
Lee Cary

Since November 2007, Lee Cary has written hundreds of articles for several websites including the American Thinker, and Breitbart’s Big Journalism and Big Government (as “Archy Cary”). and the Canada Free Press. Cary’s work was quoted on national television (Sean Hannity) and on nationally syndicated radio (Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin). His articles have posted on the aggregate sites Drudge Report, Whatfinger, Lucianne, Free Republic, and Real Clear Politics. He holds a Doctorate in Theology from Garrett Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL, is a veteran of the US Army Military Intelligence in Vietnam assigned to the [strong]Phoenix Program[/strong]. He lives in Texas.

Most Recent Articles by Lee Cary:

One big unintended consequence of a Sander's nomination

One big unintended consequence of a Sander's nominationBernie Sanders as the Democratic Party's nominee for the Presidency would spark a realpolitik crash course in socialism.   The course would offer enlightenment for those born after the collapse of the Soviet Union who are, today, ignorant of the abysmal, national failures of the socialist ideology.     Ironically, the education would be led by both left and right platforms of mass media – television, print, and web-based, including social media.  Making for strange bedfellows.  The left is not yet ready to openly endorse a full-blown, socialist agenda. Too much to lose, too quickly.  But Bern may hijack the party—of which he's not even an official member. 
- Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Open Letter to AG Barr from One American Citizen

AG Barr: spying on a political campaign a big dealTO: U.S. Attorney General William Pelham Barr  Sir:  With respect, you would do well to consider the words of three of our fellow citizens, two living – one dead, as many Americans ponder the fate of a nation with a two-tiered justice system.  It is a toxic system, largely fostered and sustained by the Department of Justice that you lead, sir.  
- Monday, February 17, 2020

The day the Republican Party became a formidable fighting force

The day the Republican Party became a formidable fighting forceConflict is the greatest incentive to unite a diverse group that shares the common goal of Victory. That union of purpose happened to the Republican Party on February 6, 2020. When Hillary Clinton was campaigning for the Presidency, then President Barack Obama said she was more qualified than anyone who had ever run for the position.
- Friday, February 7, 2020

Whose future is most at stake in the Impeachment Trial?

Whose future is most at stake in the Impeachment Trial?The obvious answer is Donald J. Trump. Trump Haters hope that, even when acquitted by the Senate, his reputation will be so tarnished that it will reduce his chances for reelection, and dishonor his legacy. Or, at least, put the patina of failure on his first-term successes and bring him early lame-duck status in a second.
- Saturday, January 18, 2020

2020 may be the Year the News Worm Turns

2020 may be the Year the News Worm Turnsthe worm turns: "used to describe when a person or group of people who have been treated badly for a long time suddenly become forceful and stop accepting a difficult situation. "Pop" was the guide. At 5:00 pm we'd sit before the black & white TV and watch the news. After the local news—less a crime report than today—it was on to the national news on NBC, CBS and ABC.  We'd watch each channel for a few minutes, and then shift to a second. Then the third.
- Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Cynics on the road ahead for federal law enforcement

Cynics on the road ahead for federal law enforcementWhen laws seem not to apply to those who create or enforce them, skepticism can turn into cynicism. If left unresolved, cynicism can move toward a critical mass that, when met, bids trouble for the fate of a nation. Today, concerning current political events, more than a few people toggle back and forth between skepticism and cynicism.
- Thursday, January 2, 2020

For how long will the patina of corruption stain the “Intelligence Community”?

For how long will the patina of corruption stain the Intelligence CommunityAt last count, America’s “Intelligence Community” (IC) included 16 organizations, represented above above by 16 stars, plus the White House Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). James Clapper once held that position during the Obama Administration.

Theoretically, Clapper was a conduit for operational coordination between the 16 stars and the Executive Branch. The DNI monitors the various intelligence operations in these federal government departments: Defense (8 entitles); Justice (2); Homeland Security (2); State (1); Energy (1); Treasury (1); and the lone-star Central Intelligence Agency (answerable to no department).

- Sunday, December 22, 2019

Comrade Bernie and 20th Century Russian Socialism

Comrade Bernie and 20th Century Russian Socialism
“Dmitri Antonovich Volkogonov (22 March 1928 – 6 December 1995) was a Russian historian and colonel-general who was head of the Soviet military's psychological warfare department. After researching the secret Soviet archives, he published biographies of Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin, among others. Despite being a committed Stalinist and Marxist-Leninist ideologue for most of his career, Volkogonov came to repudiate communism and the Soviet system within the last decade of his life before his death from cancer in 1995.” (Source)
- Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Democrat POTUS Candidates' Trifecta of Disingenuous Class Associations

The Democrat POTUS Candidates' Trifecta of Disingenuous Class AssociationsThe most noteworthy trifecta was completed on New Year's Eve 2018 soon after Senator Elizabeth Warren announced her candidacy for the Presidency.

We await other contestants.

In a casual, intimate moment Warren invited the lumpers into her kitchen for a personal video conversation.  Her husband, Bruce, appeared briefly, was offered a beer, declined, smiled, and left. 

- Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How the Deep State arrests its enemies

The video above shows the nighttime FBI raid on the home of Roger Stone last January. (Hold off on watching it.) It was taken by a CNN camera crew, thanks to a visit by CNN President Jeff Zucker to a local Psychic on the afternoon of January 24, 2019, where CNN learned, in advance, that 29 FBI Agents in 17 vehicles would roll up, with lights flashing, on Stone’s Florida home before dawn the next day to arrest him.
- Monday, November 18, 2019

Schiff’s gavel that silences Republicans is Paul Ryan’s

Schiff’s gavel that silences Republicans is Paul Ryan’sEach of Adam Schiff’s gavel strikes, that silences Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee’s Inquiry into an Impeachment of President Trump, drives home the failure of the former Republican Speaker of the House to support Trump. Paul Ryan helped put that gavel into Schiff’s hand. Before, during, and after Trump’s election, Paul Ryan was, and continues to be, a dedicated NeverTrumper.
- Monday, November 18, 2019

The Progressives’ unrestricted war on America


“‘Unrestricted Warfare’ is the People’s Liberation Army [PLA] manual for asymmetric warfare and the waging of war, strategically and tactically, using weapons not limited to bullets, bombs, missiles, and artillery shells. The two PLA officers who advocated the strategy set forth argue that modern warfare…is about impeding the enemy’s ability to wage war and to defend itself against a barrage of attacks against its economy, its civil institutions, its governmental structures, and its actual belief systems” (Col. Qiao Liang, Col. Wang Xiangsui, first edition 1999.)

- Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The toxic dialectic of Dem aggressors vs. GOP pacifists

The toxic dialectic of Dem aggressors vs. GOP pacifists"By 1939, the French had been preparing for and were content to fight a total, defensive, attritional war. They could see no other way to defeat a German offensive; this was, after all, how they had emerged victorious from the terrible conflict twenty years earlier....[T]here was neither the strength of leadership nor the political stability to indulge in the sort of long-term thinking that was required for a bespoke, flexible military machine that perfectly fitted the country's strategic requirements" (pp. 382-383, "Blitzkrieg: Myth, Reality, and Hitler's Lighting War: France 1940," Lloyd Clark, Atlantic Monthly Press, ©2016.)
- Tuesday, October 8, 2019

America’s domestic enemies are the Democratic Party and its allies

America’s domestic enemies are the Democratic Party and its alliesThose who’ve taken the oath remember it as a rite of passage. Inside a military induction center, in the company of strangers in civilian clothes, with a few military personnel in uniform, a commanding voice orders the civilians to line up single file outside the door, to an empty room, displaying the national flag. The door opens, the civilians file in, and, in equal increments, peel off to form a block of rows where they are called to attention for the first of many times to come.
- Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The left threatens the President’s life

The left threatens the President’s lifeA generation of Americans well remembers November 22, 1963. We remember where we were that day. What we saw and heard that day. And how we felt as the relentless cadence, played on an old drum carried by an Army Master Sergeant, tolled the deliberate steps of a funeral procession to the Arlington National Cemetery.
- Monday, September 16, 2019
