
Fred Dardick

Fred Dardick got a BS in Biology at Boston University and MS in Biology at Stanford University before deciding that science bored him. He now runs a staffing company in Chicago where he is much happier now.

Most Recent Articles by Fred Dardick:

Sacrifice 350 Million People to Save 45,000?

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) called it a holocaust - the death of approximately 45,000 Americans each year due to a lack of health insurance. While his choice of words is reprehensible, and blaming the situation on Republicans absurd, the statistic he is referring to does beg a very interesting question: Why put a system at risk that provides quality healthcare to 350 million Americans on an effort that may only directly benefit 45,000 individuals?
- Friday, October 2, 2009

Obama: From Savior to Leftist Windbag in Nine Months

Blindly following the “can’t fail” left-wing playbook since gaining the White House - massive government spending, gigantic tax increases, no nukes - and habit for being dishonest with the American people, President Obama has stretched his credibility to the breaking point and people are taking notice.
- Saturday, September 26, 2009

If Obama Were Pinocchio His Nose Would Be Visible From Space

After greatly angering a large percentage of the American public over the past few months, President Barack Obama is finally ready to articulate in detail during a joint session of Congress next week exactly what he has in mind for the future of American healthcare.
- Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama Throws His Grandmother under a Bus, Again

imageWhat’s the deal with Barack Obama selling out his own grandmother every chance he gets? In another example of Obama’s lousy attitude towards the woman that raised him since he was 10 years old, the New York Times this weekend recalled an interview in which he criticized his grandmother, Madelyn Durham, for electing to undergo hip replacement surgery despite being terminally ill:
“I don't know how much that hip replacement cost… (I don’t feel) society making those decisions to give my grandmother, or everybody else's aging grandparents or parents, a hip replacement when they're terminally ill is a sustainable model.”
- Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Typical Democrat: Don’t Bother Me With the Details

I’ve recently exchanged emails with a good friend and Obama healthcare reform supporter from the city of Chicago, let’s call him Keith. Keith is a die hard liberal who is quite typical of the area. No matter the argument, no matter the situation, the Democrats always right and the Republicans are always wrong.
- Sunday, August 16, 2009

Obama to Free Market Healthcare: “Get out of the way”

President Obama is pulling out all the stops to stuff his socialist ideas for change down the nation’s throat. He hides his true intent - single payer healthcare - with excuses, obfuscations and outright lies (the government option is only meant to “keep insurers honest”). He has tasked his minions to report dissenters to the White House and threatened his fellow Americans to “get out of the way” if they don’t support his radical agenda.
- Monday, August 10, 2009

Liberal Professor Compares Sarah Palin to Iranian Dictator

Juan Cole, a Professor of History at the University of Michigan, published an article titled “Sarah Palin, meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad” on the Salon website Monday where he happily concluded the “two right-wing populists (Palin and Ahmadinejad) have a surprising amount in common.”
- Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama Agenda Tanks, Stock Market Soars

After watching their 401(k), IRA, and other investments get destroyed since the economic tsunami of Oct 2008, when Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped from 11,000 plus to less than 8,500 in a little over a week, investors around the country finally have a reason to rejoice.
- Saturday, August 1, 2009

Welcome to Solar Minimum

Much to the chagrin of President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats in Washington pushing for massive taxes on greenhouse gas emissions, the Midwest and Northeast United States has been experiencing uncooperatively cold temperatures this past summer.
- Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama: US Must Distance Itself from Israel

This week President Obama took the opportunity at a meeting with 16 Jewish American leaders to tell them that the especially close relationship that existed between the United States and Israel over the past 8 years was directly responsible for lack of progress in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
- Thursday, July 16, 2009

Democrats Want to Prosecute CIA for Thought Crimes?

In yet another example of the inability of Democrats to keep their mouths shut when it comes to the country’s secrets, news of a top secret meeting between CIA Director Leon Panetta and House and Senate intelligence committees last week concerning a discussed, but never operational, program was promptly - and I would think illegally - leaked to the media.
- Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obama: You Can’t Fool All the People

I’ve been mulling over the phenomenon known as President Obama lately, and keep coming back to Abraham Lincoln’s immortal words: “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time."
- Thursday, July 9, 2009

Obama is No Friend of Israel

During the 2008 presidential election candidate Barack Obama publicly positioned himself as a “stalwart friend of Israel” and assured the American Jewish community that the bonds between Israel and the United States were “unbreakable” and that Israel’s “security is sacrosanct." Partly due to these public assurances, Jewish Americans responded with an overwhelming 78% of their vote.
- Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Donald Trump: OPEC is ‘Sucking the blood out of the country’

Donald Trump went on the Fox News program On the Record with Greta Van Susteren on Monday to discuss, among other things, the state of oil prices in the United States. When asked what he thought about economic prospects for the nation, Mr. Trump answered “OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) is raising oil prices and absolutely draining and sucking the blood out of the country. There’s no reason for $70 oil.”
- Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Iran - Time to pick sides?

imageWhat really is going on in Iran? We’ve all seen the Iranian people’s reaction to the rigged presidential election over the past week. Protestors by the millions, violent reprisals from black-shirted thugs on motorcycles, and the blood of innocents running in the streets. You might think these demonstrations are simply a reaction to the past election, protests by an angry public, but it really is much more than that.
- Tuesday, June 23, 2009
