
Dave Macy

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.
He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.

Most Recent Articles by Dave Macy:

Conscience of a Christian

As a Christian who also happens to be a pastor, an apologist, and who also believes in sound doctrine, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that true believers must be involved in the political process of America. Too often I hear preachers who shun any involvement in governmental affairs on any level because they claim that Christians are not citizens of this world. While that is spiritually true, it does dishonor to God who expects us to use the gifts we are given and protect those gifts for others
- Friday, April 23, 2010

Unholy Smoke!!

Ronald Reagan was the Great Communicator. Barack Obama is the Great Distracter. Like most on the Left whose true religion is the State, they are quick to give the appearance of concern about equality and fairness for all.
- Sunday, April 18, 2010

Liberalism: The Incurable Disease?

I am not a doctor but let me play one for you here in the pixels of this article. My diagnosis is simply a confirmation of what many have suspected. Liberalism is a deadly cancer. Those who suffer from its effects show no signs of common sense. This cancer totally eats away at any reality the patient may have at one time maintained and devours the immune system, thus making the victim susceptible to all sorts of infectious ideas: Socialism; communism; Marxism; totalitarianism.
- Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Real Christians are not Wimps

Talk to a real Christian about the sovereignty of God and he will tell you that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God is unchanging. His laws are not up for discussion. His attributes are “rock solid”. His character doesn’t change with the seasons nor is God a respecter of persons. The way to Heaven is still the one road that must be travelled with Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. Real Christians must believe this!
- Sunday, April 11, 2010

True Christians are Overcomers!

The headlines reflect the awful truth real Christians always expected. President Barack Obama is not who he says he is. And he probably isn’t who many Americans say he is--namely the anti-Christ. However, his actions, tactics, and values are absolutely anti-Christ!
- Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Weeds among the Wheat

I grew up in the Catholic Church when Father Knows Best and Ozzie and Harriet were the social norms. When Lassie was a superhero and Leave it to Beaver morals taught valuable lessons through the TV. It was a time when Sherriff Andy Taylor could disarm a con man or an occasional bad guy without the use of deadly force. It was also a time when Catholic priests were held in high esteem by their congregations, and when American Catholics actually revered the Pope and followed his encyclicals.
- Monday, March 15, 2010

What If????

imageThe odds makers in Las Vegas, at least those who are still working, say the passage of Obamacare next week is still a long shot. Even so, as the Democrats and the President push ahead in spite of the opposition of a vast majority of Americans, we must ask a couple ‘what ifs’ that political pundits and prognosticators purposely pursue.

What if Health Care Passes???

First, there will be the reaction of the majority obviously mad as hell that the Constitution has been shredded, the rule of law has been neglected, and the wishes of a Marxist president have trumped common sense! Then there will be the reaction from the MSM which will serve to accentuate the positive (outright lies and fantasy projections) and ignore the negatives.
- Saturday, March 13, 2010

Funeral Dirge for the Main Stream Media?

The greatest reality check for the Old Media (MSM) is yet to come. Complicit in their coronation of Barack Obama during the last presidential campaign--indeed during the first several months of his presidency-- the established news organizations, with the exception of Fox, licked the boots of BHO.
- Sunday, March 7, 2010

Our Last “Christian” President?

imageFor all his faults and not-so-true conservative bones, George W. Bush was indeed a man of some character and one who displayed the fruit of the Spirit. While one of our most humble leaders-- he was not by any means perceived as weak by our enemies or disloyal by our allies. He actually read the Bible, attended church, and knew (on the question of the sanctity of life) that life began at conception and abortion was murder. He prayed, attended church, and sought advice from other believers. You could argue about some of his “liberal” decisions or his strategy in Iraq which produced far reaching results for an oppressed people.
- Friday, February 26, 2010

Above His Pay Grade

In little more than a year of “presiding” over the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has proven that most issues he must deal with are above his pay grade. Whether it is terrorism, the economy, unemployment, Wall Street, the banks, military decisions, reactions to the Supreme Court decisions, or letting the buck stop at the desk he occupies in the Oval Office, this president has shown that leadership is an attribute sorely missing from his resume.
- Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Come to Jesus Meeting

When I wrote my book Doubt Free Living it wasn’t intended to be a ‘first’ or even a best seller.
- Sunday, January 31, 2010

Down for the Count?

It would be presumptive on my part to declare the Obama presidency DOA. While it may stink like a rotting corpse, the administration is not ready to be embalmed and sized for a coffin-- not just yet. It’s a long way until the November elections and after the Massacre in Massachusetts any other president would have realized there is little Hope for any Change brought on by grandiose (a nice word for Marxist) plans to move America deeper into a totalitarian state.
- Saturday, January 30, 2010

Will Success Spoil Sarah?

Before being chosen as John McCain’s running mate in the 2008 presidential race, not many people could give you the correct answer to the question, “Who is Sarah Palin?” Now the iconic ‘rogue’ conservative is almost as overexposed as Barack Obama and as equally divisive in her public persona.
- Sunday, January 17, 2010

Porn in the Pulpit

Reading the religious poll results from the Barna Group and the Pew Research Center can be a cold slap in the face. The reality of Christian America’s shift away from faith in God and sound doctrine is evident by some staggering statistics. Perhaps the most telling of all the research trends showing a watering down of “old time religion” and the emergence of a post modern Christianity that embraces a liberal theology far removed from the truth.
- Sunday, January 10, 2010

To Hell with Political Correctness

Let me express what so many Americans are thinking about national security. “Get off your butts and protect America and to hell with political correctness!” The time for coddling our enemies is over. The time of bowing and groveling and acquiescing to foreign leaders must end. The apologies made for America need to be retracted. We need strength and resolve not caution and complacency.
- Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our Bill of Rights is Past Due!

There was a time in America when the media reported the news. It was a time when the term investigative journalism was not an oxymoron. That was before public opinion polls became the driving force of the mass media. News organizations of course would commission pollsters with questions about newsy issues-- and independent pollsters would often make their own information gathering available for a price. Voila-- poll driven news.
- Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The System Works

We live in an age when a rumor, a false report, or an outright lie can travel around the world in minutes. But the truth, well that takes a bit longer and must overcome many obstacles. Remember the death of Rush Limbaugh on Christmas Day that had liberals popping corks before the truth caught up?
- Friday, January 1, 2010

White(house) Christmas without Christ

A writer for TIME magazine reports that the president and his family are not attending Christmas services. Gee, what a surprise! Barack Hussein Obama has consistently shown his lack of understanding of the Holy Bible, his disdain for the spiritual meaning of Christmas (no Nativity crèche in the White House), and his propensity to bow to Muslim leaders.
- Thursday, December 24, 2009

There is but one Sovereign

kingdomofgodflag.infoKeeping up with the wholesale liquidation of the US constitution is not easy these days. The Fed is printing Monopoly money, the president is signing away our God inspired constitutional rights in Copenhagen, the congress is giving carte blanche to trillion dollar increases in our debt, and elected officials have sold their soul to try to allow the federal government control of one seventh of our economy by taking over health care. While the world is busy using a spreadsheet (no pun intended) to keep track of the latest Tiger Woods birdie, those entrusted with defending our inalienable rights are hard at work reducing this once great nation to third world status.
- Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How Should Christians React?

Not long ago as a radio talk host I had no trouble damning anything and everything that served to undermine the conservative foundation of America. When I became a Christian, the struggle between out and out inflammatory and incendiary speech and a more tempered approach was an ongoing one.
- Saturday, October 31, 2009
