
Steve Rossiter

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired. In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Most Recent Articles by Steve Rossiter:

The Zombie Apocalypse Is Here

The Zombie Apocalypse Is Here Until recently I didn't believe in zombies and the concept of the Zombie Apocalypse, but in 2021 I have become a believer.  I guess I was faked out because I assumed the zombies would look something like what have been described in books, movies, and as seen on television. I now know the brain dead can walk around and for the most part look like average human beings.
- Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How Long Do We Have?

How Long Do We Have?Recently, in Ray DiLorenzo’s CFP article “The End of America?” he asked why America was going in the direction it is going. Ray did a wonderful job of explaining United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 as the mechanisms being used in the attempted destruction of the United States of America and the free world as we know it. He explained “the how,” but “the why” is a far more base aspect of human nature: self-interest.
- Monday, July 12, 2021

Man Up, America

Man Up, AmericaAuthor’s note: In order to avoid the woke police, I am using the words “man and boy” as gender neutral terms. If necessary, self-identify as a man for the short time necessary to read. It has been more than a year since, “in an abundance of caution,” we were stampeded into adopting various CDC “safety restrictions” recommended by the government. Once the “health experts” and the government bureaucrats saw how willingly the people gave up their liberty, “in an abundance of caution,” they decided to take things one step further. When the phrase “in an abundance of caution” went away, the public health Nazis, supported by the government, made these recommendations mandates, upping the ante by gradually bleeding away individual liberty. And we, the sheeple, rolled over like a puppy and played dead.
- Saturday, July 10, 2021

Capitol 4th of July

Capitol 4th of JulyFor much of the last decade, one of the most spectacular things I looked forward to on the Fourth of July, was the magnificent televised celebration on the Public Broadcasting System, “Capitol 4th of July.” This was an amazing event hosted by a very patriotic group of people, and it was a wonderful patriotic event even during the Obama years.
- Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Cultural Revolution, American Style

Cultural Revolution, American StyleThe Cultural Revolution was launched in China in 1966 by Communist leader Mao Zedong in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government. Believing that current Communist leaders were taking the party, and China itself, in the wrong direction, Mao called on the nation’s youth to purge the “impure” elements of Chinese society and revive the revolutionary spirit that had led to victory in the civil war 20 years earlier and the formation of the People’s Republic of China.
- Friday, July 2, 2021

California’s Big Ooops!

California’s Big Ooops!Earlier this year, CFP published an article which questioned whether or not America and Canada had the electrical infrastructure to support the coming influx of electric vehicles. Thanks to California, the state which has been advocating the hardest for the conversion to electrical vehicles, we have an answer to those concerns. No, there isn’t the infrastructure to support future electric vehicles. As a matter of fact, California doesn’t have the electrical infrastructure to support the electric vehicles they already have operating.
- Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Lawlessness Leading Supreme in Democrat-Controlled Cities

Lawlessness Leading Supreme in Democrat-Controlled CitiesHere’s the problem. When those in authority fail to act, they are giving tacit approval to any activity legal or illegal. In 2020, governments at all levels failed to uphold law and order throughout America. In far too many evil Marxist Democrat jurisdictions nationwide, the rule of law was dismantled even prior to 2020.
- Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Stop The Absurdity Before America Self-Destructs Taking The Free World With It

Stop The Absurdity Before America Self-Destructs Taking The Free World With ItIn the first three parts of this series, I have identified much of what the Founding Fathers expected and what they thought was needed for their fledgling constitutional republic to succeed for the ages. They presented their contemporaries and their descendants with a blueprint for what turned out to be the most successful, most generous, most loving, and most prosperous nation and society in human history. Unfortunately, yet foreseeably, they understood that when the nation got too comfortable, it might very well slip into tyranny as did every nation before it.
- Monday, June 21, 2021

Truth, facts, honesty, and ethics have been lost in far too much of American society

Truth, facts, honesty, and ethics have been lost in far too much of American societyIn Part 1, I discussed the high value the Founding Fathers placed on God and Judeo-Christian values as the foundation for the building of this new nation known as the United States of America. They valued this concept so much it was included as a critical element in the Declaration of Independence. In Part 2, I discussed the concerns the Founding Fathers feared concerning the conduct of people who came to power to run the government. In this part, we will examine how the Founding Fathers valued free speech.
- Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Biden administration, Congress, Deep State have their hearts and minds set on making sure America fails

Biden administration, Congress, Deep State have their hearts and minds set on making sure America failsAs I pointed out in Part 1, the Founding Fathers recognized certain truths about human nature and identified potential weaknesses of any potential government, no matter how well designed. They knew that there would likely be domestic enemies within the United States of America as well as external foreign enemies. For the last several decades, American society and patriotic politicians were slow to recognize that the Marxist Democrat Party morphed from the loyal opposition to an outright enemy of the state, the domestic enemies the Founding Fathers cautioned us against 250 years ago. When the Marxist Dimms started to refer to the Founders as irrelevant old white men, we should have gotten the message that they really meant traditional American values and the Constitution were irrelevant. We missed that message!
- Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Founding Fathers’ Judeo-Christian morals and values rapidly disappearing in Marxist America

Founding Fathers’ Judeo-Christian morals and values rapidly disappearing in Marxist AmericaFor decades the domestic enemies of the United States of America have done nothing but denigrate the American Founding Fathers, referred to “as a bunch of old white men,” who are not in any way a legitimate consideration in the modern world. In light of my reading of the writings of these men, those critics are undoubtedly the most ignorant people in America. The depth of understanding of our Founding Fathers regarding human nature is astounding. They totally understood the brilliance and the foibles of how human beings have operated throughout history. These men, in fact, learned from the mistakes of their ancestors. These men recognized and designed a system of government that provided their descendants with the best opportunity to avoid the mistakes of the past.
- Monday, June 14, 2021

Offended by the American Flag, Really!

Offended by the American Flag, Really!I keep thinking that I’ve seen the most outrageous things the evil Marxist Democrats and their minions can come up with, but OH NO, they just keep coming up with something worse and worse, time after time. I saw a short news item this morning that fired me up to write this today. Some media person was disturbed and offended to see an American flag sticker on a pickup truck somewhere on Long Island. The fact this was a news item is pretty astounding!
- Thursday, June 10, 2021

Is The Republican Party Worth Saving?

Is The Republican Party Worth Saving?Is the legacy American Republican Party worth saving? As much as I have always respected President Trump and the results he produced in his too short a time in office and appreciated his efforts to hold the Republican Party together, I fear it is a fool’s errand. The Deep State establishment Republicans like Liz Cheney, Megan McCain, and behind the scenes, far too many of the Republican leaders, fought too many of the programs President Trump tried to implement.
- Sunday, June 6, 2021

How to Dump the Pelosi-Schumer Cabal Today

How to Dump the Pelosi-Schumer Cabal TodayMost Americans don’t think we can dump Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer until the 2022 mid-term election. That simply is not so. The leadership of the Republican Party at the national level, the state level, and even the county level, have a rarely used option. As a matter of fact, even individual citizens can initiate an effort to exercise this option. It is simple and it is so easy to do. As a matter of fact, it is so easy and so obvious that a lot of people will smack themselves in the forehead and wonder why they didn’t think of it.
- Saturday, June 5, 2021

They Did It! Those Inglorious Evil B@#&!*@s Did It!

They Did It! Those Inglorious Evil B@#&!*@s Did It!Yes, in just 12 years the inglorious evil b@#&!*@s of the Marxist Democrat Party not only reignited the black race war, but they have succeeded in creating race hating among all racial subdivisions.  They have even succeeded in getting white people to hate other white people because they are white!  At least 50% of Americans of all races are accepting the premise that somehow they are victims of white systemic racism.  When I saw advertising on television that Asian Americans are claiming to be discriminated against, I knew those inglorious evil b@#&!*@s had won.
- Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Time Has Come to Get a Firm Grip on Reality

The Time Has Come to Get a Firm Grip on RealityLadies and gentlemen, we are now faced with a reality many of us have been reluctant to acknowledge. I was even cautious when I first began writing when I addressed the domestic enemies of our nation in the soft manner of my peers. I used the words used by our domestic enemies to describe themselves such as “liberal" and “progressive". Incredibly, things in our culture and society began moving faster and faster and I started being a bit harsher, tying socialist with liberal and progressive when talking about the American Democrat Party. With a few variations along the way, such as Marxism and communism combined with previously used terms, I have now settled on a term that encompasses the domestic enemy completely, the evil, Marxist Democrat Party, and I’ll continue using “Dimms” for short.
- Sunday, May 30, 2021

Joe the Magic Puppet

Joe the Magic PuppetJoe the Magic Puppet lives in D.C. and frolics with the Marxists snobs in a land of fantasy. Joe the Magic Puppet has managed to destroy world peace and American prosperity in his land of fantasy. (I hope Peter, Paul, and Mary will forgive me for this parody.) Joe has to be a Magic Puppet. During the whole 2020 Presidential campaign season, Joe hid out in his basement, appeared little and spoke even less, and yet magically he was ”reportedly” elected President of the United States of America.
- Saturday, May 29, 2021

Only Once In 6,000 Years

Only Once In 6,000 YearsIn the 6,000 years of recorded human history various versions of governments have risen and fallen over and over again. Only once in human history was a government formed that was based on self-governing by the people to be governed. Only once in 6,000 years was a government formed with the guaranteed right of each individual to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. Only once in the existence of humankind was a government created that intentionally limited the power of government rather than limit the power of the people being governed.
- Wednesday, May 19, 2021

If It Looks Like A Duck

If It Looks Like A DuckYou know the old saying: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it probably is a duck. It is time for all patriots in North America to consider our governments. If it looks like a Marxist, it talks like a Marxist, and behaves like a Marxist, it is more than likely a Marxist government. For more than 17 months the two North American Governments have had their figurative boots on the necks of their citizens in the name of public health, which we are now learning was bolstered by more lies and exaggerated information than can be accounted for.
- Monday, May 17, 2021

The Root Cause

The Root CauseIn aircraft accident investigation, the accident investigation team’s primary goal is to discover the “root cause” of the accident. Often there are a series of contributing causes, but we must get to the most fundamental cause to be able to understand why whatever happened, happened. Getting to the root cause will provide the opportunity to educate others about how to avoid duplicating the circumstances that resulted in the accident.
- Tuesday, May 4, 2021
