
Bob Beers

Bob L. Beers was a member of the Nevada Assembly representing District 21 in Clark County, Nevada. Prior to his election in 2006, he was an author involved in graphic arts and illustration. Originally from Eureka, California, Beers attended Arcata High School and Humboldt State College. He currently resides in Henderson, Nevada with his wife and son.

Most Recent Articles by Bob Beers:

A Vote for Freedom

There was an election yesterday but you wouldn’t have known it by watching the news broadcasts. The reason for this is because this election revealed the ever growing # in Obama’s armor and the drag his administration is adding to the Democrat bandwagon. In three of the major races yesterday the Democrats lost two incumbents and changed a term limited house member for one that will probably only last one term.
- Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tea Party of GOP?

I have a confession to make, the reason for this is not to jump onto the bandwagon carrying the flood of tell all books from suddenly contrite celebrities. And no, it is not to recant and of the prose that has gotten me labeled "more unlikable than Sarah Palin". My confession is presented to maintain the ongoing integrity that caused Sue Lowden, the past chairwoman of the Nevada Republican Party to say that I was "too honest to be trusted".
- Monday, November 2, 2009

The Reason for the Hate

A lot of the time spent in political office is spent listening to other politicians pontificate. Some is spent, if you are an office holder like Sarah Palin was, and so was I, who would like to actually do something rather than just pontificate, futilely trying to get your fellow legislators to move beyond shoring up their campaign accounts. A good portion of the mess we are currently in is due to the “shoring up” style of politics.
- Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Survival of Sarah has enemies on the run

In the comments section of my article entitled “In Praise of Sarah Palin” I told my readers that any attacks against that lovely lady would not be protected against ridicule if they were made without the use of proven historical fact and other equally fair conditions. “Well now”, I said to myself with smugly self-satisfied gusto, “here is a liberal who just could not resist his mushy-brained impulses.”
- Friday, October 23, 2009

In Praise of Sarah

For the life of me I cannot see any logical reason for the intense hatred the left has for Sarah Palin. As I wrote yesterday, not one of the members of the mushy-brained sect has seen her in person, much less had enough time with her to form a reasonable opinion of her character, but still they manage to place her into the same category as a Simon Legree or worse.
- Thursday, October 22, 2009

Oprah bows to Palin

I heard today that Sarah Palin has been invited to appear on Oprah Winfrey’s show.
- Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama plans to sign over control of US

This Link leads to an article describing how Margaret Thatcher’s Science Advisor, Lord Monckton systematically, and in great detail dismantled the phony science behind the global warming hoax. However, what should send a shiver down the spine of every loyal American is not the global warming information. No, that is merely an intellectual exercise. The real horror within the message is what Obama and his Nobel Prize buddies have in store for those of you who still bitterly cling to your guns and religion.
- Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Obama’s Pedophilia Czar

I’ve written before that the White House's communications staff was charting out a new, urging a more aggressive strategy to push back hard against news stories that are either inaccurate (read embarrassingly accurate) or unflattering toward Obama or his policies.
- Friday, October 16, 2009

America cannot afford Obama

Just as Jimmy Carter was no friend of the United States and crafted his economic policies to favor his European friends, Barrack Obama prefers the Middle Eastern theocracies. He has praised Islamic Terrorists as prime examples of humanity’s best. He has ignored and even sniffed at memorials of the holocaust. While his wife was damning the country that kept her wealthy and free, Obama was doing everything he could to ignore the mutilation of prepubescent girls in the Sudan.
- Thursday, October 15, 2009

Let’s Play Political Football

Wikipedia offers this definition: A political football is a political topic or issue that is continually debated but left unresolved. The term is used often during a political election campaign to highlight issues that have not been completely addressed, such as the natural environment and abortion.
- Wednesday, October 14, 2009

America, land of the free, home of the illiterate.

Alan Stock is the morning host on the Las Vegas station KXNT 840 AM. Alan is a typically entertaining, well-spoken, conservative host who is usually right in line when it comes to separating the hyperbole from the pragmatic regarding political discussion...until he gets to the subject of education.
- Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What If…

Most of us who have raised children have had more than our fill of the question that begins with, “What if…”, but after experiencing nearly twenty years of a slow slide into socialism beginning with the administration of George Bush Sr., I find myself in the unique situation of asking that question as a grown man.
- Monday, October 12, 2009

Emperor Obama is Pleased

Roy Basnett is a radio host for City Talk 105.9 FM in merry old England. Roy covers an eclectic variety of topics ranging from reminisces with singer Connie Stevens to peering into the future with the stations favorite psychic. With such a busy schedule you would think the UK’s top talk station would have more than enough to chat about rather than digging up the musings of a onetime south western politician.
- Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to Take Our Country Back

In my last column I pointed out the fact that the United States of America is not a liberal country. There are some who dispute this but just because the majority of our politicians, media heads and school board members are liberal does not make the country so. A country’s culture is not the same as its government and American culture is decidedly not liberal. The so-called European Union knows this and a brief search of comments they make about Americans will show this.
- Sunday, October 4, 2009

The United States is not Liberal

Yes, I know, the title of this column is making a bold statement that, at its face, appears to be a bold lie or a foolish bit of naivety. It is neither and I can prove it.
- Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama’s Population Control Czar

Back in 1977 a man by the name of John Holdren co-authored a book entitled Ecoscience along with Paul and Anne Ehrlich. In the book several assertions are made with regard to the dangers of over population and the potential solutions. Forced abortions, mass sterilization, and a "Planetary Regime" with the power of life and death over American citizens are in the forefront of Holdren’s preferred methods.
- Monday, September 28, 2009

2012 or Bust

Barack Hussein Obama’s polling numbers are inching toward Jimmy Carter levels. In spite of this, POTUS continues to push his ever-increasingly unpopular agenda with unrestrained fervor. HR 3200, the healthcare reform portion, has been rehashed, debated and restitched together more times than Joan Rivers’ face. Obama and his devotee supporters have reversed their stance on so many issues that not even Abbot and Costello could make a usable routine out of it.
- Sunday, September 27, 2009

Obama Wants Your Guns

Those who worship at the feet of the Messiah, Barack Hussein Obama, will probably yet again claim that this is a racist column and that CFP should immediately begin distancing themselves from its writer. Little do they know that the Canada Free Press publishes this column because we found each other to be of like minds. Liberals cannot conceive of something like that.
- Sunday, September 20, 2009
