
The idea on the table is nothing like what its haters are mocking

Raw Drinks and Food Jack Dini | March 8, 2018
Raw Drinks and Food, Raw Pet Food, Raw Meat, Raw Milk, Raw Water

High stakes

The Dark Side of Artificial Intelligence Michael Fumento | March 8, 2018
Let's take our eyes away from the cell phone and ears away from Alexa long enough to ponder what Brave New World we could be ushering in

Freeing the accused? Guest Column | March 8, 2018

How to limit the amount of data Facebook and advertisers are collecting about you

The D.C. Carbon Tax Comedy of Errors Institute for Energy Research | March 8, 2018
We can challenge the misinformation surrounding the D.C. carbon tax initiative with facts: a local carbon tax would do nothing to reduce rates of childhood asthma, it is at best a clumsy way to address local air pollution

The Russians created some Facebook posts. The left is using that to end free speech on the internet.

Those fraudulent climate litigation shakedowns Paul Driessen | March 8, 2018
Which aspects are most fraudulent? The cities' lawsuits, junk science or bond offerings

Sessions lowers the boom

It's high time to Tweet Twitter out of civil society. The only way to do so is to send what Twitter is doing to babies and cops viral by contacting all of those on your contact lists

What were you hiding, Mr. Holder?

Cohn Quits Matthew Vadum | March 7, 2018
Trump’s top economic adviser resigns after losing trade policy battle

So, Mr. President, what's the holdup in fixing the DoJ?

Parkland School Shooting Is Your Government at Rest Michael R. Shannon | March 7, 2018
Sheriff Israel just decided public relations and ‘social justice’ was more important than children’s lives

Part lll Sacramento, CA Sh*thole: Sacramento Mayor and Council Continue Fight Against Developer While Ignoring Local Housing needs

British authorities to reveal more info about poisoned spy

Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional district is extremely important for America

It appears that it will not be possible to prevent the sale of fifth-generation fighter planes to Arab states forever, but it is certainly possible to delay this development by several years

Panicked owner brought choking puppy to Massachusetts police station.

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You not knowing where a piece of information came from is not the same thing as the information being false


Better health care in resource-limited countries could be possible with aid of metal-organic frameworks

Polyphenols, commonly found in red wine, could be good for oral health.

New graphene laser technique opens door for edible electronics American Chemical Society | March 7, 2018
A new laser technique that "writes" graphene onto toasted bread, potatoes and other foods could lead to the development of edible electronics.
