
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Illegal aliens make commercial demanding free healthcare

Ah, California - that imploding, tax-obsessed, bankrupt, left-wing Mecca by the sea. There's nothing the state loves more than doling out the taxpayer funded freebies, is there? Of course there's not.
- Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bill Maher: Liberals ‘could lose me’ over high taxes

Usually, when Bill Maher is impacted by liberalism, it makes him spout racist, misogynist, one-liners that he passes off as "jokes." However, all is not well in Maher's lefty-land. Progressives are taking too much of his money in taxes, and he's not pleased.
- Monday, March 18, 2013

Allen West discusses the liberal fear of black conservatives

A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece featuring five things the GOP needed to do if it hoped to regain its prominence. The first thing on the list was: Stop conceding defeat before the fight starts. For decades the Republican Party has simply assumed there are states - and cities - that it can't possibly win, so they've stopped fighting for conservatism in those locations. As a result, they've created a self-fulfilling prophecy.
- Friday, March 15, 2013

Ted Cruz brings the Consitutional fight to Dianne Feinstein over gun control

Central to the arguments made by gun control zealots is the notion that your rights are not absolute - that they can be limited by the whims of the federal government. Dianne Feinstein's proposed gun ban takes this idea and runs with it, outlining a list of weapons she feels should not be protected by the 2nd Amendment.
- Thursday, March 14, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson: Ryan’s budget works - Obama using sequester to punish Americans

In case you missed it, Dr. Ben Carson appeared on Fox and Friends yesterday and took a few questions. His most interesting comments were aimed at the Ryan budget, which he says "works" and is a "Step in the right direction." You can kind of tell that, like most conservatives, he doesn't think it goes far enough, but - for now - it's better than the alternative.
- Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rand Paul’s filibuster is forcing the middle to take sides

Make no mistake about it; Mike Huckabee is hardly a true conservative. Back when he was running for President, he leaned heavily on his anti-gun control stance to try and paint himself as a constitutionalist. That, coupled with his inarguable appeal among Evangelicals put him at the forefront of the 2008 GOP pack. At least, it did, until people realized the reality was something quite different.
- Tuesday, March 12, 2013

McCain doubles down - calls Rand Paul and Ted Cruz ‘wacko birds’

John McCain isn't having a good week. His anti-filibuster tirades have destroyed the last shreds of his post-2000 election credibility, and he's become the poster child for GOP members who seek to continue living in the party's past. Despite having his comments rebuked by virtually everyone - on both sides of the aisle - the "maverick" of the Senate isn't done.
- Friday, March 8, 2013

Rand Paul’s filibuster shows the GOP what leadership looks like

Last night, John McCain and Lindsay Graham were feasting with the President. The dinner was designed to give the President and top GOP members an opportunity to discuss the sequester and other budgetary matters. It took place at the toney, five-star, Jefferson Hotel – just a few blocks from the White House. Graham would later describe their meal as encouraging, saying “This is how you solve problems.”
- Thursday, March 7, 2013

US Congressman - who wants to abolish term limits - mourns Hugo Chavez

Upon learning of the death of South American thug Hugo Chavez, US Congressman Jose E Serrano, a Democrat Representative from the South Bronx, began mourning via Twitter. "Hugo Chavez was a leader that understood the needs of the poor," Serrano wrote. "He was committed to empowering the powerless. R.I.P. Mr. President."
- Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A chronicle of life under the Obama sequester - Day 1

They told us it was draconian.  They tried to make sure we understood that wild meat-cleaver cuts would undermine the country.  They warned us that the sequester would lead to the federal and societal meltdown unseen outside of a Mad Max film. We didn't listen. Now, the sequester is upon us and it's our solemn duty to chronicle the chaos and destruction that will surely result.
- Monday, March 4, 2013
