
Fake Antisemitism and Real Antisemitism Daniel Greenfield | March 13, 2018
It’s bad enough that the left aids anti-Semitism from Berkeley to Tehran. It’s even worse when it appropriates anti-Semitism as a political weapon even while it remains an anti-Semitic movement.

Expecting the leaders of a Christian group to believe in Christianity is going to have to be all right

Trickle-Down Trump Jim ONeill | March 13, 2018
“Trickle-down Trump” will have far reaching positive effects throughout the United States, and eventually the world

Keeping Dissidents Busy Joanna Rosamond | March 12, 2018
Hubertus Knabe: The dark secrets of a Surveillance State

There is much to be learned from the Dreyfus Affair to better understand the FBI Russia Collusion investigation

Graham is Gone—Are the Two Power Prophets Next? Rev. Michael Bresciani | March 12, 2018
The period of worldwide evangelism may be closing, but God has planned a new effort to meet the great falling away of the last days.

Media has paraded high school students to push a gun control agenda

I Won’t Die Sinning Jimmy Reed | March 12, 2018
I have never forgotten the story Jaybird told us that rainy evening. Whether it’s raining or not on my last day, I hope to die praying

Well, that's odd....

Just because you have it doesn't mean you know how to use it correctly

Jeff Sessions, Immigration, and California Douglas V. Gibbs | March 12, 2018
As the group welcomed Sessions with applause, a statewide coalition of immigrant rights groups gathered outside to protest his arrival.

Seven show title suggestions for Obamaflix Dan Calabrese | March 12, 2018
We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Making Ontario Sane Again Judi McLeod | March 12, 2018
‘Make America Great Again’, as President Trump saw again in Pennsylvania last night, because it will be a sea of blue hats, marked with the words, ‘Make Ontario Sane Again’.

FBI, ATF to assist probe into deadly package bombs in Austin

Make sure your favorite ballplayer isn't a left-wing pansy

Terrier mix named Chrome alerts sleeping Texas family that house fire was sweeping through their home.

Austin police say two fatal package bombings may be related



About time

Benjamin Netanyahu
