
No more hands-off or wrist-slaps. We, the People demand justice. At long last.

Deep Destruction by the Enemies Within

Deep Destruction by the Enemies Within The phony hue-and-cry from the disloyal Democrat Party, that Trump and the Republicans are out to smear and besmirch the ever-so-pristine FBI is just the latest in their massive cover-up of criminal corruption of our government that has been going on since at least the 1990s. Today’s college students and millennials were too young, or not even born, when the Clintons were caught with as many as 900 FBI files containing security clearance information on individuals considered political enemies of the Clintons. Hillary Clinton’s actual - not figurative - fingerprints were found on the documents. But like everything else where Democrats have been caught red-handed (pun intended?), the Clintons were “exonerated”. The person(s) at the FBI responsible for providing the files was never named, much less disciplined/fired/prosecuted. Thus, the notion that the FBI is squeaky clean, and that the Democrats have not turned it into a political bludgeon to bash conservatives and Republicans with, is pure, unadulterated, bald-faced lying, ________(fill in the blank).
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