
Dr. Robert R. Owens

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ drrobertowens.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Robert R. Owens:

Vote For God’s Candidate

Vote For God’s Candidate Election Day 2018 and everything is on the line. At least as far as the direction this country is going to take America First or Globalism, capitalism or socialism. Tune in to any one of the talking heads that litter the airwaves and this is it. This is the BIG one.
- Tuesday, November 6, 2018


Christ came to fulfill the Old Covenant. He paid the price for Adam’s sin and made a way back into fellowship with God. Sin was the problem and Jesus is the answer.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Want To Buy A Bridge?

Want To Buy A Bridge? From the “You can’t make this stuff up” Department: It is beyond me how the Communists, I’m sorry I mean the Socialists, oh excuse me, I mean the Democrats are able to peddle the bilge they’re spewing this election cycle.
- Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How Can A Moral Wrong Be A Civil Right

How Can A Moral Wrong Be A Civil Right As an American Historian my favorite area of study and discussion is the writing and ratification of the Constitution. It isn't because this is the beginning because the 167-year-long colonial period became the world which birthed the Revolution, and without the Revolution there would be no America. So the colonial period is crucial for identifying many currents and trends in our society, many of which still impact us today. Then why does this short period of one year capture my attention so much? Perhaps, it stands out because this is the cradle, the bedrock of American civil society. It is here that we can find the roots of the issue I wish to discuss today.
- Thursday, September 6, 2018

Choose This Day Who You Will Serve

Choose This Day Who You Will Serve In our current confrontation with Radical Islam the battle lines are portrayed as those between a secular society, us and a religious society, them. I reject this portrayal as a betrayal of the faith of our Founders and of those patriotic Americans who still hold fast to Jesus as God and Savior, we too are a religious people.
- Thursday, August 16, 2018

No one gets to live in the world they grew up in

No one gets to live in the world they grew up in If you’re not ready for Christ to return today … You’re not ready. Bill Clinton – Gave Nukes to North Korea Barrack Obama – Gave Billions in cash to Iran Hillary Clinton – Gave uranium to Russia Trump – Gave tax cuts to America How can a moral wrong be a civil right?
- Friday, August 10, 2018

Here’s a Free Gift

Here’s a Free Gift As a retired pastor, I am still amazed at the number of people who came forward week after week repenting of sins and seeking salvation. It was often the same people week after week. No matter how much I preached it, no matter how much I taught it, so many never seemed to grasp the idea that the cleansing of sins, salvation, and righteousness are free gifts given to us by our Father.
- Friday, July 27, 2018

It Takes Faith to Be an Atheist

It Takes Faith to Be an Atheist I once had enough faith in myself to believe there was no God. I had enough of that self-centered faith to believe the entire universe sprang from a Big Bang. I could believe that Big Bang came from an unbelievably dense unbelievably small point that for some unexplained reason suddenly exploded. I could believe that after the explosion this unbelievably dense unbelievably small point expanded into everything that is.
- Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Meaning of The Book of Revelation

The Meaning of The Book of Revelation A twisted mess of conflicting desires. We want what we want until we get it, then we wonder why we wanted it to begin with. So often the wanting is much more fulfilling than the getting because the having is always transitory and the losing is inevitable.
- Friday, July 13, 2018

Why is More Important Than How

Why is More Important Than How Does the immensity of creation ever overwhelm you? Does the fact that when you lay your hand on the cold hard surface of a table there is actually more space than matter in the table numb your mind?
- Thursday, June 28, 2018

If God is So Good Why is There Evil?

If God is So Good Why is There Evil? This question has confounded philosophers for ages and led countless millions to blame God for all the evil in the world. We must have faith if we're going to question whether God is the author of evil since the Bible says of God, "You are good, and the source of good."
- Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Childless Father Who Has a Son

A Childless Father Who Has a Son I am blessed. My wife gave me a son. He was hers before he was mine. Then he became ours. In my heart he is always mine and I feel as if I am his Dad. But it often feels like a homerun record with an asterisk, an almost. You see, I’m a step-father. That’s as close as I will ever come to experiencing the life of a father and for that I am forever thankful to God for I am a childless father who has a son.
- Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A Soap Opera That Never Ends Will Finally End. Then What?

Step out of the darkness and into the light and let this be the first day of the rest of your life All my life I’ve been in love with History. I learned at an early age that if you love reading you can live a thousand lifetimes and if you’re wise you have the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others. I’ve certainly experienced the former while unfortunately not doing much of the latter.
- Friday, June 8, 2018

The Only Way Back to God

The Only Way Back to God If Jesus is the Son of God, if God became man and walked among us, if the incarnate deity suffered and died to pay for the sins of the world, if He descended into hell and took the keys of death from the devil, if He rose again from the dead justifying all who become one with Him, if He rose into heaven and anointed the ultimate altar with His blood offering up the payment for the fall of man, what is there that can be of more importance than that?
- Thursday, May 31, 2018

Why I am No Longer a Conservative Republican

Why I am No Longer a Conservative Republican Maybe it's just me but I'm tired of the same old same old in our politics. The big-box monopoly parties have morphed into two sides of the same coin, two heads on the same bird of prey. Today our choice boils down to the Conservative Republican tax and spend, infringe personal liberty, and outsource or sovereignty policies or the Liberal Democrat tax and spend, infringe personal liberty, and outsource or sovereignty policies. But of course, since we don't want to throw away our vote we must vote for one of the big boys. Conservative? Liberal? Tweedle Dee Or Tweedle Dum?
- Saturday, April 21, 2018

Trump v Mueller Who Gets Who First?

Trump v Mueller Who Gets Who First? The recent raid by the Robert Mueller's witch hunters on President Trump's lawyer's offices shows that we are nearing Act III. The ever expanding search for a crime is reportedly now looking into a campaign donation that was made by a pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch to the Trump Foundation in September 2015. The donation was reportedly made after then-candidate Donald Trump gave a 20-minute speech at a European conference that promoted closer ties between Ukraine and the West.
- Thursday, April 12, 2018

Once Again Sing the Chorus Build the Wall Build the Wall Build the Wall

Once Again Sing the Chorus Build the Wall Build the Wall Build the Wall In the last presidential election we had the choice between the last nail in our coffin and a chance. We now have a chance. America’s place on the world stage is being clarified by President Trump. But we need to keep things in perspective. We need to keep our eye on the prize. What good does it do to gain the world if we lose the homeland? It was mainly domestic issues that drove everyone to the polls to prevent Hillary’s coronation. We want America back. We want the shining city on a hill back not the shabby globalist collective Obama, Hillary and the rest of the Progressives have been shoving down our throat.
- Friday, April 6, 2018

What Easter Means to Me

What Easter Means to Me I look at my life before Christ and I am struck by the fact that it doesn’t seem like my life. I was born again on Palm Sunday in 1980. I was thirty years old. That has been thirty-eight years ago. When I was first saved, I mourned for all the years I had spent wasting my life trying to do it on my own. I remember praying and asking God to give me as many years to serve Him as I had wasted denying Him. Now, that is just one of the answered prayers in my life.
- Wednesday, March 28, 2018
