
Megan Barth

Articles with Katy Grimes

Megan Barth, is co-chair of RedWave America PAC and The Media Equality Project. She serves as national spokeswoman for MediaEqualizer.com, the leading online watchdog for the intersection of Media, Technology and Government. .

Most Recent Articles by Megan Barth:

Progressives and Jihadists: A Multicultural Matrimony of Cultural Genocide Wedded in Blood

Assimilation is a crime against humanity...There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and that’s it...The mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the cupolas our helmets, and the faithful our soldiers. -- Tyyip Erdogan, President of Turkey, 2008
The progressive altar of multiculturalism and diversity was bloodied yet again with the lives of the innocent. Many young girls, one as young as eight, were savagely murdered by a 22-year-old Islamic suicide-bombing loser who detonated a bomb full of nails, bolts and other shrapnel. Twenty-two innocent people murdered, families obliterated, dozens maimed and scarred for life by, yet again, another Muslim male.
- Saturday, May 27, 2017

Fixing Dodd-Frank From the Bottom Up

The fact that the House managed to cobble together the votes needed to pass Obamacare repeal should be a lesson to the House Leadership, which has for too long attempted to legislate from the top down. By giving conservatives like Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) a seat at the table, they managed to pass a bill that many in the media were already pronouncing dead. It is a lesson that did not escape House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX).
- Saturday, May 13, 2017

Big Government “Off-Sets" Will Stymie the Reagan Revival

Obamacare repeal was supposed to be an easy lift. For seven years, every Republican in Washington pledged to repeal and replace the law that has greatly damaged our health care system. Yet when it was time for a vote, political and legislative realities hit them in the face. Enacting legislation, even when in the majority, is never easy. While the GOP is pledging to revisit the issue, others are now shifting their attention to tax reform.
- Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Musk misses the earmark on Mars Colonization

Elon Musk has hit back at claims that President Donald Trump’s new NASA bill will be good for his space exploration business, saying it does nothing to get SpaceX's mission to Mars off the ground. Musk also claims the new funding will not provide a boost to his aims of making commercial travel to Mars a reality for the public.
- Saturday, March 25, 2017

Making Made in America Great Again

“As Factory Jobs Disappear, Ohio Town Has Few Options.” That headline from the New York Times has become an all-too-familiar staple of American journalism, a bitter reminder of how globalization has decimated the manufacturing sector in America’s heartland.
- Friday, February 17, 2017

Grassroots Conservatives to Congress and the President – Don’t Raise the Cost of Investment

Margaret Thatcher reminded us that one of the problems with socialism is you “eventually run out of other people’s money,” but that doesn’t stop liberals like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) from finding more sources. His latest crusade is an effort to increase taxes on investment income – namely carried interest capital gains.
- Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Elon Musk and Donald Trump: Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows

President-elect Donald Trump has put together a strong list of appointees to serve in his new administration. Many of his appointees have been his longest and most loyal supporters of his candidacy and his vision to "Make America Great Again," which makes his appointment of Elon Musk to a corporate advisory panel surprising and worthy of scrutiny.
- Thursday, January 19, 2017

Here's How Trump's HHS Pick Will Change Obamacare

Conservatives who viewed the insurgent candidacy of New York businessman Donald Trump with suspicion have been relieved at the speed and quality of his selections to fill his cabinet. Perhaps most comforting was the recent choice of Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) to head the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
- Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Cronyism in Space?

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" was the phrase that defined a historic event--a global, scientific breakthrough which defined American ingenuity and exceptionalism. A generation of innovators, explorers, and scientists were inspired by this new world which had opened because of the ingenuity and talent responsible for completing NASA's core mission: deep space exploration, aeronautics and science.
- Thursday, November 24, 2016

Lame Duck Congress Should Stand for Privacy Rights

As America begins the peaceful transition of power from President Obama to President-elect Trump, we have the opportunity to reevaluate the direction and focus of our country. But during the next two months, the retained Republican majority in both Houses of Congress has the chance to be more than just a lame-duck Congress waiting for January to roll around.
- Saturday, November 19, 2016

Obama's Plan to Kill the Loan Industry

This month, liberal bureaucrats have continued to prove that they are out of touch with the reality that average Americans are forced to face each day. Those who lean left believe that the purpose of government is to shelter the citizenry from self-inflicted harm. The problem is that, more times than not, their assessments are dead wrong.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Voting System is Rigged--Part Two:

Morality and integrity are not two adjectives used by informed, objective voters to describe Hillary Clinton, and her hypocrisy is hard to measure. But what can be measured is the amount of fraud and deceptive practices the Democratic National Committee used, as uncovered by Wikileaks, to rig the 2016 primary election.
- Thursday, August 18, 2016

A DNC Khan Job to Keep the People Ignorant

While the main stream media has been proven to be the campaign mouthpiece for the DNC...oh, wait. Forgive me. Have you forgotten about the #DNCLeaks from Julian Assange? The leaks that exposed the press for colluding with the DNC and the DNC rigging the primary election to secure the nomination for Hillary?
- Thursday, August 4, 2016

Ted Lieu's Koch Problem

In case you missed the release of the 2016 Democratic platform, the use of federal government agencies to punish those who disagree with them on "Climate Change" is their regressive progressive reality and many of their climate change cohorts have already launched their assault on Exxon Mobile.
- Tuesday, July 12, 2016

#LOVEISLOVE Unless you are a Gay Muslim

I refuse to allow America to become a place where gay people, Christian people, and Jewish people, are the targets of persecution and intimidation by Radical Islamic preachers of hate and violence. It's not just a national security issue. It is a quality of life issue. If we want to protect the quality of life for all Americans --women and children, gay and straight, Jews and Christians and all people--then we need to tell the truth about Radical Islam. -- Donald J. Trump
- Wednesday, June 15, 2016


No matter which party wins the White House in November our next Commander in Chief will inherit a world far more unstable than at any point in recent history. From the rapid expansion of ISIS, to recent nuclear tests in North Korea, to the many problems in Afghanistan and Iraq, the very real threats to America and its allies have never been more evident.
- Tuesday, June 7, 2016
