations spectacle orchestrated by the White House.” A CNN spokeswoman said the network approached the White House with the idea for the forum after the mass shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., last month and maintained complete editorial control. The president fielded questions from a rape victim who opposes more gun restrictions, but also from gun-control advocate Mark Kelly, husband of former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who survived a shooting in 2011. Giffords stood next to him. “Part of the reason this ends up being a really difficult issue is that people occupy different realities,” Obama said.

No, it's a "difficult issue" for Obama because he is ideologically wedded to an agenda that most of the nation doesn't want and has never wanted. The media affirms his thinking, which probably leads him to believe he has more support than he really does, but the American public wants to protect its right to arm itself against those who would do them harm - whether that's a street thug, a jihadist or "white militia terrorists" the left is so excited to talk about these days. This is a perfect example of why Obama is a terrible leader. He's got a notion in his head that has no support in Congress and is strongly opposed by a majority of the public. He has no chance of succeeding at it and no one outside his cheering section wants him to. Yet he brings it up again and again, and displays obvious impatience and disdain with the American public for not simply accepting what he wants to do on the matter. I certainly believe that leadership is more than just reading the polls and doing whatever is popular. But that doesn't mean a president is supposed to stubbornly pursue an agenda that has no legislative support and is opposed by the public. That's called knowing which fights to pick, and Obama doesn't - nor does he have any idea how to correctly diagnose the problem of gun violence in America. So he goes on TV and expresses his exasperation with you for daring to oppose his agenda. You are not serving him well! You bad, bad country.

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