
Steve Rossiter

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired. In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Most Recent Articles by Steve Rossiter:

Civilization and Abortion

Civilization and AbortionAs a Christian, the statistics used in a recent article I cited in a CFP article, have been troubling me ever since. In the last 48 years nearly 62 million abortions have been committed in the United States alone. I contrasted that with the fact than in 250 years, America has lost less than 2 million military personnel in all the wars we have ever fought. That seems to suggest, it is riskier to be an unborn human being in America than a professional military person.
- Monday, May 3, 2021

The Devil Made Me Do It!

Flip WilsonIn the 1970s, the comedian Flip Wilson popularized the term, “The devil made me do it.” In the context of the times most Americans viewed his shtick as funnier than hell. He made us laugh, and many of us adopted the term for our own use. And we laughed. We laughed and didn’t think much more about it.
- Saturday, May 1, 2021

Genesis of a Man Made Evil

Genesis of a Man Made EvilWith chaos in today’s America, it is past time to analyze exactly how we have arrived at this point and consider where America is headed, if action is not taken to change the current trajectory. History is the wall on which this message has been painted, and too many Americans seem unable to read. In this case, ignorance is not bliss, but impending tragedy.
- Saturday, May 1, 2021

Floyd-Chauvin: Fallout

Floyd-Chauvin: FalloutRecently I discussed the immediate implications of the results of the Chauvin trial in Minneapolis. In that article, I was concerned about the permissiveness of our Marxist Democrat governments in too much of America. I also expressed concern about the number of good law enforcement officers fleeing the profession and the reluctance of good young people to enter into the profession.
- Thursday, April 29, 2021

Floyd vs Chauvin: The Real Crime(s)

Floyd vs Chauvin: The Real Crime(s)This won’t be a conversation about the details of what occurred between Floyd and Chauvin on the street or at the Chauvin trial. I have my opinion, but it has nothing to do with the devastation caused by the crime(s) that may or not be valid on the street or at the trial. Some people will say Chauvin was a good cop simply doing his job and is a victim of a jury fearful of coming to anything but a guilty verdict.
- Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Toppling of the United States of America

The Toppling of the United States of AmericaIn 1945, Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemoller, who survived the Nazi concentration camps, penned a document now referred to as the “Bystanders Credo.” These are significant words that reflect what happened in Germany and serve as a warning of what can happen anywhere. He looked at the situation from his viewpoint as a Lutheran pastor, others have looked at what happened in Germany from a broader perspective. Below I combined Niemoller’s words with the words of others. Niemoller’s words are in bold text.
- Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Offense or Defense

Offense or DefenseI came of voting age in 1967, a few days after I returned to the United States from my first tour as an Army helicopter pilot in Vietnam. I was raised by a hard and fast Democrat, and as many of my generation, rather than learning about the ramifications of my vote, I voted the way my dad did because Democrats were always right (correct), and Republicans were always wrong. Not much thinking was necessary. Oddly enough, my best friend growing up was raised Republican, and we did have shallow discussions about politics through high school until I went in the Army. Oh, for the good old days when friends could actually have reasonable political discussions, but I digress. Sir Winston Churchill spoke of me once. He didn’t know he spoke of me, but he did.
- Sunday, April 18, 2021

What Are We Going To Do About It? Part 2

Immediately stop spending your hard earned money with companies and organizations that support our Marxist politiciansIn Part 1, I offered the opportunity for all of us to help those who have been misled by the Marxists find their way back from the dark side. If even a small number see the light, we have made progress. It is imperative that somehow we get the majority of Americans to believe again in America’s Judeo-Christian based rules of law. The Part 1 questionnaire was designed to separate the true Marxists from traditional Americans. The next initiative presents certain challenges for all of us.
- Friday, April 16, 2021

What Are We Going To Do About It?

What Are We Going To Do About It?In recent months I have written several articles ending with the question: What are we (you) going to do about it? As the nature of our Marxist government and the capitulation of more businesses and individuals to Marxism is revealed more and more each day, we have to do something. There are those that think armed confrontation is necessary, and some day that may be the last remaining solution.
- Friday, April 16, 2021

The Evil of Self Identification

The Evil of Self IdentificationIn 2021, America finds itself in an evil world where anyone can self-identify as anything they feel like identifying as. The reality of science, history, and God fearing civilized society can and is being totally ignored. A certain evil portion of elitist Americans have become so arrogant that they believe they don’t have to acknowledge the reality of science, history, or the heretofore standards of civilized behavior. It would seem that Satan is having a field day of evil perpetrated by his surrogates, the progressive, socialist, Democrat elitists, and their minions in the media and big money. This group is collectively and appropriately known as the Dimms.
- Thursday, April 15, 2021

Rules of the Game

Rules of the GameWe all learned as children that for any game we played, to be fair, all players must accept the official rules of that game. That simple fact assured that each player had an equal opportunity to win that game. The key element was that everyone agreed to abide by the official rules. This is a small scale model of how a civilized free society is supposed to work: One set of rules to define how the game is to be played. If one player in the game unilaterally decides they want to ignore the official rules, we call that cheating. If one or more other players choose not to confront the cheating player, the rules followers will invariably lose the game. I believe this is a fairly simple concept to grasp.
- Thursday, April 8, 2021

Understanding Government Money

Understanding Government MoneyThere is a terrible misunderstanding by far too many Americans about the nature of “government money.” I am not sure if it is ignorance, stupidity, or people consciously ignoring reality because they don’t want to acknowledge the truth (maybe that’s stupidity too). People, people, people; there is no such thing as government money! Government money is money confiscated from American citizens in the form of taxes. The government gets every dollar they have from confiscation. The government has no mechanism to generate dollars. They can print money, but they don’t generate income.
- Tuesday, April 6, 2021

America, No Longer a Judeo-Christian Nation

America, No Longer a Judeo-Christian NationThe results of a 2020 Gallup Poll demonstrates that the United States of America is no longer a Judeo-Christion nation. According to this poll, only 47% of Americans admit to membership in a religious institution. A 2017 study suggests of the top three religious sects, 70.6% of those are Christians, 1.9% are Jewish, and 0.9% are Muslim. When doing the math, this means that only about 34% of Americans are committed to Judeo-Christian morals and values.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." ~ John Adams
- Monday, April 5, 2021

The Chaos of the 2020s?

The Chaos of the 2020s?In our world today it seems that hardly anything can be agreed upon. However, I believe all Americans can agree that the decade of the 2020s has started out chaotic. The last century had the “Roaring 20s.” We seem to be entering the “Chaotic 20s.” We are seeing things we never believed we would see in our lifetime. It seems as if some kind of new normal is developing, and we are all wondering what’s next?
- Thursday, April 1, 2021

Lessons Learned or Not

Lessons Learned or NotThe human being is a strange creature, incredibly genius in many ways and unimaginably stupid in other ways. Human ingenuity put Americans on the moon, but on the other hand, human stupidity can choose totally incompetent people to run America’s government. In 1793, human beings created the nearly perfect government, which resulted in a nation that was willing to spill its own citizens’ blood and squander its treasure to help save other peoples all over the world. In 2021, human beings have now allowed the creation of a government that wants to adopt the most failed governmental system to ever exist on the planet and turn the greatest country to ever exist into a despotic, dictatorial, socialist nation. Socialism is a system that has failed miserably everywhere it has ever been tried, and it will ultimately fail just as miserably in the United States of America too. No human being is smart enough to make the unworkable work, no matter how arrogant they are.
- Saturday, March 27, 2021

Electric This and That

Electric This and ThatWow! Technology geeks everywhere are telling us that electrifying our world will make life better for the human race and Mother Earth. The most visible effort for mass electrification is for everyone to own an electric automobile or truck. In my world, there is now movement to produce electric airplanes. Oh, what a wonderful world it will be when we modernize travel with these magnificent electric vehicles. But wait, not so fast! Maybe, just maybe, we need to slow things down and rethink the broader implications of this new electric powered world.
- Friday, March 19, 2021

News Flash! We Have Term Limits

News Flash! We Have Term LimitsAmerican patriots, the time has come where we all need to get our heads wrapped around the reality of the moment. We have and continue to play mind games with ourselves and it is hurting our culture, our society, and our America mightily. It is time to just say NO to our elected officials. For most of the last 240 years we have taken the easy way out with our elected officials by repeatedly re-electing them time after time. We have mind tricked ourselves into believing the person I support is good, but the other person is bad. I hope we are waking up to the reality that after one or two terms nearly all of them are bad. Incumbents spent too much of their time focused on re-election and finding the money (too often corrupt money) to do it.
- Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Are We In A Civil War?

Are We In A Civil War?Throughout my adult life, I thought the United States of America was a peaceful nation and certainly not at war with itself. With the recent events over the last four years and particularly the last four months, I’m no longer so sure about that. For 50 years I have been happily ignorant of the fact that progressive socialist Democrat Party elitists have been in a non-shooting war against the life and liberty loving American patriots and the United States Constitution. Even though it hasn’t been a shooting war, millions upon millions of casualties have occurred in this war.
- Saturday, March 13, 2021

The Progressive, Socialist, Elitist, Democrat Super Hydra

The Progressive, Socialist, Elitist, Democrat Super HydraThere is an evil, elitist, super hydra-like creature lurking in the halls of government, the mainstream media, big tech, academia, and big elitist liberal funders in America. This super hydra has hundreds and maybe even thousands of heads seeking to inflict damage or destroy the United States Constitution and anyone who defends it. The main target of this super hydra has been President Donald J. Trump for the last five years. Now, a bogus election has cleared the path for them to inflict more damage on traditional America.
- Wednesday, March 10, 2021

What Is Washington Afraid Of?

What Is Washington Afraid Of? In March 2021, the city that houses the seat of government of the United States of America looks like the Military District of Washington, not Washington D.C. With thousands of armed troops and razor wire topped barricades around government buildings, what are our leaders afraid of? Are they so out of touch with reality that they don’t understand that the very presence of troops and razor wire, in and of itself, is concerning to a large portion of Americans citizens?
- Tuesday, March 9, 2021
