
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Uh-oh… Code Pink founder completely derails Obama speech

This afternoon, Barack Obama gave a long, disjointed, and rambling speech about drones, Gitmo, privacy rights, war, courts, freedom of the press, Islam, national security, Iraq, Bush, and, well, a whole bunch of stuff. Frankly, it was one of the sloppiest speeches we've ever seen him give - one probably designed to draw attention away from his scandal-ridden administration.
- Thursday, May 23, 2013

What freedom of press? Holder DOJ searched James Rosen’s private email via warrant

UPDATE: Megyn Kelly is now reporting that James Rosen wasn't alone. At least 3 Fox News staffers including Rosen, reporter William La Jeunesse, and Producer Mike Levine were targeted for investigation.....developing.... This morning, the Washington Post is reporting that, in 2009, the increasingly improperly named "Department of Justice" targeted FoxNews' senior Washington correspondent for investigation. The revelation indicates that James Rosen fell under scrutiny while the Obama administration was trying to expose a leak in the State Department. The matter involved a classified report about North Korean nuclear tests which a State Department security adviser was suspected of handing to the media back in 2009.
- Monday, May 20, 2013

Between lavish Hollywood parties, Michelle Obama condemns celeb-obsessed culture

This weekend, Michelle Obama delivered a commencement address to the graduating class at Bowie State University - a historically black college in Maryland. During her speech, she lamented society's obsession with celebrity, worried about kids' desire for fame and fortune, and admonished parents to help young people turn their backs on such lavish lifestyles.
- Monday, May 20, 2013

VIDEO: Former employees testify against the next Kermit Gosnell

Planned Parenthood wants you to believe that the atrocities committed by Kermit Gosnell were an isolated incident. They even came out with a statement applauding the judgment after he was convicted on three counts of infanticide.
- Saturday, May 18, 2013

Has Chris Matthews lost the tingle?

Two days ago, as the IRS targeted audit scandal widened, Chris "Tingles" Matthews portrayed it as the kind of red meat sure to delight the right-wing crazies. He suggested that Obama should immediately punish the low level, not-connected-to-the-White-House-in-any-way, embarrassments as quickly as possible.
- Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jon Stewart has a meltdown over Obama’s IRS and AP scandals

If you're the kind of person who believes that all governments trend toward tyranny, the left portrays you as a kook. If you believe that this is happening to the U.S. Government, under the guidance of Barack Obama, you're a accused of being a tinfoil-hat nutjob.
- Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Libya policy a ‘failure’ Benghazi talking points ‘politically scrubbed’ ...says Dennis Kucinich?

As the Benghazi story continues to gather steam, more and more left-wing rats are jumping off the President's sinking ship. Take, for example, Dennis Kucinich. For thirteen years, he was one of the most staunchly liberal members of the House, a constant thorn in the side of the Bush administration, and a vocal supporter of Barack Obama. It was only when The President launched his illegal warin Libya that Kucinich seemed to sour on the administration.
- Monday, May 13, 2013

MSNBC: Open U.S. borders to decrease Islamic terrorism

When you have a one word name, like 'Cher' or 'Roseanne,' there's good chance you're already operating with somewhat less than all your marbles. However, most of those people aren't given a prominent spot on an allegedly major news network. Touré is an exception to the rule.
- Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Biden: ‘no legal reason’ we can’t tax violent media

"No rights are absolute." All rights are subject to government intrusion and have limits. That's the left-wing battle cry when it comes to gun control. "We need common sense restrictions on the 2nd Amendment."
- Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Liberals discover three ‘new’ facts about the Tea Party

If you're a liberal, nothing becomes "real" until someone tells you what to think about it. Usually, this is the Democrat leadership, citing a big, expensive study. Once someone has spent the dough to hire a research firm, left-wing ideologues will get the official party-sanctioned version of the numbers, and they'll fall in line.
- Monday, May 6, 2013

Live Action releases new undercover late-term abortion video

Before you watch the following series of interviews, here's a photo of a baby born at just over 23 weeks. According to the Arizona "doctor" in the third of Live Action's undercover videos, a baby at this age is not "fully developed" and "it doesn't even look like a baby yet." Odd, because the infant pictured above is easily recognizable...
- Friday, May 3, 2013
