
Bob Hoye

Bob Hoye (BobHoye.com) has been researching investments for decades, which eventually included the history of financial and political markets. He considers now to be the most fascinating time for both since the Great Reformation of the 1600s. Bob casts a caustic eye on all promotions and, having a degree in geophysics, is severely critical of the audacity that a committee can “manage” not just the economy, but also the temperature of the nearest planet. He has had articles published in major financial journals and, as a speaker, has amused assemblies in a number of cities, from London to Zurich to Tokyo.

Most Recent Articles by Bob Hoye:

Extreme Politics: Not Just Damaging Prosperity, But Damaging Political Parties

Extreme PoliticsIn a world of increasingly intense political conflict, gazillions of comments and articles have exclaimed just how crazy the other side is. This article diagnoses who are the crazies, points out that it is not just prosperity being threatened and is dismayed that informed opposition to the authoritarian rant is cancelled. Moreover, political fury has been provoked by ordinary folk saying "No!" to intrusion. Even at family gatherings such as Thanksgiving there will be servings of political strife. The Left lives in turmoil and demands that everyone suffers their angst. But as featured in a 1976 movie: "We're as mad as hell, and we aren't going to take this anymore". As history shows, authoritarians are never satisfied, never voluntarily quitting their intolerant drive.  Moderation requires outsiders saying "No!", and the left used to its own way for so long, launched into non-stop tantrums. However, the mess they make inspires popular uprisings that in being benign can accomplish a great reformation. Not widely reviewed is the damage being done to the political parties. History suggests two alternatives. One is that the bullying party declines or collapses. The other is that a prodigal party is reformed.
- Wednesday, November 2, 2022

CO2 Is Plant Food Not Pollution

CO2 Is Plant Food Not PollutionWhen the establishment can't, or refuses, to understand the difference between plant food and pollution ordinary folk have a big problem. Moreover, the "problem" is a political tool used to control people. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it is essential to life. Below 140 ppm, and life on our unique planet would collapse.  The issue has been the promotion that certain molecules of CO2 emitted by modern industrial society can wreak havoc upon the Earth's weather and climate. However, there is no evidence that variations in atmospheric concentrations cause climate change. The Vostok ice core records some 400,000 years of real climate change, and the observation is that there is little correlation and no causation. If anything, the record shows that warming leads CO2.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Political Calculation: Economic Calculation: Science Calculation

Political Calculation: Economic Calculation: Science CalculationPolitical Calculation has been destroying sound Economic and Science Calculations and dictatorial distortions are forcing hardship. This contrasts with the Platonic notion that government being run by the genius of a philosopher-king can know what you need tomorrow and can provide it. Ironically, today’s unprecedented shortages of goods or services are the result of central planners imposing omnipotence, while pretending omniscience.
- Sunday, October 16, 2022

Monolithic Media Will Change: First Reduced, Then Reformed

Monolithic Media Will Change: First Reduced, Then ReformedEvery great experiment in authoritarian government has attempted to monopolize the media, which is essential to the functioning of the one-party state. Freedom of speech, assembly, trade and even thought must be controlled, or by today’s usage “cancelled”. Regrettably the intensity grows as governments run by political bullies go mad with power. Their disasters have been seen in small countries in Africa or South America, or in the big ones such as Eastern Europe and China; but there have been three times when the senior and most prosperous country succumbed to the ambition of control freaks to, well, impose control. “They” destroyed the wonders of Roman civilization, and the next regrettable example ran through the 1500s, when the Church was corrupted into a venal and murderous police state. The next, and lately becoming unrelentingly intrusive experiment, began in the early 1900s as the politically ambitious set out to impose utopian dictatorships.
- Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Peddling Fear

Peddling Fear

Climate reports by control freaks continue their departure from reality. Of course, the main reason for peddling fear is to establish permanent political control. This is beyond the schemes by individuals to earn a living or fame by getting on the bandwagon. As Goethe observed in the early 1800s:
“Most men only care for science so far as they get a living by it, but they will worship error when it affords them a subsistence.”- Goethe
- Monday, October 10, 2022

Quo WEF? To the dustbin of history

Quo WEF? To the dustbin of historyThe World Economic Forum (WEF), with grand conferences held each winter in Davos, some thirty years ago was a prestigious but apparently benign organization. Now it is being increasingly seen as a fascist promotor of authoritarian, if not totalitarian ambition. Of interest is that it has been funded by huge corporations and has been calling for one-world government. Which is remindful of an elegant definition of fascism: “The combination of big government and big business”. Of course, the question about why some insist that everything must be controlled cannot be answered, but the results in any century of power for the sake of power has always been hardship for the masses and high-living for the control freaks. Somehow these driven people can never understand that prosperity goes with freedom and by their compulsions force political and economic disaster upon ordinary folk.
- Monday, October 3, 2022

Monarchs Had Nicknames: One For Charles III?

Charles The WokeGoing away back to Saxon times, many of England’s monarchs had nicknames. From Alfred the Great to today’s Charles III, with the latter, as Prince of Wales already earning one as Charles the Woke. Alfred reigned over Wessex from 871 to 899, and in being a strong warrior in battle against the Vikings earned his status. This contrasts with some European examples, ranging from Vlad the Impaler to Vladislaw the Elbow-High. Opposite to the latter was Edward I, that because of his height was called Longshanks.
- Monday, September 19, 2022

Trudeau Has Fallen For The Global Warming Promotion
– Hook, Line And 'Thinker'

Trudeau Has Fallen For The Global Warming Promotion
– Hook, Line And 'Thinker'Ever loyal to his authoritarian compulsions, Canada’s PM Trudeau has fallen for the “Global Warming” promotion – hook, line and “thinker”. The latest gaff included stiffing Germany’s representative who is seeking desperately needed supplies of natural gas. Instead the conversation was about hydrogen. Which is an extremely low density form of energy. Not only an inefficient source of energy it is difficult to store and transport, and beyond that highly explosive. Another is that Canada’s Arctic region is suddenly vulnerable to a sea-borne invasion by Russia. Despite Putin’s extraordinary blunder and rapidly disappearing funding Trudeau discovers a threat.  One can imagine Spetznaz troops attacking “Tuk-Tuk”, with its two “super markets” and a crafts store. Just what would Russia’s interests be? Regrettably, it seems a fanciful tout to keep Climate Hysteria at the forefront.
- Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Collapse of Bullying Authoritarians: Leaders and Regimes

The Collapse of Bullying Authoritarians: Leaders and RegimesIt seems that a severe financial contraction could materially reduce China and Russia's totalitarian ambition. And as the urge for political reform is being threatened, loss of funding for deliberate mayhem could be in the "nick of time". As they occurred in the senior economy, there has been three great experiments in authoritarian government that I've described as "Tyrannical Centuries". The first in turning totalitarian is well-documented as it economically and politically destroyed the magnificence of Rome. The Third Century has been described as a "Crisis Century", as well as "Military Anarchy". 
- Friday, August 26, 2022

Insane Governments Ruining Agriculture: 1930s Suffered Lysenkoism and in 2022 Nitrogen is Suddenly a Threat

Insane Governments Ruining Agriculture: 1930s Suffered Lysenkoism and in 2022 Nitrogen is Suddenly a ThreatAs an historian of governments going from authoritarian to the even more regrettable totalitarianism, one wonders "Why?" harm agriculture. Sadly, that governments get into the mode of declaring war on countries as well as upon their own citizens can be criticized, but no amount of research can explain why. After assaulting oil and gas, for political imperatives, Ottawa is suddenly compelled to attack agriculture. At a time when crops around the world are unusually threatened. Beginning in the 1930s, the Soviet Union became convinced that biologist Lysenko's theories would improve agriculture. These were brutally imposed upon farming that had been decimated by previous experiments in collectivization. Indeed, more than 7 million farmers died of famine. Despite making a desperate condition worse, his crank theories prevailed. In retrospect the key function was not food, but control. Understandably, as it turned out, enough was confiscated to feed the urban governing classes. But not the farmers, who merely wanted to work the land as they knew best.
- Friday, August 12, 2022

Global Temp Continues Flat – Be Alert to "Tropical Coolness"

Global Temp Continues Flat – Be Alert to Tropical CoolnessOn the UAH Satellite Temp record, the global anomaly for June was +0.06 C, down from +0.17 C in May, which compares to the +0.26 C on the April posting. The high with the El Nino of 2016 was +0.70 C, essentially offsetting almost half of the hysteria about a 1.5 C increase. Under the heading of "Tropical Coolness" the UAH report noted that for June the anomaly was -0.36 C, the coolest in 22 years. And the seventh coolest on the 44-year satellite record. Overall, "Climate Cooling" could last for decades, if not centuries.
- Thursday, July 7, 2022

Canada's Political Reform is Well Underway: Poilievre As Leader!

Canada's Political Reform is Well Underway: Poilievre As Leader!Massive political reform needs some key things. The most important is the insult of harmful intrusions by government policies, which in running “forever” becomes “too much”. Resulting in relative hardship for ordinary folk, this is exacerbated by a recession. However, the painful hit will inspire reform and the movement in Canada will find a leader—which appears to be Pierre Poilievre—the probable winner of the Conservative leadership race. 
- Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Weather and Climate Update

Weather and Climate Update“Globally the Last Seven Years Have Been the Warmest Since Records Began in 1850” Published in April, the article by Bloomberg included: “Concentrations of carbon dioxide and particularly methane continue to rise in the atmosphere”. Too much fuss about miniscule influences, when water vapor is the dominant “greenhouse” gas. Generally, the headlines and articles about “Global Warming” and the devious “Climate Change”, that is applicable to any human endeavor, have been promoted by control freaks to, well, gain control. A ploy to control people ambitiously touted in too many countries by too many authoritarian agencies. All on the taxpayer-funded gravy train.
- Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Boom: All Fall Down

Boom: All Fall DownDecades ago, when a toddler tripped the exclamation was: "Faw down, go boom". In the markets it's the opposite as the mania runs until reckless speculators exhaust themselves. The boom completes, then most asset prices "faw down", taking participants through an emotional whipsaw from euphoria to dismay. Worse, the hit initiates a recession and over the centuries – the bigger the boom the bigger the bust.
- Monday, May 16, 2022

The End of The World:Climate Apocalypse Due to CO2

The End of The World:Climate Apocalypse Due to CO2“Green Radicals Claim Humanity Has Only 3 Years Left To Stop ‘Climate Apocalypse’: Fast Track To Disaster”Zero Hedge, April 9 Essentially the alarm has been ardently and profitably promoted since Dr. James Hansen started pushing his personal concerns about “Global Warming” back in 1989. Previously the tout was fear of global cooling and Ice Ages.
- Monday, April 11, 2022

One Real and Two Would-Be Dictators

One Real and Two Would-Be DictatorsDictator Putin is inflicting the terror of war in Ukraine and threatened dissenting opinion in Moscow: "More Than 4,500 Antiwar Protestors Arrested in One Day". Datelined Moscow by the Washington Post, the number of arrests across the country are up to the tens of thousands without, Vlad the Impeller, stating any special legal measures. People with unacceptable opinions are being rounded up and placed in the slammer, which has been happening in Canada and the States. Would-Be Dictator Trudeau invoked the old War Measures Act under the name of the Emergencies Act. The threat to the establishment was ordinary citizens through the "Freedom Convoy" taking opinion to Ottawa that was personally "unacceptable" to the prime minister as well as to 97 percent of those who dwell in the capital city.
- Thursday, March 17, 2022

Common Sense Political Revolutions: Always Inspired By Tyrannical Duncery

For thousands of years, voluntary markets have provided basic needs at economical prices. Otherwise, when authoritarians impose their will in inflating the price of everything while denying goods and services results in hardship. Let's call it enforced hardship. Such intrusion occurred into the early 1600s when veteran merchants in London called it Tyrannical Duncery and in becoming "too much" the destruction prompted reform. History records essentially two kinds of revolution: the bad which results in dictatorships and the good which reforms dictatorships.
- Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Three Would-Be Dictators Have Blown It

Three Would-Be Dictators Have Blown ItCanada and the US are not used to dictators, even would-be ones, but the hitherto free countries through a fluke of political history allowed Trudeau and Biden to assume unprecedented powers. By promoting hysteria about climate and COVID both politicians have declared war upon ordinary people. While Putin has invaded an essentially benign neighbor that suffered the Holodomor the last time Moscow went crazy. All three politicians have gone renegade, which being against the basic traditions of individual freedom and limited government, could be in each case or collectively one of the greatest blunders in a hundred years. It was that long ago when Eastern Europe embraced communism and the West began to be beguiled by progressivism.
- Sunday, February 27, 2022

America Has RINOs, Canada Has CINOs

America Has RINOs, Canada Has CINOsOne of the worst things in conservative politics is suffering members who should be in the socialist party. First, some perspective points out that today’s liberals are essentially control freaks, a regrettable corruption of the original defenders of individual freedom and limited government. And over the decades, conservatism has evolved from defenders of church, state and upper-class privileges to the protection of the individual, such that the movement now includes tennis moms against corrupted educators under the growing umbrella of patriotism. Meaning patriotic to the constitution and borders that define your country. This reforming movement has been inspired by the unrelenting and disastrous intrusion by globalists posing as liberals.
- Thursday, February 10, 2022

Profoundly Important Marches And Now Truck Convoys

Profoundly Important Marches And Now Truck ConvoysIn March 1965, a university friend was driving his small economy car from Vancouver to Toronto and while crossing the Great Plains and in listening to radio reports of the march from Selma to Montgomery, he turned south to participate. The 54-mile route to the state capital of Alabama was not lengthy but inspired a profound political reform. The world was fascinated by the popular uprising against not just repression of the Black vote, but absolute denial. Essentially, it was that Blacks should be able to freely vote, which as an American issue was watched by the political world.
- Friday, February 4, 2022
