
The Progressives have kept their eye on the ball. To them it was always a game of two steps forward then one step back.

Why Should Obama Declare Martial Law

If you turn on, tune in, browse or otherwise peruse the alternative media you will undoubtedly come across the question, "Will President Obama declare Martial Law?" or one of its many variants: "Can President Obama use martial law to stay in the White House?" "What is Obama's plan to declare martial law?" "President Obama signs martial law order." "President Obama will suspend 2016 election and impose martial law." And of course there has to be an exposé with international implications, "Obama instigating war to declare Martial Law and stay in power for a THIRD term?" Now I love a good conspiracy theory as well as the next person however, after reading these and a gazillion other variations on the theme I have come to the conclusion, why should President Obama declare martial law when he is already ruling by decree, refusing to enforce any laws he disagrees with, nationalizing local police forces, signing treaties by-any-other-name without ratification by the Senate, legislating by fiat, and in general acting like any other tin-pot dictator in a banana republic. In other words his actions are already imposing martial law and no one is connecting the dots. This isn't conspiracy. This is observation.
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