
When there’s more capital in the private sector and less in the public sector, the economy is stronger and more wealth will be created. Don’t underestimate how big this news is. It’s huge.

While President Trump was being inaugurated, the Soros-funded Left was busy agitating

Bravado not withstanding, social media could not alter the outcome of the 2016 election—even through a well coordinated ganged-up effort. So they blamed the Russians

Far too many of the leadership of the Catholic Church appear to be as tone deaf as career politicians and lifelong bureaucrats. As for Bishop Patrick J. McGrath, he appears to have lost his way on many issues

Dems High Water Mark Could Be This November. Rick Hayes | August 29, 2018
Just as Gettysburg signified a turning point in the Civil War, The November midterm elections will act as a launching pad to either a prosperous free capitalist society or a steady decline toward the historically failed programs of socialism.

The fact that James Comey chose to let her off the hook for this is one of the greatest blotches ever on the reputation of the FBI, but of course he was under orders from Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch

A new report digs deeper into the ties between Democratic state attorneys general and environmental activists.

Media Thought Police, Mainstream media is garbage

These days, guns are taboo and mass shootings have become commonplace.

• Risky defined-benefit pensions now largely the preserve of government employees
• Total unfunded liabilities for federal government employee pensions is $166 billion

Utah's oil sands industry

In the context of climate change, that means exploring the social cost of carbon at a wide range of discount rates, on a diversity of time horizons, and showing both the domestic and the global consequences

Constipation: There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | August 29, 2018

Chinese hacked Hillary Clinton’s email server Dag Barkley | August 29, 2018
"Who do we have to kill, to kill the story?"

You Cannot Go Home Again Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh | August 29, 2018
Something intangible which resides only in a person’s soul and in his/her fleeting memories

I Knotted Not Nary ’Nother Noose Jimmy Reed | August 28, 2018
Mortified, Mama froze; Gloria and Stokely entwined each other, one hissing, one screaming; and His Reverence blurted out an extremely un-ecumenical expletive.

A 6-year-old boy in Olympia was assaulted after he says he stood up to a group of kids who were bullying his friend. (KOMO News)

FBI documents show Russia dossier author deemed 'not suitable for use': Judicial Watch

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California’s economic situation wasn’t already unsustainable, we have some very bad news. You’ve got a new reason to be pessimistic

Republicans locked in heated Senate primary in Arizona
