
Douglas V. Gibbs

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on "Hannity" and "Fox and Friends" on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks. Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator. Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.

Most Recent Articles by Douglas V. Gibbs:

Threats a Norm for Democrats

Chuck Schumer was recently chastised for making threats against two Supreme Court Justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.  Everyone acted as if they were surprised and appalled.  The liberal left's rage against those who oppose them normally only rears its ugly head through groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.  The politicians are too reserved and professional to give in to such rage.  Or, so we are told. Then, recently, Biden threatened an autoworker in Detroit, during a conversation that put Biden on defense regarding his desire to confiscate firearms (at one point naming the "AR-14" ...  except that it is an AR-15, which also reveals the incredible ignorance he has about guns ...  he wants to ban something he doesn't even understand, much less knows the name of).
- Thursday, March 12, 2020

Schumer: Threats of a Desperate Scoundrel

Schumer: Threats of a Desperate ScoundrelIn March of 2020, Senate Minority Leader, Democrat Chuck Schumer, issued a threat against two Supreme Court Justices, naming them by name in his verbal threat. Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh had been nominated, and ultimately appointed, by President Trump and his allies in the U.S. Senate earlier during his first term. The hatred of President Trump by the Democrats in the months preceding the Election in 2020 was at, perhaps, its highest level so far, when Schumer decided to make these remarks, but it really goes deeper than most folks realize.
- Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Biden, the Authoritarian Accomplice

Biden, the Authoritarian AccompliceAs the Democrat Party tries to rally around Joe "rub the hairs on my legs" Biden, with candidates dropping like flies and then running to endorse Biden (likely because of promises made to them by the Democrat Party establishment), because they are deathly afraid of Bernie Sanders (not just because he's a socialist, but because he's outside the system and can't be controlled .... sort of like Trump), Biden (like Sanders) is actually revealing what the liberal left is all about.
- Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Halting the March of Democracy

Halting the March of DemocracyCalifornia is in shambles. The politically dark blue legislature has done more damage to California's state of freedom and economic health than the lefties were able to accomplish in Detroit. California is on the way to becoming a U.S. version of Venezuela; a failed, dreary socialist dystopia drowning in its own filth and unsustainable promises.
- Sunday, February 2, 2020

Impeachment 2020: Elements of Due Process

Impeachment 2020: Elements of Due ProcessThe impeachment of Donald J. Trump, when it comes to evidence and due process, reminds me of a scene from the Old West. "Yes, Sir, there is no evidence that you stole any horses, but we intend to prosecute you for resisting being hung for it." Our country's founding was based on the idea of judicial fairness, and the self-evident truth that everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
- Thursday, January 23, 2020

Why Elizabeth Warren is Calling Bernie Sanders a Sexist

Why Elizabeth Warren is Calling Bernie Sanders a SexistI didn't have to watch the final Democrat Party Debate to determine it was going to be a joke.  As expected, the Democrats, desperate for a champion who can beat Trump, are attacking each other.  At one point, during a sort-of off-mic moment, Elizabeth Warren approached Bernie Sanders and accused him of calling her a liar.
Warren: I think you called me a liar on National TV. Sanders: What? Warren: I think you called me a liar on National TV. Sanders: Let's not do it right now.  You want to have that discussion, we'll have that discussion.  Warren: Anytime. Sanders: You called me a liar, you told me -- Alright, let's not do it now. 
- Friday, January 17, 2020

California A.B. 5: Dream-Killer Law Chokes State Economy

California A.B. 5: Dream-Killer Law Chokes State EconomyThe once Golden State of California, because the politicians bow to the wishes of the labor unions, has decided to kill the dreams, aspirations, and opportunities of a large number of her citizens.  As of January 1, 2020, a new law (AB-5) goes into effect that limits independent contractors.  While there is a list of exemptions, to be considered independent from the law you must meet all of the provisions on the exemptions list, which is nearly a statistical impossibility for most contractors. 
- Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Biden's Correct, Trump's a Threat to Democracy

Biden's Correct, Trump's a Threat to DemocracyJoe Biden has experienced both time at the top of the polls, and time plunging like a dying bird, in the early dawn of the next presidential election season. Creepy Biden is often full of ignorant rhetoric, and un-American ideas, so when he says something correct, especially about President Trump, it demands pause.
- Friday, June 21, 2019

Border Wall: Legal and Necessary

Border Wall: Legal and NecessaryA wall along the southern border of the United States is legal, and necessary. And, the executive branch has the authority to use funding for national security and other executive functions to take care that the southern border barrier is erected. Article IV., Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to protect the States from invasion. The word "invasion" is not just a military term. In our current dictionary it is also defined as an "unwanted encroachment," of which hordes (and caravans) of persons who refuse to abide by U.S. Immigration Law upon entry, a group that includes drug traffickers, sex traffickers, gang members, criminals, and terrorists, would qualify.
- Saturday, February 9, 2019

Fake News Bomb Story

Fake News Bomb Story I have been in politics for a long time, and one of the things I am sure of is that the liberal left, progressive commie Democrats lie, cheat, and are willing to do anything to curry favor in their direction so that they may increase their power over the government.
- Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Misleading Security Clearance Revocation Story

 Misleading Security Clearance Revocation Story  I don't normally watch the alphabet networks or liberal left media outlets. While up north in Oregon, however, a person I am visiting is fond of NBC. During a commercial earlier in the day, yesterday, advertising the upcoming episode of the network's NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, the host looked me in the eye through the camera lens and my television screen and said, "The president is revoking security clearances of government officials who criticize him."
- Sunday, August 19, 2018

California's Electoral Necessity

California is a mess thanks to liberal left Democrat Party policies, ranking last nationally when it comes to quality of life. As always, the progressive agenda has proven to be a failure. As most of the country enjoys a booming economy thanks to conservative policies put in play by President Donald J. Trump and a GOP dominated Congress, Jerry Brown and the socialist Democrats in California have kept California limping along as businesses and residents flee the failing State in record numbers due to high taxes, incentive strangling regulations, and draconian parental-style mandates.
- Saturday, August 11, 2018

Economically Winning

Donald Trump is Winning, Economy President Donald J. Trump has been bragging about the U.S. Economy's turn-around and growth during his presidency. He's got plenty of room to beat his chest because, well, he's right. Now, I am not ready to agree with him that it's the "greatest" economy on record, but what is going on now thanks to the GOP and Trump policies in place definitely ranks high.
- Saturday, August 4, 2018

UnAmerican Obama, American President Trump

UnAmerican Obama, American President Trump Globalists want open borders, no sovereignty for any country, and the destruction of any form of individualism be it yours, or that of any group or state. To stand against the people who call for a one world order is considered to be racist, therefore, racism must be used to subdue the alleged racists who simply want to defend individualism.
- Friday, July 27, 2018

Impeach 45 Cries Ensuring Republican Wins

Impeach 45 Cries Ensuring Republican Wins The Democrat Party leadership, and the candidates running for Congress and state legislative positions, are running on pretty much only one thing . . . that they are anti-Trump. The Democrats have no platform. They can't run against the GOP tax cuts, because they know "we want to raise your taxes" would go over like a lead balloon. Immigration is proving to be a losing argument, as is gun control. Both issues have a history of being a losing issue for the Democrats. They test the waters every once in a while, adding a few emotional twists like their latest attempts to use children as human shields in both issues, but as always, it is back-firing on them. People realize the Democrats don't give a flying leap about the children. It's just another political ploy.
- Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Blue Wave? No

Blue Wave? No The Democrat Party's constant unsound maniacal call for impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, if they gain control of the House of Representatives, may be a large part of the reason they won't be able to gain control of the U.S. House of Representatives, or of the U.S. Senate, for that matter.
- Sunday, May 20, 2018

Travis Allen Sparks GOP Hope in California

Travis Allen Sparks GOP Hope in California While the GOP has written California off as a lost cause, the conservatives in the State are fighting to save their State, and likely (they believe), to save America.
- Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kermit Gosnell Filmmakers Featured at Pro-Life Gala

Kermit Gosnell Filmmakers Featured at Pro-Life Gala Abortion is the greatest genocide known in the history of humanity. While the war against the slaughter of the innocent continues to rage, the forces defending the lives of babies in the womb are slowly turning the tide in the favor of Natural Law.
- Monday, April 23, 2018

California's Sanctuary Opt-Out Revolution

Douglas V. Gibbs being interviewed by KMIR. Local Tea Party President Glenn Stull stands in the background holding the yellow sign
Douglas V. Gibbs being interviewed by KMIR. Local Tea Party President Glenn Stull stands in the background holding the yellow sign..

On Tuesday Night, April 17, 2018, I arrived at the City of Beaumont's City Hall at about 4:15 pm. The city council meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:00 pm. I arrived with my very good friend, President of the Banning-Beaumont-Cherry Valley Tea Party, Glenn Stull. From a media point of view, the first on the scene was NBC KMIR out of Palm Springs, who interviewed both Glenn Stull, and I.
- Friday, April 20, 2018
