
On balance, however, tools, engines and electricity have allowed humans to live better from less land and natural resources per person than ever before

The Need for Accountability James A. Lyons, Jr. Admiral, USN (ret) | April 22, 2018
When you want to take a country down, the first thing you do is weaken its military

Climate adaptation, reparation and restoration Paul Driessen | April 22, 2018
Boulder, CO wants oil companies to restore snowy winters of an idyllic past--and pay it billions

Ending the 100 years old “Palestine Curse” which has so terribly afflicted both Jews and Arabs could well be within Trump’s grasp thanks to the Dhahran Summit

International law and the State of Israel Ted Belman | April 22, 2018
International law holds that victors, in a defensive war, can keep the land acquired

Throwing a political hand-grenade Guest Column | April 22, 2018

Hi-Rise Horticulture Wes Porter | April 22, 2018
A final word of advice: don't step back to admire your work

Paper Birch Wes Porter | April 22, 2018

Trump can try to get Bowl Cut Jr. to agree to such an inspection/verification arrangement, but good luck. As much as I’d like to believe Trump got results, this sounds like the same old song and dance to me

The Last Cowboy At Pine Creek Ranch Tom Deweese | April 21, 2018
Watch this video and see for yourself the sad and frightening saga of the destruction of the old west – and the American dream.

DNC: Fundraising woes tied to 2016 conspiracy Washington Times | April 21, 2018

The New Slave Industry Ray DiLorenzo | April 21, 2018
What we have now in the United States is an illegal, out-of-control, chaotic, disorganized mess. It's a mess because the Washington swamp wants it that way

Why I am No Longer a Conservative Republican Dr. Robert R. Owens | April 21, 2018
If we want a different world we have to start at the only place we have the absolute sovereign ability to make a change, we must start with ourselves

The smell of rotting fish ALWAYS leads directly to the perp

So when do we get to put our majority-conservative House and Senate to good use and begin to take our country back?

Counter-Revolution In The Sanctuary State?, Matthew Vadum | April 20, 2018
Resistance to California’s unconstitutional laws shielding illegals is growing.

CA Bill Censors Speech Liberty Counsel | April 20, 2018
This bill is unconstitutional as it substitutes the government for personal choice and is a shocking assault on free speech

Trump, Russia and WikiLeaks sued for conspiracy Charles Wills | April 20, 2018
I don't believe anything the media or the Democrats say, and I'm tired of hearing their Russian hysteria everyday.

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California’s Sanctuary Opt-Out Revolution Douglas V. Gibbs | April 20, 2018
Beaumont had just been added to the long list of California cities (and counties) opting out of S.B. 54

Read it in a textbook; Saw it on Television:

Space—an Eternal Frontier Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | April 20, 2018
NASA's Orion spacecraft

We shall see but, for now, I’d take this as a sign that they believe things are winding down.

Comey: A Lowlife’s Loyalty Dag Barkley | April 20, 2018
Lies, Baloney and Coverups

They know I am really only 4'10"
