
Saving the savable . . . if we can.

Illogical liberals

First, Merry Christmas and happy 2017!  Thanks to all our readers and listeners for making our information platforms a collective success! We will continue to tell you the truth in 2017 and beyond!

Liberals possess that mindset based on emotions, distorted information and illogical conclusions

Now, let's first give a description of a liberal versus a conservative. We must land the plane before we take off on a logical discussion.  Liberal is a mindset. Liberals possess that mindset based on emotions, distorted information and illogical conclusions. Some liberals are savable and some are not savable. A good example is the Associated Press's conclusion that Obama's policies were a huge success. You must read Dan's commentary on this, which will leave you shaking your head as to how they could have arrived at that conclusion. I'm still shaking my head! Conservative is the opposite mindset of a liberal mindset. Conservatives base their beliefs on compassion (although not totally emotional), factual information (although the facts are sometimes elusive) and logical conclusions. We call it connecting the dots. It's not logical to be content with slow economic growth when we know we can do better. It's not logical to accept runaway government spending. It's not logical to tolerate a bureaucracy that never solves a problem. A liberal's definition of solving a problem is to slow the rate at which we are approaching the proverbial cliff, or just making the problem worse.

Classic tactics of S.I.N.: • Shift the subject • Ignoring the facts • Name calling

The best example is ObamaCare. Those of you who have been reading commentary in this space and listening to my radio show need no explanation. You are already well informed about the ObamaCare disaster. Now that I have landed the plane, this is my main point. I have watched at least a dozen interviews of liberals on TV or embedded in commentary since Donald Trump was elected president and confirmed by the Electoral College. An upcoming Trump presidency to liberals makes the phrase "the sky is falling" seem like little snowflakes gently falling from the sky. Even after ultimate denial that Trump won, several costly and futile recounts, phony fake news hyperbole, political grenades being thrown at every Trump nomination for his staff and cabinet, attempts to get the Electoral College to vote against the will of the people, mis-characterization of some of the labels that didn't stick to Trump as a candidate, liberals have gone back to their classic tactics of S.I.N.

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Liberals have also taken ignoring the facts to new heights

This time around they are trying to shift the subject by trying to talk over the interviewer. It happens on my radio show all the time. They don't want you to complete a set of logical statements that lead to logical conclusions. This tactic is also intended to get you distracted. Liberals have also taken ignoring the facts to new heights. Obama's policies were a huge success! Really! By nearly every measure (according to Obama) we are better off today than we were eight years ago. I don't think so, because some of us do not accept today's liberal mindset that this is the new normal. I didn't think the liberals could add any more name calling to Hillary's list of deplorable Trump supporters, but they are floating a new one to see if it sticks. Namely, they have added "white uneducated voters" as a possible way to explain Hillary's loss. Stated another way, it's the "white guilt - you ain't too smart if you voted for Trump" card. I don't think that dog's gonna hunt either. Since white people make up over 70 percent of our population, isn't it logical that a lot of white people voted for Trump?  Silly me! There I go with that logical thinking again! As a friend of mine speculated, and I agree, 25 percent of the anti-Trump liberals will "get over it", so we can move on to a better America.  Contrary to Time Magazine's description of Trump as president-elect of the Divided States of America, he is president-elect of the United States of America. Real time will tell. Liberals just don't see it yet in their minds, and that's part of the problem. They're stuck in their minds and they can't get out. So we will have plenty to write and talk about in 2017 to help set the record straight. Some of them will get out. Those are the savable ones! The "illogical liberals" ... well ... Bless their hearts!


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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
