
A new form of aspirin to overcome ‘aspirin resistance’ American Chemical Society | October 3, 2013
They linked aspirin to a carrier consisting of a fragment of protein that can transport aspirin directly to damaged parts of blood vessels where clots form

Mr. Nice Guy

Recruiting E. coli to combat hard-to-treat bacterial infections American Chemical Society | October 3, 2013
Pseudomonas aeruginosa

The effects of designer marijuana products

america is the scum of the earth Guest Column | October 3, 2013
stupid country

Extreme Weather Events & Global Warming Guest Column | October 3, 2013
How Good Is The Evidence?

Battle for the Shire Paula Helton | October 3, 2013
We must stand and fight

It is Office Pool Time, Again! A.J. Cameron | October 3, 2013
‘Fundamental transformation’ is code for the evisceration of our God-given and constitutionally protected rights and freedoms

Health insurance companies could have fought ObamaCare, but chose instead to sell out the public for the government dole and massive subsidies

Utopian Absurdity Guest Column | October 3, 2013
Affordable Care Act

Storming the Barricades in Washington Heritage Foundation | October 3, 2013
Under federal law, there is no justifiable reason for closing the memorial

Americans are increasingly accepting of mediocrity, moral relativism, graft, and low-ambition

Corporate Welfare to Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment Canadian Taxpayers Federation | October 3, 2013
​Group to receive $500,000 of taxpayer money in 2016 for the NBA All-Star Game

It would be a catastrophe, Democrats say, but they refuse to prevent it.

History does not support Obama's narrative

"Cordial but unproductive."

The Real Debt Ceiling Arnold Ahlert | October 3, 2013
Why the credit of the United States is hanging by a thread

Big Wind Defends Billions in Welfare for 126-Year-Old ‘Infant’ Institute for Energy Research | October 2, 2013
American Wind Energy Association, AWEA, Congress, production tax credit, PTC, Robert Gramlich, Wind

No State Constitutional Right to Abortion

If park personnel arrest the World War II heroes, Washington politicians will have to go into hiding

It is time to VETO Obama Dr. Laurie Roth | October 2, 2013
The Senate is only serving their 'lord and savior' Obama

UK’s Opposition Leader haunted by his father’s Marxist background

Polar Bears Are Doing Quite Well Jack Dini | October 2, 2013
In villages across the Arctic, Inuit are reporting an invasion. Polar bears, once rare, are now strolling the streets, peeking in the windows, killing dogs, stalking

A Spicy Story Wes Porter | October 2, 2013
October gardening; Alliaria petiolata

October gardening: ‘King of Magnolias’

Fall Arrives & Some Final Garden Chores Wes Porter | October 2, 2013
October gardening

Obama threatens to veto spending measures to open parks, honor veterans....

The DNC Goes Broke Arnold Ahlert | October 2, 2013
Barack Obama's former campaign apparatus reincarnated as a nonprofit advocacy group, has emerged as a fierce competitor for donor dollars

Too bad Ted Cruz wasn't around when the red wave hit Washington. The GOP might have actually done something

Why Egyptian Christians hate Obama Ali Al Sharnoby | October 2, 2013
Muslim Brotherhood works to divide Egypt by hatred and prejudice
