
Dan Calabrese

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.

Most Recent Articles by Dan Calabrese:

UN: Hey, don’t worry, Iran is complying with the nuclear deal!

UN: Hey, don’t worry, Iran is complying with the nuclear deal! It would be almost impossible for Iran not to be in compliance with it, because there’s almost nothing the agreement actually requires of them. They don’t have to submit to unannounced inspections. And even if they’re accused of violating the deal they have almost a month to hide the evidence before anyone is allowed to go and verify it.
- Thursday, August 30, 2018

Media, which loves anthem-kneelers, goes after J.D. Martinez for pro-gun Instagram post from 2013

The mainstream media is garbage. Let’s just start with that. I feel that way every day but today’s sentiment is stronger than most. The mainstream media is garbage Going after an awesome person like J.D. Martinez is despicable for any reason, but when you throw in the news media’s patented dishonesty and hostility toward anyone who exercises the rights they demand for themselves, it becomes way too much to take.
- Wednesday, August 29, 2018

ESPN host Max Kellerman blasts Tiger Woods because he urged respect for the office of the president

ESPN host Max Kellerman blasts Tiger Woods because he urged respect for the office of the president It would be one thing if Tiger Woods was playing in the PGA Championship while wearing a MAGA hat and chirping at every occasion about the virtues of border walls and rage-tweets against Jeff Sessions. But Tiger Woods hasn’t been doing anything of the sort. He’s just been playing golf. I’ll leave it to the golf fans to judge how well he’s been playing because the only thing I know about golf is that it’s hard to get the ball past that rotating windmill. But I do know that Woods has not been going around pontificating about politics.
- Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Trump is in no real legal jeopardy, but Democrats will impeach him anyway if they win the House

Trump is in no real legal jeopardy, but Democrats will impeach him anyway if they win the House There are two things you need to understand about the latest media obsession:
  1. There is no serious legal case against Donald Trump. It’s a complete fantasy that anything that’s happened could result in his indictment or criminal prosecution. We’ll explain that momentarily, but before we get into that you need to understand the second thing. The second thing is:
  2. Trump’s lack of legal culpability won’t mean a thing if Democrats win control of the House this fall. They will impeach him anyway, for the high crime of being Donald J. Trump.
- Monday, August 27, 2018

Chuck Schumer: Because of Cohen’s plea, Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is now illegitimate

Chuck Schumer: Because of Cohen’s plea, Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is now illegitimate I don’t envy Charles Schumer. That doesn’t mean I have any sympathy for him or am willing to excuse his nonsense. I don’t and I’m not. The man chose the position he’s in and he can squirm in it every day as far as I’m concerned. But I sure don’t envy him. He is under intense pressure from the liberal base to do everything he can to stop Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed. In reality, there is nothing he can do and he knows that. But he has to act the part, and if that means grasping at absolutely ridiculous straws, then darn it, that’s what he’s going to do.
- Thursday, August 23, 2018

Mexico: We may have a trade deal with Trump in a few hours

Mexico: We may have a trade deal with Trump in a few hours, Trade Policy We’re already hearing that a trade deal with China seems imminent, and now Mexico is chiming in to let everyone know they too expect to work something out as part of the long-anticipated renegotiation of NAFTA. How soon? Is this afternoon soon enough for you?
- Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Reporter April Ryan walking around with a bodyguard, claiming ‘death threats’ and blaming Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Reporter April Ryan walking around with a bodyguard, claiming ‘death threats’ and blaming Sarah Huckabee Sanders I have a general rule of thumb concerning “death threats.” It’s not complicated. It goes like this: When a person claims publicly to have been receiving death threats, the person making the claim is almost always lying. And when the claim of death threats follows obnoxious behavior by the person who now claims to be receiving death threats, the claim is a lie 100 percent of the time.
- Wednesday, August 22, 2018
