
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Reuters: House to tie debt ceiling to one-year Obamacare delay

Now that Ted Cruz's not-a-filibuster is over, political watchdogs have been wondering what the next step in the Obamacare battle will be. The two main options were both focused around raising the debt ceiling. In exchange for increasing the limit, Republicans were expected to either A: make another run at defunding, or B: demand a one year across-the-board delay. Reuters claims to have the answer.
- Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pete King calls Ted Cruz a ‘fraud’ engaged in ‘governmental terrorism’

Yesterday, I wrote that the old guard RINO wing of the GOP was collapsing because the base had aligned itself with politicians willing to place principle above party. As if on cue, a who’s who of go-along-to-get-along Republicans has crawled out of the woodwork. First up, we had John McCain. He was angry, but his diatribe was nothing compared to the double-barreled rage-fest being employed by New York Republican Rep. Pete King.
- Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ted Cruz now owns the conservative base - so the GOP had better get on board

Earlier today, the boss ran down four reasons that, despite the naysayers, Cruz's all-night fight mattered. I agree with all of them. However, there's one more reason - perhaps more politically tangible - that he didn't mention. Cruz’s non-filibuster was as much about the future of the GOP as it was about the affordable care act. Simply put, Cruz now owns his party's base lock, stock, and barrel.
- Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Charlie Rangel says you’re going to hell if you don’t support food stamps

New York Representative Charlie Rangel is an absolute beacon of morality. Holding himself to the highest ethical and spiritual standards, he has built a political career on a foundation of honor, charity, and good will. So, when he issues a proclamation claiming that Republicans who try to scale back government programs are headed to Hell, they'd better listen.
- Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Biden goes to Mexico - touts admin’s commitment to amnesty

Amnesty is, of course, all about allowing 12 million illegal aliens access to the rights of legal citizens, so they will be able to vote - for Democrats. That's the goal. Anyone with an ounce of sense can see it, and there's no need to rehash it. Dems love amnesty because it grants them access to what they believe will be a virtually endless stream of constituents.
- Monday, September 23, 2013

Palin demands Wallace release names of anti-Cruz GOP - McConnell denies involvement

Yesterday, we talked about the disturbing revelation that - according to Chris Wallace - top GOP members were sending out anti-Ted Cruz research and questions. As Wallace said it was all designed to "hammer" Cruz over his desire to force the GOP to fight for the de-funding of Obamacare. While the usual suspects within the party may be out to destroy the new class of conservative Senators, at least one outsider has their back.
- Monday, September 23, 2013

As promised, House votes to defund Obamacare

Earlier this week, Speaker John Boehner announced that the House of Representatives would soon vote on a continuing resolution to defund Obamacare. Today he kept his promise. The House has passed a stopgap spending bill that will keep the government functioning, while all but halting the disastrously mislabeled "Affordable Care Act."
- Friday, September 20, 2013

Nightmare-inducing Uncle Sam featured in creepy new anti-Obamacare ads

If you believe the administration, one of the most important steps to ensure the continued existence of the Obamacare monstrosity is getting young people to buy into the scam. If proponents can convince college-aged kids that the government should be deeply involved in their health care, they believe they'll have won the war and the law will stick.
- Thursday, September 19, 2013

Navy Yard shooter passed state & FBI background checks for shotgun purchase

Dan already did a great job spotlighting the fact that the current administration will press for gun control whether or not it will have any effect. They don't care about outcome. All that matters is appeasing their base and cracking down on the 2nd Amendment. So, the usual suspects are roaming around, beating the "common sense gun legislation drum." These days that means universal background checks, since that's about the only thing the vast majority of the American people haven't already rejected.
- Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Feinstein pounces on Navy Yard shooting, demands more gun control

UPDATE: According to CNN's Pamela Brown, the FBI has now confirmed that NO AR-15 was used in the attack. Feinstein and Morgan were even MORE wrong....
FBI Washington field office just confirmed gunman was NOT armed with AR15. Spokesperson says 1 shotgun and 2 pistols recovered — Pamela Brown (@PamelaBrownCNN) September 17, 2013
If you watched any of CNN's Monday night coverage, you enjoyed a steady stream of errors. Piers Morgan spent the evening informing you that the killer used an assault rifle he'd purchased in Virginia, while the crawl at the bottom of the screen repeatedly referred to the murder weapons as an "AR-15 shotgun" and a handgun.
- Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Harry Reid: Anti-government ‘anarchists’ have taken over Congress

Forget the socialists. They don't exist. Anyone who thinks we have socialists in our government is obviously nuts. On the other hand, Harry Reid (crackpot-Nev.) is raising real concerns about real issues involving real political ideologies. According to Reid, the United States Congress has a serious problem ..with anarchy.
- Thursday, September 12, 2013

Photos and video as 2 million bikers roll on Washington DC

Sure, there's always gridlock in D.C. Today, though, it's because the entire city is clogged with bikers. In fact, lines of motorcycles stretch out from the city, along the highways, and off to the horizons in virtually every direction. The capitol is absolutely inundated with bikes.
- Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kerry flexes muscle: Assad has a week, or we’ll do something ‘unbelievably small’

When you're a world leader, sometimes you create a red line and you say "Hey, man. Cross this line and we're going to war." Then, your enemy crosses that line, and you've got a problem. Either you go to war as promised, or you come up with a new strategy. The weakest way to weasel out of this scenario is to create - wait for it - another red line.
- Monday, September 9, 2013

AP to State Dept.: Did everyone at the White House have a ‘spine removal?’

If you're part of the administration, and you want to know how badly things are going as you attempt to sell a war in Syria, look no further than the Associated Press. Usually, the AP is absolutely slavish to the Obama agenda. The President has a 'D' after his name, so they dutifully report his every musing as if his words had been etched in stone and delivered by a burning bush.
- Friday, September 6, 2013
