
Rolf Yungclas

Rolf Yungclas is a recently retired newspaper editor from southwest Kansas who has been speaking out on the issues of the day in newspapers and online for over 15 years

Most Recent Articles by Rolf Yungclas:

Indoctrination - our biggest nemesis

As we have seen for the last six to seven years, the liberal media have wholly bought in to being propagandists for the Obama administration.
- Monday, March 10, 2014

Obama sees the enemy, and it is us

While President Obama is busy sending his Secretary of State to announce the weakening the position of the U.S. in relation to the world, and his Secretary of Defense is busy dismantling our nation’s military apparatus, he is busy with pen in hand making sure he increases his control over us domestically. Apparently, he sees the enemy, and it is us!
- Monday, March 3, 2014

The Leftist Luddites

Just as the 19th century Luddites were opposed to industrial developments, we have 21st century Luddites trying to sabotage further industrial development. These new Luddites describe their detractors as "flat-earthers" when they are the ones promoting policies that would necessitate deindustrialization.
- Monday, February 24, 2014

Republican reductionism, or How to not take a stand

As we saw in the recent vote to increase the debt ceiling, Republican leaders in the House and Senate have decided that taking a stand on issues as long as Harry Reid is Senate Majority Leader is futile and will cause Republicans to lose big in the November 2014 election. This reductionism says that the only way to win in the November elections is to compromise on everything.
- Monday, February 17, 2014

It's not Republican in-fighting, it's a rescue attempt

America is in the early stages of a revolt. It's not a revolt of the right or the left, or something generated by a political organization. It's a revolt of the people - a passionate response to an attack on the human need to be free from despotism.
- Monday, February 10, 2014

MSNBC intolerance - The people versus the Leftist elites

While MSNBC executives apologized for a tweet on the MSNBC twitter account that said that people on the "rightwing" hated biracial families, the responses by the MSNBC faithful to the apology showed how out of touch the Left is with reality.
- Monday, February 3, 2014

Marx missed it, or Why Chuck Schumer thinks I'm evil

Entrenched politician U. S. Senator Chuck Schumer is at it again. Emboldened by his fellow New Yorkers, socialist Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo, who make pronouncements that non-Democrats should leave "their" state, he is now rolling out his latest lie-to-people-about-this list for the party faithful.
- Monday, January 27, 2014

The promises of ObamaCare – only a Marxist fantasy

Just remember ObamaCare when the anti-capitalists tell you the next time how government running things will make everything so much better. Major failures in the rollout of the ObamaCare website are just the tip of the iceberg as insurance companies receive inaccurate and incomplete information on the newly insured and major concerns exist regarding hackers gaining personal information from the website.
- Monday, January 20, 2014

Study-at-home courses for the Obama re-education camps

In this day and age of study-at-home courses, Communist re-education camps are being redefined. As the non-violent socialist revolution takes place in these United States, 21st century methods of re-education have taken the place of forced relocation used by the Communist dictatorships. You can now study at home to get your socialist indoctrination.
- Monday, January 13, 2014

None dare call it socialism, or, How the Left is like a cult

Like clockwork, the New York Time leads us into the new year with a reminder that traditional journalism is dead and only serves at the whims of those in the political elite to whom they have become enamored. How could any responsible journalist still say that the attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2011 was caused by a video?
- Monday, January 6, 2014

Why it is not up to employers to provide a living wage

Recent protests organized by the Left to get McDonald’s, Wal-Mart and others to raise the wages of their employees have raised the issue of a “living wage,” or the minimum needed to cover one’s basic needs. But businesses cannot operate profitably if they are required to employ people at wages based on the financial needs of the employees.
- Monday, December 30, 2013

Time for a going out of business sale for whole departments

While I’m sure a Paul Ryan budget would be much better than a Barack Obama budget, Paul Ryan, in his noble efforts to get a budget all sides can agree on, showed us that he holds to the notion that government needs to grow. What we need instead of debating how fast government grows, is an opposition movement to big government that says we must begin the wholesale closing of executive branch departments and lessen the influence of Washington, D.C. on our localities, our states, and our lives.
- Monday, December 23, 2013

Obamacare – removing voters from government decision-making

Once the federal government has all of us purchasing government-sanctioned health insurance, we’re only a short step away from government controlling every aspect of health care, where there is not even a semblance of free market capitalism, with it all being managed by the federal government.
- Sunday, December 8, 2013

Camelot and the development of the bureaucratic state

While all of America was shocked, saddened, and dismayed by the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, it was not the death of hope, as some may present it. For me and for many others, the assassination of JFK was an assault on America, and tragic as it was, recovery from that assault began the moment Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as the next Commander in Chief.
- Monday, December 2, 2013

Why the federal government cannot fix the economy

Congressional liberals incessantly propose and pass legislation that contravenes basic economic common sense and fundamental principles of economics. Any time Obama and the Democrats talk about legislation that will help economic recovery, you can be sure that is not the purpose of the legislation. “Economic recovery” to them means government spending that actually hinders economic recovery.
- Monday, November 25, 2013

Breaking Bad America

We find our nation living a script similar to that of the TV series Breaking Bad, only instead of Walter White, a chemistry teacher turned meth maker/dealer we have Barack Obama, a university lecturer turned dealer of deception.
- Monday, November 18, 2013

Cruz a natural-born citizen

There was much media buzz about U.S. Senator Ted Cruz being a possible 2016 Presidential candidate after he led the recent effort to defund Obamacare. As a result, a new “Birther” movement arose among some of the political opponents of Cruz, in which they argue that Senator Ted Cruz does not meet the Constitutional requirements for President.
- Monday, November 11, 2013

A system of ideological deceit

There is a common misconception in the liberal media that the Tea Party is based on an ideological agenda. But the Tea Party is not ideological driven. It came into being in response to an ideological agenda based on deception that throws common sense and sound economics out the window.
- Monday, November 4, 2013

Progressively regressing

regress - to return to an earlier and usually worse or less developed condition or state (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, www.meriram-webster.com) While those on the left politically tend to avoid any connection with the word “socialist’ or “Marxist,” they consider it safer to define themselves as “progressive.” But I would assert that the actions of the left under the Obama administration these last five years have not caused our nation to progress but to regress.
- Monday, October 28, 2013
