
Charles Wills

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer. Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the wealth of information hidden in them.

Most Recent Articles by Charles Wills:

Disrespect for Marriage Act: Attack on Religious Practices

Disrespect for Marriage Act: Attack on Religious PracticesPoliticians have always used the separation of church and state argument as a means to overturn religious morality. Like everything else, the idea of separation of church and state is a deliberate misinterpretation of the First Amendment that states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." The First Amendment was written to protect religious organizations from Congress--not suppress religious morality like politicians use it.
- Thursday, December 1, 2022

Will the Real Nazis Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Nazis Please Stand Up?Like most Americans, I'm tired of hearing woke Democrats refer to their opponents as Nazis or fascists. I guess the woke crowd isn't smart enough to know that fascists governments work together with corporations to control and oppress the population - just like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the Marxist media did for the Democrat Party. When corporations are in cahoots with an authoritarian government, that's fascism.
- Tuesday, November 29, 2022

U.S. Political Corruption Leads to Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme and Ukrainian Nazis

U.S. Political Corruption Leads to Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme and Ukrainian NazisBy now, everyone knows that Kari Lake lost the bid for Governor of Arizona. However, very few people know that the person who won the election, Democrat Katie Hobbs, was in charge of the election. That prompts me to point out the obvious, and that is, "the person in charge of counting the votes always wins." Hobbs and her associates should not have been allowed to run the election, but the Republican party refused to call them out. Then recently, we found out that U.S. aid money sent to Ukraine was laundered through FTX and sent back to Democrats as campaign donations.
- Sunday, November 20, 2022

What happened to the Red Wave?

What happened to the Red Wave?A lot of people are wondering what happened to the Red Wave. As a neighbor put it, "It appears that the majority of Americans have lost their minds along with their judgment and moral integrity." He concluded that "fools vote for fools, crooks vote for crooks and dishonest people elect dishonest representatives." Have Americans really lost their minds or is something else going on? I think it's something else - like election fraud.
- Monday, November 14, 2022

Liberty and Freedom Can't Exist Without Equal Justice

Liberty and Freedom Can't Exist Without Equal JusticePresident Trump was not treated fairly by the media or the justice system. The entrenched bureaucracy within the justice system targeted the President for prosecution, and the FBI and the Marxist media made up lies about him. They were both dishonest and unfair. It's disgusting but the Marxist Congress is still trying to find something to prosecute Donald Trump for, so they had the DOJ, under Marxist Merrick Garland, declare that Donald Trump has to turn over his tax records to Congress; a violation of the 4th Amendment.
- Monday, August 2, 2021

Unethical Medical Experiments: How To Introduce Genetic Manipulation To The World

Unethical Medical Experiments: How To Introduce Genetic Manipulation To The WorldDr. Robert Malone discussed his concerns about the mRNA vaccines in an interview with the Epoch times, and he discussed the risks involved in taking the mRNA vaccines on the Tucker Carlson show. Before Malone's interview with the Epoch Times, that was posted on YouTube, there were dozens of articles on the Internet praising Dr. Malone as a genius for developing DNA/RNA transfection technology. However, after the interview, most of the articles disappeared along with the YouTube video and his Wikipedia page. Why did that happen?
- Saturday, July 24, 2021

America Deserves Better!

America Deserves Better!Although it has already faded from the news, a good example of woke brilliance occurred when Olympic contestant Gwen Berry pulled a t-shirt over her head and turned her back on the U.S. flag during the National Anthem. When I heard about Berry's display of disrespect and ingratitude, I immediately thought of something my Dad said after a supposed friend openly trashed a gift I gave her; a gift that cost every dime I had. Dad said, "If she didn't appreciate the gift, then she didn't deserve it."
- Friday, July 2, 2021

Sociopaths Make up the Democrat Party and They Are Determined to Dominate the Masses

Sociopaths Make up the Democrat Party and They Are Determined to Dominate the MassesAfter the deceptively named "For the People Act" was blocked in the Senate, a friend sent an email and said: "Thank God! We don't have to worry about the Democrats taking over the voting system anymore. What a relief! " Like my friend, many people believe that the Democrat takeover of the election system was defeated, and we don't have to worry about it anymore. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
- Sunday, June 27, 2021

We can fight to keep our liberty and freedom or give up and live like rats under Democrat socialist tyrants

We can fight to keep our liberty and freedom or give up and live like rats under Democrat socialist tyrantsThe Covid-19 Hate Crimes Act, that Joe Biden recently signed into law, is an example of the insanity driven tyranny of socialism. In reality, there is no justification for hate crimes legislation because assault and murder are already crimes in every state. There's no reason to pass hate crime laws, other than to perpetuate lies, like systemic racism, that can be used to undermine the Constitution and further the Marxist takeover of America.
- Monday, May 24, 2021

Bipartisan: Forced to Face The Fact That Congress No Longer Represents Us

Bipartisan: Forced to Face The Fact That Congress No Longer Represents UsOver the years, I've seen Democrats and Republicans appear, at least in public, to disagree on many things. However, they always manage to come together to pass legislation, like the Patriot Act, that's destructive to the Constitution and our civil liberties under it. That's why I cringe whenever I hear the word bipartisan.
- Sunday, April 25, 2021

Transforming America Into The Land Of The Oppressed And The Home Of Greedy, Selfish, Cowards

Transforming America Into The Land Of The Oppressed And The Home Of Greedy, Selfish, CowardsFederal and state governments responded to covid-19 by taking our liberty and freedom and promoting the false belief that the world is doomed without a vaccine. However, even with the so-called vaccines and a number of concealed cures, deep state tyrants refuse to give up their dictatorial power over us. The tyrants insist on forcing the population to continue wearing dehumanizing masks and accepting tyrannical lock-downs and bans on religious gatherings.
- Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Globalist bosses are trying to transform America into a communist corporatocracy, like Communist China

Globalist bosses are trying to transform America into a communist corporatocracy, like Communist ChinaThe Constitution has been systematically undermined by a corrupt supreme court and legislated into meaninglessness by a corrupt congress. Furthermore, our constitutional rights are being eroded away by international criminals that control all three branches of the U.S. government through their political cronies. The three branches are working together under an international criminal corporatocracy; the socialist New World Order.
- Friday, April 9, 2021

What are they doing with the children?

What are they doing with the children?Recently I received a copy of an email that I found disturbing and credible. It came from a former law enforcement agent, that a personal friend has known for years and with whom he frequently corresponds. The email started by asking questions: "Doesn't anybody think it's odd that an endless supply of children keeps showing up at our borders without their parents? That's odd to me! Where are their parents? I guess nobody but old cops think about asking questions like this."
- Saturday, March 20, 2021

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 only stimulates the growth of dependence and communism

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 only stimulates the growth of dependence and communismLast night, House Democrats passed their $1.9 trillion bailout package, that they say will stimulate the economy. However, the 591 page Coronavirus Relief Bill (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) has more pork in it than Smithfield Pork Products produces in 10 years. I just barely skimmed over the phony covid relief bill and found bailouts for Democrat states and cities and money for their friends and pet projects. In fact, there's a $350 billion bailout of mismanaged Democrat cities and states, and Pelosi is using it to fund a $112 million underground railway for Silicon Valley. There's even $130 billion for colleges and teachers' unions. In fact, the bill will bail out mismanaged union retirement accounts. None of the aforementioned spending will help the economy or the people hurt by the government's forced shutdown, but that's not all.
- Saturday, February 27, 2021

For the People Act should be titled For the Democrat Socialists Act

For the People Act should be titled For the Democrat Socialists ActOver the years, I learned that Democrats can't tell the truth about anything. Even titles of Democrat authored legislation represents a lie. It only requires reading the deceptive title and description to know what any Democrat proposed legislation is about. The purpose of any Democrat legislation is always the opposite of what the title implies and the description says it is. The same rule applies when the legislation is said to be bipartisan.
- Friday, February 19, 2021

We lost the Voice of America, the Voice of Truth, the Voice of Freedom

We lost the Voice of America, the Voice of Truth, the Voice of Freedom, Rush LimbaughYesterday, as usual, I started the day by checking my email and venting to friends, while I waited for the Rush Limbaugh show. Just as I finished my last rant, I heard the show start, but it wasn't Rush or a guest host I heard. It was Rush's wife, Kathryn. I immediately knew the worst had happened; that we lost the Voice of Freedom. What started out as a usual day turned into a sad day. We lost Rush way too soon, and millions of us are in mourning.
- Thursday, February 18, 2021

Donald Trump won the 2020 election by a landslide

Donald Trump won the 2020 election by a landslidePresident Trump's first term in office exposed the Deep State for what it really is; a communist crime organization. Donald Trump forced Democrats, Republicans, the Marxist media and the justice system and the Deep State, to show just how corrupt they are. In fact, the Deep State is a global criminal organization that runs and controls governments, and high ranking members are considered made men, just like mafia Captains (Capos).
- Saturday, February 13, 2021

Republicans More Than Ready To Be Dangled At The End of Marxist Democrat Strings

Republicans More Than Ready To Be Dangled  At The End of Marxist Democrat StringsI never dreamed I would ever see the U.S. capitol become a military compound, surrounded by razor wire, and occupied by socialists; the enemies of liberty and freedom. And I never thought that all three branches of government would one day become just as corrupt and evil as the socialist Democrat party. I just never thought it was possible for Congress to be filled with so many unprincipled, immoral socialists; people whose hatred and greed is only exceeded by their limitless arrogance and dishonesty.
- Thursday, February 4, 2021

Just like it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930s

Just like it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930sA fraudulently elected president and vice president, dictators, have become rulers of America. The two impostors are so unpopular that the Washington crime cartel had to call in the military to setup road blocks and check points around the capital. Even members of the military are being scrutinized as potential enemies of the state. Anyone trying to enter the capital must have identification papers - just like it was in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. I don't like comparing what's happening in the United States to what happened in Nazi Germany, but the similarities are too great to ignore. You don't need legal identification to vote in elections anymore because elections are not decided by U.S. citizens anymore, and the 2020 election is proof of that. However, you had to have legal identification papers to enter the capital during the inauguration of two socialist puppets, installed by the international crime cartel.
- Thursday, January 21, 2021
