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Meanwhile, with or without Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson will survive. That’s chiefly because: It’s not Tucker who’s down and out, it’s the Woke Folk, going Left Fox News

God protect us from an incoming activist president whose personal pronouns are “Me, Myself and I”.

A Stranger In My Own Country Judi McLeod | April 24, 2023
Reminder of a certain unchangeable Truth. God Almighty owns the world, even gone-Socialist Canada—NOT JUSTIN TRUDEAU

Pious FBI Agents In Church Judi McLeod | April 20, 2023
NO ONE, other than Christ “recruits” Catholics during Holy Mass

Get out of our church, Senator Kaine and take your anti-Christ riff-raff with you!

This Bud’s For Q? Dave Merrick | April 18, 2023
So let's raise a glass ... of anything but a tranny beer product

Today, if you can hear his voice, call out to Jesus for His Salvation

Former prosecutor said the likely charges could carry up to 10 years' imprisonment, even if "Teixeira did not intend to cause harm"

More important than ever to remember that while the WEF crazies are out there turning the world on its head, God Almighty is still in HIS Heaven.

Truth Seekers: Don’t be fooled by what Fox passes off as front page “NEWS”

The Resurrection Comes With The Rising Sun Judi McLeod | April 9, 2023
Happy Easter in a world, caught up in a now anti-Christian era because Jesus Christ is still King


Not just “Big News” but Front Page News by a top news outlet who present their “NEWS” between pictures captioned, “So and So looks fabulous in her bikini”.

The clock is ticking on the biggest circus of all time intending to remove Donald Trump from public view forevermore

Meanwhile, the biggest argument about Artificial Intelligence and Schwab’s ‘Gold Rush 2023’ couldn’t possibly be more simple. God Almighty created humans. Greedy, power-crazed globalists created AI, which is nothing more than man-made machines

For Your Personal Safety Stay Away From NYC:

Canadians, justly and righteously alarmed, should be asking “What industry is next?”

Pray that God Almighty’s Providence comes to the rescue of St. Bernard Church.

Bragg’s plans seem to have blown up in his face. The talk of arresting Trump seems to have died down, with only the protest screams of the alley cats of the Congress still heard in the background

Meanwhile, no one better knows the hopeless naivety of the masses than the Democrats and their cabal, in their determination to send an image of a hand cuff-shackled Donald Trump viral

The Media ALWAYS Muffles The Message Judi McLeod | March 20, 2023
Meanwhile, if anybody should be led away from society in shackles, it’s George Soros and his heavily funded Manhattan District Attorney’s Office

Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2023 to all and for me, especially to Fr. Capoverdi, who, through thick and thin, kept a steadfast Catholic message alive for so many of us—even those helplessly hundreds of miles away

And even as corrupt governments keep sending atrocities our way, God Almighty is still in His Heaven keeping watch over us.

Truth-starved seekers will always be on the lookout for Truth Tellers on the Internet.

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“Arguments not based on logic, but based on hysteria and the shame you feel as a weak and terrified person when your lies are exposed”

Could Fox News and their Dem pals be binging on too much Netflix to while away their late winter boredom and hysterical fright of DJT?

COVID-19: Playing for Keeps & For Spite Judi McLeod | March 6, 2023
Back to the question why unvaccinated tennis star Djokovic is not allowed into the U.S.? It’s because spite and revenge against the unvaccinated is alive and flourishing in modern-day North America!

We need conservative news outlets like Next News Network—and every single news outlet that outlaw Google suppresses because they are the ones letting the masses in on the Truth

Ghosts On The Coast Judi McLeod | February 28, 2023
The best way on Earth for reassurance that God Who created both stars and ocean, is still in His Heaven, seeing all that is happening down here on Earth.

For Heaven’s Sake, PP Put Some Distance Between You & Trudeau
