
Hatred Beyond The Grave Impossible to Sustain Judi McLeod | August 30, 2018
One thing for certain, as far as the Democrats are concerned, no matter who the pick, there will never be a replacement more loyal to the progressive-left than the late Senator John McCain.

Consequence of feeding misinformation into a system. As with a computer, it's garbage in, garbage out.

The Problem of Anti-Semitic Leftist Jewish Power Daniel Greenfield | August 30, 2018
Every Jewish child born in Israel, every Jewish home that rises on a hill, is a defeat for Beinart, The Forward, and the left

Church Sexual Abuse is not responsible for Climate Change

Jerusalem, Cutting US financial aid to refugees in the West Bank and Gaza

Religious Viewpoint Censored Liberty Counsel | August 30, 2018
Today's ruling disregards the evidence that the city of Boston treats its flagpole as a public forum for all applicants except when it comes to a religious viewpoint

Ontario’s labour market among worst in North America Fraser Institute | August 30, 2018
Measuring Labour Markets in Canada and the United States

How did 'extremist Muslim' compound go undetected?

CNN stands by report on Trump's knowledge of Russia meeting

When there’s more capital in the private sector and less in the public sector, the economy is stronger and more wealth will be created. Don’t underestimate how big this news is. It’s huge.

While President Trump was being inaugurated, the Soros-funded Left was busy agitating

Bravado not withstanding, social media could not alter the outcome of the 2016 election—even through a well coordinated ganged-up effort. So they blamed the Russians

Far too many of the leadership of the Catholic Church appear to be as tone deaf as career politicians and lifelong bureaucrats. As for Bishop Patrick J. McGrath, he appears to have lost his way on many issues

Dems High Water Mark Could Be This November. Rick Hayes | August 29, 2018
Just as Gettysburg signified a turning point in the Civil War, The November midterm elections will act as a launching pad to either a prosperous free capitalist society or a steady decline toward the historically failed programs of socialism.

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The fact that James Comey chose to let her off the hook for this is one of the greatest blotches ever on the reputation of the FBI, but of course he was under orders from Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch

A new report digs deeper into the ties between Democratic state attorneys general and environmental activists.

Media Thought Police, Mainstream media is garbage

These days, guns are taboo and mass shootings have become commonplace.
