
Jerry Philipson

Jerry Philipson is a retired grandfather who has spent many years working in non-profit social service agencies in Canada and the United States. He holds dual Canadian and American citizenship and has been passionate about politics, civil liberties, freedom and democracy for virtually his whole life. He is particularly interested in the Middle East and America and believes that it is vital for people of good heart and good conscience to speak out against tyranny and dishonesty and to stand up and defend and protect Western values, principles and institutions.

Most Recent Articles by Jerry Philipson:

Drones in the United States, good grief what’s next?

Americans are becoming more and more concerned about the use of drones in the United States as their use is widespread and increasing. According to the Federal Aviation Administration, 1,428 permits have been issued to drone operators in the U.S. since 2007 and 327 of them are still listed as active. Operators include police, universities and various state and federal departments and agencies. The Federal Aviation Administration also has a September, 2015 Congressional deadline to open airspace in the U.S. to drones, which will dramatically add to their numbers and increase their use.
- Monday, February 18, 2013

What on earth would Obama have to do to get impeached?

On September 11, 2012 Islamic terrorists attacked the United States Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The attack lasted eight hours and resulted in the deaths of four Americans, the American Ambassador to Libya, two security personnel and an information officer.
- Monday, February 11, 2013

Self defense behind Israeli attacks

Israeli warplanes attacked and destroyed a truck convoy inside Syria yesterday that was transferring sophisticated high tech anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles and quite possibly chemical weapons as well from the Syrian government to Hezbollah in Lebanon. Syria’s Scientific Studies and Research Center, which operates her weapons of mass destruction program, was also attacked and destroyed.
- Saturday, February 2, 2013

Unworthy Hagel embarrasses himself and Obama

Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel is President Obama’s nominee for Secretary of Defense in his second administration. The nomination has to be approved by the United States Senate and Hagel underwent a confirmation hearing in Washington yesterday before the Senate Armed Services Committee prior to the full Senate voting for or against him, most likely next week.
- Saturday, February 2, 2013

Has Fordo been sabotaged?

Reports are coming out of Iran that a large explosion has destroyed much of Iran’s Fordo nuclear facility. Fordo is thought to be Iran’s second largest nuclear facility and plays a key role in Iran’s nuclear weapons development program. The reports have not been corroborated by any official Western source, yet, but it seems clear that a large explosion did in fact take place at Fordo, which is carved into a mountain and is considered to be impregnable to airstrikes and most bunker buster bombs.
- Sunday, January 27, 2013

A good job all around

Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected as Prime Minister of Israel yesterday. His victory was much narrower than expected, however, and pundits are seeing the vote as a repudiation of his policies.
- Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gun nut in the White House

President Obama’s response to the mass murder in Newtown, Connecticut, reeks of opportunism and hypocrisy. It was, is, a callous, coldblooded, heartless effort to take advantage of a horrific event for political gain.
- Monday, January 21, 2013

Terrible speech, terrible presidency

In his Inauguration Day speech in Washington earlier today President Obama signalled very strongly that he will not compromise on anything at all during his second term.
- Monday, January 21, 2013

Settlements are not impediments

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed not to demolish Jewish settlements if he is re-elected in Tuesday’s election. He is also not yielding to pressure to stop building in the West Bank and East Jerusalem on land that Palestinians want for a future state. The Prime Minister said in answer to a question about guaranteeing that settlements would not be demolished “Yes. Correct. The days of bulldozers flattening settlements are behind us, not in front of us.” He also said that “The freezing of settlements has run its course.”
- Monday, January 21, 2013

Merry Christmas on the Buses of Saskatoon

City officials in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada have refused to remove the words Merry Christmas from municipal buses even though a local activist has threatened to file a complaint with the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission if they don’t.
- Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Liberman has it right

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman had this to say at a Jerusalem Post sponsored diplomatic conference in Israel the other day.
“My sense is that all the promises and commitments to Israel’s security are mere words. When push comes to shove, many key leaders would be willing to sacrifice Israel without batting an eyelid in order to appease radical Islamist militants and ensure quiet for themselves.”
- Friday, December 14, 2012


Iran is crowing that Israel's accepting a ceasefire is a sign of weakness.
- Friday, November 23, 2012

Is Israel setting up Hamas?

Israel made a big mistake by signing a cease-fire agreement with Hamas and not sending its army into Gaza to root out and remove the terrorist organization.
- Thursday, November 22, 2012

Should Israel sign a cease-fire agreement with Hamas?

Israel should not agree to a cease-fire. It should quit messing around, quit deluding itself that it can stop Hamas from firing rockets and launching terrorist attacks against Israelis with rockets of its own, invade, wipe out Hamas and re-occupy Gaza.
- Tuesday, November 20, 2012

You really have to admire Israel

It is Hamas in Gaza that is responsible for the outbreak of the violence....There is no justification for firing rockets on Israel which are causing massive suffering to the Israeli population. The Chancellor of Germany urges those responsible in the Gaza Strip to immediately stop firing on Israel.
- Sunday, November 18, 2012

Palestinian rockets no surprise

Palestinians have launched massive rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza since President Obama was re-elected in the United States. The rockets are aimed at Israeli towns and cities in order to terrorize, maim and murder Israeli civilians and destroy as much infrastructure and property as possible.
- Monday, November 12, 2012

Iranian jets attack the United States - America responds by sending a protest

Two Iranian jets attacked an unmanned American drone in international airspace over the Persian Gulf last week. The jets failed to bring the drone down even though they fired continuously until it managed to return safely to its base. Instead of responding militarily the U.S. responded by sending a protest to the Iranian government. Even though the attack occurred a few days before the November 6 presidential election in the United States the American public didn’t find out about it until November 8, two days after the election.
- Friday, November 9, 2012
