
The smart money might be on both

Based on her FBI interview, Hillary is either a total liar or the dumbest person alive

Sometimes I feel like I'm flogging a skeleton, telling you day after day what a gigantic liar Hillary is. Even when the things we learn make it clear the reality is worse than anyone previously realized, it's almost as if people have become desensitized to it. Sure, she's a total liar, but we've known that for years. So what? But it's more than just that. It's also the extent to which others who should have been holding her accountable bent over backwards to avoid doing so. Specifically I'm thinking about the director of the FBI and the news media, both of whom have access to extensive evidence of Hillary's dishonesty, and both of which have declined to take the actions they should have taken with the information they had. I'll give James Comey one cheer for revealing as much as he did about Hillary's lawbreaking, but unless he was under orders from Loretta Lynch and/or Obama, I can't countenance his absurd excuses for letting her off the hook and refusing to recommend prosecution.
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