
Steve Rossiter

After a 55 year career as a professional pilot in the military, in law enforcement, in the private sector, and in federal civil service, I am now retired. In many of these positions I repeatedly took an oath to defend the United States Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Most Recent Articles by Steve Rossiter:

Man Up To “Toxic Masculinity"

As I write this on Father’s Day 2023, it saddens me that for at least the last three decades men have allowed an accelerating denigration of manhood to the point where being a man is considered by some to demonstrate “toxic masculinity.” Hell, our culture is so screwed up America now has a Supreme Court Justice that can’t define what a woman is even though she is one.

- Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Appeasement Still Doesn’t Work

In 1938, Prime Minister A. Neville Chamberlain tried appeasement when dealing with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime. Well, peace in their time didn’t even last one year before Adolf Hitler started World War II. We all know how that turned out. Well, maybe the last couple of generations don’t know because history doesn’t seem to be a thing in modern education (or rather indoctrination).

- Monday, June 19, 2023

Just Say No To Made In China

Do you think Americans should fund the building of China as the economic leader of the world?
Do you think Canadians should fund the building of China as the economic leader of the world?
Do you think anyone should fund the building of China as the economic leader of the world?
Do you want China to pass the free world as the largest economy on the planet?

Well folks that is exactly what you are helping to do every time you buy any product with a “Made in China” tag on it. China is, by far, the nation that is the greatest threat to the to the Free World, and China now has the Free World paying for the destruction they are trying to wrought on the Free World and laughing all the way to the bank. Yes, now China has us fools in western civilization paying for our own destruction.

- Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Most Terrifying Man on the Planet

The Marxist police state of the United States of America, headed by Commissar Joe Biden, has once again shined a bright spotlight on the man that most terrifies them and their world domination puppet masters. This man is none other than the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, and his Make America Great Again (MAGA) followers. The globalist cabal of rich, elitist, Marxist oligarchs has feared him since the day he came down the Golden Escalator in 2015.

- Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Old School Republicans

I have a number of friends I’ll refer to as old school Republicans. One was once the chair of a state Republican Party, one worked in the administration of a popular Republican president, one is a Republican Elector, and others have worked inside the Republican Party machine for various politicians. They have a problem that is no doubt common with old school Republicans all over America. I think people like Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and other Republican pundits are part of the old school Republican mind set.

- Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Secrets to America’s Success

"The more people who own little businesses of their own, the safer our country will be, and the better off its cities and towns; for the people who have a stake in their country and their community are its best citizens." ~ John Hancock

Hancock identified one of the most important elements that resulted in the free and prosperous America we came to know and love. All small businesses depended on the quality of the product and the quality of the service in order to prosper. Small businesses had “skin in the game,” an investment in the quality of human relationships. Good service was rewarded by dollars, but dollars were the by-product of good service. The flaw in American and world culture today is that money has become the goal and product and service are only necessary evils.

- Thursday, May 25, 2023

There Are No Answers in Washington D.C.

There seems to be this crazy fantasy that the answers to America’s current problems lay in Washington D.C. In the last five decades, what would lead anyone to believe that the gangsters of the Beltway Bubble in Washington D.C can solve anything? For most of the last five decades the crooks on the Potomac have tried to convince Americans that anything can be fixed if you throw enough money at it. Well, America, how’s that working out for you? 

- Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Only Performance Review That Matters

Before the United States of America was the United States of America the Founding Fathers had one serious concern in common. They knew that honesty, moral values, and virtue were required elements for all government officials, and if those qualities ever disappeared, so too would the people’s liberty.

- Monday, May 22, 2023

World’s Largest Armed Force

When we think of an armed force, most people will immediately think about the military as an armed force. True as that is, the Marxists in America and their globalist minions around the world have no understanding of the situation they face in the United States of America. The Japanese understood this reality during World War II, which is why they feared invading the Continental United States.

- Monday, May 15, 2023

Striking Back at the Evil Empire

I have used the term Evil Empire to describe the state of the American government and the wider evil of the globalist One World Order, the cabal trying to establish world domination.These agents of Satan still have three stumbling blocks preventing them from reaching their goal. These stumbling blocks are the United States of America’s Constitution, the moral values of the Christian church, and the American patriots willing to defend both.

- Friday, May 12, 2023

Death by a Thousand Cuts

If you think about it, America and Canada as nations are facing death by a thousand cuts. Not cuts by a recognized enemy with Ninja type skills, but by “paper cuts” by the corruptocrats within the bureaucracy of our own governments. Some of the corruptocrats are elected officials, but most are the Deep State corruptocrats buried deeply within what we laughingly call the Biden Administration in the U.S. and the Trudeau Administration in Canada.

- Thursday, May 11, 2023

Cockroaches and Rats

We often use metaphors when we are trying to draw attention or put a different face on an issue we consider important. There are a couple of metaphors that no longer ring true or have value in our discussions. I’ve often used rats and cockroaches to identify the evil that goes on in our culture and government. I have decided that cockroaches and rats are no longer good metaphoric tools, and here’s why.

Historically, you wake up at night and turn on the lights, cockroaches and rats scurry off to hide wherever they came from. Then in the morning you would call an exterminator to come and take care of your rat and/or cockroach problem. The cockroaches and rats knew, at some level, there were consequences for being discovered, and thus they scurried to their hiding places away from the lights. Now, if you failed to call in an exterminator whenever you discovered cockroaches and rats, the cockroaches and rats, after a period of time, would be conditioned to know that when the lights were shined on them, there were no consequences to fear, so they no longer scurried for cover. At some point, the rats and cockroaches learn to relish the light.

- Tuesday, May 9, 2023

It’s Deja Vu All Over Again

The Biden administration once again demonstrated just how little respect they have for American citizens. Biden’s surrogates are trying to blame their totally botched exit from Afghanistan on President Donald J. Trump. American’s Marxist Uncle Joe Biden thinks Americans are so stupid that you will believe that eight months after Trump left office that the Biden administration’s tragic Afghanistan exit was Trump’s fault. It takes a special kind of stupid to come up with that assessment! It also takes the same special kind of stupid to show this much disrespect of the American people, who saw exactly what happened in August 2021. The Marxist Biden gang is saying don’t believe your lying eyes.

- Sunday, May 7, 2023

I Just Don’t Care If You Are Offended

As I look at America’s failed Marxist government and all the brain dead zombies who are complicit in the destruction of America’s Constitution and economy, I am sickened. I am officially old and bold enough to admit I have turned into an old curmudgeon, and I will speak the truth. If you choose to be offended by the truth as I see it, I simply don’t care.

- Friday, May 5, 2023

Bad Rap for Certain States

Cranky Old Montana Curmudgeon

Over the years, many of us in the media have given certain states an undeserved bad rap. On the whole, no state is an all bad Marxist Democrat blue state. However, some states are clearly mostly bad and deserve the title Marxist Democrat blue state. But even these states have anti-Marxist Democrat voters called Republicans, so we must be cautious and not splatter blue paint on this small contingent of Constitution-loving patriots.

It seems ironic that when the Marxist, socialist, communist scare happened in the 1950s, they were the “Reds.” The Marxist Democrat labelers somehow turned that around and now red is associated with the Constitution-loving American patriots.

- Sunday, April 30, 2023

No Skin in the Game

“What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.” ~ Thomas Paine

American patriots are composed of the following groups of people;

1. The few remaining World War II and Korean War veterans

2. Those of us who are veterans of the Vietnam War

3. Those who have served in the military and saw combat in the various conflicts since Vietnam

4. Those people who know and understand actual American history and the price paid by others

5. Those people who have legally migrated to and become citizens of America after living under repressive governments and know that America is headed down the wrong road

- Saturday, April 29, 2023

The Master Puppet Master

Like most Americans, even I have been in denial with my own political blind spot. I’m now satisfied that for the last two and a half years that I have been writing for CFP, I was quite myopic and looked too close to see that the real problems that are haunting American and Canada are not domestic. The sparkly things many of us have been paying too much attention to are merely what the real source of our problems want us to watch so our attention isn’t totally focused on them.

- Friday, April 28, 2023

When the Enemy of the State is Its Government

In North America the enemies of the State of Canada and the State of the United State of America are their respective governments. Both of these governments are violating their respective founding documents, and for all intents and purposes, are lawless and no longer representing the wishes of their people. Both governments have, for all practical purposes, become tyrannical police states. The leaders of both countries are doing everything in their power to dissolve their nation’s founding documents and turn over sovereignty to the foreign controlled New World Order and the United Nations.

- Monday, April 24, 2023

American Civilization Lost?

In his April 17, 2023, article Mr. Gerard Baker make one of the most succinct and accurate observations about civilization in the world today.

“If we are losing, it is because we are losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small.” ~ Gerard Baker, if-western-civilization-dies-put-it-down-as-a-suicide
- Friday, April 21, 2023

Trump Did It Once, But Can He Do It Again?

Let me be perfectly clear, I am one of Donald J. Trump’s minions and have been since his trip down the “Golden Escalator.” He was the best President in my lifetime by such a large margin that I can’t even quantify it. However, we have to look at the real world we live in and assess what happened that got him elected, why he was so incredibly successful, why his second election failed so miserably, and what his prospects are in 2024 America.

- Wednesday, April 19, 2023
