
Grasping at straws

NBC's Andrea Mitchell says tonight's Dem debate a chance for Hillary to re-introduce herself

Earlier this year, I argued that Hillary had no pro-active way to improve her numbers. Voters have had thirty years to familiarize themselves with everything she has to offer. There's nothing up her sleeve anymore: no surprises, no new policies, and no positive way to improve her image. For better or worse, what you think about Hillary - right this very moment - is about as good as it's going to get. The only thing she can do is try to ride out the primaries and pray that she can levy enough attacks against her eventual opponent to make herself look palatable by comparison. Every time she opens her mouth, she makes things worse, so her handlers (and her party) have done whatever they can to control or bury her appearances

...And it's not working. Hillary's infamous glass jaw is on full display, and it's obvious that the left is losing faith. Check out Andrea Mitchell, who suggests that tonight's Dem debate is a chance for Hillary to re-introduce herself to voters: That begs the question: What on Earth is there to re-introduce? Mitchell, and every other media talking head on the planet has been following, and reporting on, Hillary Clinton for decades. What can she possibly say that we haven't heard a thousand times before? Much like Jeb Bush, and his effort to re-re-re-re-launch his campaign, Hillary's presidential appeal (or lack thereof) is baked in. You can put her in front of cameras from now until kingdom come, but you won't change that simple fact.

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Robert Laurie——

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