
Trump threatens Mexico’s ‘cash cow NAFTA’ if migrant caravan isn’t stopped. Today, Mexico stops it?

A “deer in the headlights moment” where Keith Ellison spots the camera filming his reaction to the proceedings

Next time be more careful, Sheriff Main

Migrant caravans spark President Trump's twitter blast

Petrichor, the smell of rain (video) American Chemical Society | April 3, 2018
What's That After-Rain Smell Made Of?

I'm watching, bemused, as the Kinder Morgan protests continue and tens of billions of dollars, in the form of taxes and wages, continue to be lost to Canadians. I've got what big US money is doing to the Canadian oil industry on my radar screen, do y

An Oil Price Rally Is Likely Oilprice.com | April 3, 2018
As long as OPEC keeps the current production limits in place, the oil market will continue to tighten, even after taking into account U.S. shale growth

Still a long journey to a peaceful school Guest Column | April 3, 2018

The petition argues that ND is promoting a "contraceptive culture" that directly contradicts Church teaching, noting that the university itself had previously argued that even third-party coverage would violate its religious freedom

Rules were laid out in a message sent Friday to immigration judges

That's why we aren't talking about a man lying bleeding on the street because a Turkish Muslim immigrant thought he was a Jew

Retired business executive and former 2012 presidential candidate Herman Cain joins 'Your World' to discuss why top tech stocks are tanking

Australian Cricket Player available Guest Column | April 3, 2018

The last thing the Western World needs is a million more Baracks and Michelles tinkering with human society from a mega-million Resistance Center masquerading as just another library

Industry On Charade: All The News About "Fake News" You Need To Know

As for DACA, let’s recall that DACA is not a federal statute. DACA is one president’s decision to ignore a federal statute by refusing to enforce it against an entire class of people

Keep fighting for positive results Herman Cain | April 2, 2018
Just as love ultimately wins over evil, positives ultimately win over negatives.

In the clip below, you’ll see MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki demand to know what the Democrat party has planned for your taxes.

Hillary: People are only telling me to shut up and go away because I’m a woman!

Many aspects of the refugee resettlement program force states and local governments to continue to accept refugees even if they choose not to participate

High Electricity Cost From Wind and Solar Jack Dini | April 2, 2018
Generating more electricity from solar and wind is just a very expensive exercise in political correctness that will have little impact on carbon dioxide emissions, but a big impact on your wallet
