
Obie Usategui

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values. Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End--"The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections"

Most Recent Articles by Obie Usategui:

Trump vs. Ramos Bout

You know what, I thought my frenzy point for irking with madness had just about reached its limits of confinement when I saw Barack Obama eagerly shaking the bloodied hands of Cuban dictators Fidel and Raul Castro – the entire charade followed by the idiot John Kerry’s ceremony raising the American flag at the just re-opened Cuban embassy in Havana, not much after the jackass [Kerry] had virtually given Iran a free pass to becoming a nuke state, while Iranians lolled to the chants of “death to America”
- Sunday, August 30, 2015

Like all her other scandals, Clinton will escape unscathed from the email scandal

For many, Hillary Clinton’s most recent scandal regarding the use of a non-government server for her personal email accounts while conducting highly sensitive and confidential government business may come as somewhat of a revelation in terms of the enormous publicity she has received given the potential consequences that may ensue from her actions, including but not limited to her being indicted on a criminal offense.
- Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Planned Parenthood Carnage

Just in case you may have missed it, one of the most gruesome and poignantly repulsive stories as of lately has to be Planned Parenthood's federally subsidized marketing of aborted fetuses -- our tax dollars being used at their best, right? What is America coming to?
- Sunday, August 2, 2015

Barack Hussein Obama, The Muslim President

You know what? Not a day goes by where I am not appalled with what we have come to be as a nation -- the once mighty superpower we once were -- to be no more; now the laughing stock of many around the world, especially our adversaries.
- Monday, July 27, 2015

Letter to Pope Francis

Your Holiness Pope Francis Apostolic Palace Vatican City 00120 Your Holiness: I am one of approximately one million Cubans, who, on a day like today, fled our homeland for good – a Caribbean island, who, discoverer Christopher Columbus, described as: “The most beautiful land that human eyes have ever beheld”. That was Cuba. That same island which on January 1st, 1959, would warmly welcome a cadre of bearded soldiers of fortune, dressed in olive green liveries, impregnated, still, with scents of killing fields; their chests radiantly covered with hanging crosses embodying the same church, which your Holiness now presides – crosses consigned to deceive the fanatical masses of indulging supporters, who gallantly praised the combatants as titans of liberty.
- Sunday, May 17, 2015

Bonnie and Clyde-- The Clintons' Scandals

While I get used to hearing the name of Hillary Clinton mentioned just about everywhere I turn to as her political campaign for the 2016 presidential elections gets underway, I cannot help but reminisce on the trail of lies that she and husband Bill have left behind in their Machiavellian crusade to 'making it'. Bill and Hillary's legacy of deceitful politics and politically smeared crusades for prowess comes as a renewed version of our own 21st century Bonnie and Clyde parody of outlaws--a tad less colorful maybe, if yet as daringly wicked as the legendary banditti.
- Sunday, May 10, 2015

Barack Hussein Obama--A Legacy of Desecration

For the past seven years, maybe a little more, since back at the time when the 2008 presidential elections were reaching their peak of political controversy upon the unsightly possibility that a quisling candidate with a dubious pedigree by the name of Barack Hussein Obama, threatened to become the next president of the United States of America, I forewarned the world, especially the American people, of the magnanimous menace this enigmatic man represented to all of us and to the world.
- Sunday, April 19, 2015

Would the real Hillary please stand up?

If you were not born in the 1960s or '70s, chances are you never got to watch a T.V. panel game show that first aired back in 1956, appropriately named "To Tell The Truth". The show featured a panel of celebrities whose object was to pose questions to three contestants as a way of identifying which one of them was the real character for his or her unusual occupation.
- Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Bowe Bergdahl Charade

You know, there is an old adage which claims that as we grow older we grow wiser. And so it is, as well it should be. There used to be a time when, politically speaking, I would always attempt to rationalize, legitimize, if you will, most antithetical historical events.
- Sunday, February 1, 2015

American Sniper

Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who has already seen the blockbuster and one of the all-time box-office record holders, American Sniper, Clint Eastwood's film adaptation of the life of Christopher Scott "Chris" Kyle, released on December 2014. Kyle is considered to be the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history, while accumulating 160 confirmed kills, out of 255 probable kills.
- Sunday, January 25, 2015

2016 Election: American on the Precipice...

A close friend of mine just recently asked me what I thought of the 2016 elections. Now, for anyone who knows me, the thought of trying to give my friend any kind of simple-minded answers, was, predictably a practical impossibility.
- Sunday, January 11, 2015

The House of God

There are a few topics or subjects in life which you just don't care to discuss as, invariably you will always tap unto someone else's wrong chord whenever you do; probably awakening, if you will, all kinds of passionate responses - at times outright anger. Needless to say, I refer to religion as one of those subjects if not [the] subject, habitually known for stirring more controversies than any other. To make matters worse, the fervent nature of any religious controversy can be such that, more often than not, will bring out, again, the worst in all of us.
- Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A Day in Infamy - Barack Obama's Cuban Pact

For the most part of the Cuban-American community residing in Miami, Florida, the day of Wednesday, December 17th, 2014, will -- more likely than not -- go down in their history books as a day in infamy, much the same as did December 7th, 1941, for all Americans. The former, when Barack Obama announced the U.S. restoring full relations with Cuba, including the opening of an embassy in the island -- a bold move aimed at ending over 50 years of hostility between the two countries -- the latter when the Royal Empire of Japan attacked the United States Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.
- Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Ferguson Charade--Part II

The Ferguson Charade
At approximately 8:15 p.m., on Monday, November 25th, 2014, St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch began his news conference at a courthouse in Clayton, Mo., by expressing his sympathies for Michael Brown's family, noting that they lost a loved one to violence. On August 9th, Brown had been shot dead by police officer Darren Wilson, presumably, while using justifiable deadly-force in the line of duty as he defended himself from a life-threatening attack by Brown, pursuant to the latter committing a strong-arm robbery just minutes prior to his killing.
- Friday, November 28, 2014

Ebola and ISIS -- the Similarities

Ebola and ISIS  -- the Similarities
The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. Ebola virus disease (EVD) first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, one in Nzara, Sudan, and the other in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter occurred in a village near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.
- Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Obama Scandals

I first set foot on this great land we call the United States of America, back one October day in 1960. The minute I stepped down the ladder of my airline carrier, I marveled at what I saw - a sight to behold. There it was, the U.S., a bastion of hope for many like me fleeing from communism - the most dreaded political regime known to mankind.
- Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Tahmooressi Affair

The Tahmooressi Affair,
For many of you who have been following my political blogs, you just may have become aware of my absolute and redundant disparagement for Barack Obama; a repudiation which once led me to writing my article, later turned into a book 'The Beginning of the End', wherein I go to great lengths in sharing with the American public my worst fears for what this man [Barack Obama] and his cronies are doing to this great nation of ours, to how this charlatan impostor has transformed America, sinking our country to unfathomable levels never before seen of disarray, chaos and bedlam both here and abroad.
- Saturday, October 4, 2014

Meet your next President

Meet your next President, Hillary Clinton
You know, the closer we get to the 2016 presidential elections, the more I fret the uncertain future which may lay ahead for our great nation, courtesy, if you will, of some of my fellow-Americans lackadaisical deportment regarding our decadent State of the Union; a paradoxical departure from everything that America stood for just prior to our president Barack Obama's untimely election, as he claimed on October 30th, 2008, to being just five days away [election day] from fundamentally transforming the nation. A feat, which, in hindsight, he was able to consummate fully and unobstructed.
- Monday, September 29, 2014

Obama and the ISIS Threat

Obama and the ISIS Threat
If my memory serves me right, I first stumbled upon the term demagogue circa 1959 at the time when Cuba's communist dictator Fidel Castro first came into power. After one of Castro's unending speeches back in the day, I remember my father referring to the dictator as the quintessential demagogue, which immediately triggered my curiosity as to the meaning of this word.
- Sunday, September 14, 2014

Open letter to Barack Obama

Hope that by the time you receive this letter everything is well with you. Forgive me for using your real name, but I figured that you would want to quit using the Barack Obama pseudonym as soon as possible considering the 2016 elections are almost around the corner. As a matter of fact, I personally like the Barry Soetoro name much better.
- Friday, September 5, 2014
