
Klaus Rohrich

Klaus Rohrich is senior columnist for Canada Free Press. Klaus also writes topical articles for numerous magazines. He has a regular column on RetirementHomes and is currently working on his first book dealing with the toxicity of liberalism. His work has been featured on the Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, among others. He lives and works in a small town outside of Toronto. Older articles by Klaus Rohrich

Most Recent Articles by Klaus Rohrich:

Der Schturmbannfuehrer Schumer Schpeaks

Der Schturmbannfuehrer Schumer SchpeaksYou could have knocked me over with a butterfly to hear that Senate ‘Majority’ Leader, Chuck Schumer ‘suggested’ on national television that Joe Biden declare a climate emergency. I wasn’t stunned that he suggested but by how quickly he floated that balloon. But what better way not to waste a ‘good crisis’ than create another? It appears that Herr Schumer is looking for the power to make all the Dems’ problems go away.
- Saturday, January 30, 2021

The 'Swampire' strikes back

The 'Swampire' strikes backThe Democrats’ preoccupation with putting a wooden stake through the heart of Donald Trump serves two purposes. The first and most obvious is that they wish to ensure that Trump will never be able to hold public office ever again, while the second is a warning to others that should anyone in future times attempt to disrupt the homeostasis of the swamp, this is the sort of fate that awaits them. While Donald Trump may not have been as slick as Barack Obama, he was certainly as honest, or dishonest, pick your poison. The difference is that only conservatives called Obama out for his lies, while Trump’s prevarications resulted in accusatory headlines, even when he was telling the truth.
- Thursday, January 28, 2021

Welcome to the Endarkenment

Welcome to the EndarkenmentFor the past few decades Western culture has gradually drifted toward totalitarian rule. This trend is now accelerating in an astonishing manner, as three factors, Big Tech, the legacy media and the Pandemic, are presenting an opportunity to restructure societies in such a way as to restrict free thought as well as the free movement of people. This new Endarkenment is made possible through the stunning tech advances of the past two decades and is being heralded by Big Tech, which is in the act of seizing control of peoples’ freedom of speech, and soon to come, peoples’ freedom of thought. They will establish the tenor of what individuals are allowed to say and think, as they now have near absolute control over most forms of communications, giving them the power to control what individuals are allowed to see, read and hear.
- Wednesday, January 13, 2021

A Harvard graduate? Really?

A Harvard graduate? Really?, Claira JanoverIt doesn’t appear to be too long ago when graduates of Harvard University had the ability to reason and spoke in complete sentences. But the case of Harvard alumna Claira Janover is causing me to wonder if maybe Harvard has turned into a daycare center. Claira Janover, you will recall, is the snowflake Harvard Graduate that lost her position at Deloitte, a prominent international accounting firm, as a result of a viral video meltdown on Tik Tok Video MS Janover had over “the caucasity” of anyone saying that all lives matter.
- Thursday, July 2, 2020

China’s latest disinformation campaign

China’s latest disinformation campaignThis piece of disinformation sounds like it was written by Bert and Ernie of the Muppets: CHINA WARMS TO FOUR MORE YEARS OF TRUMP PRESIDENCY, published by Bloomberg News yesterday. The article claims that numerous high-level “Chinese officials” are thinking that a Biden presidency would be detrimental to Beijing’s interests.
- Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What’s in a name?

ShakespeareShakespeare famously asked “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” That’s a sentiment that has more or less been constant among sane people since Billy ESS wrote those words 420 years ago. But it seems that there are a lot of individuals that would disagree.
- Friday, May 22, 2020

The incompatibility of socialism and liberty

The incompatibility of socialism and libertySo, how do you like your free, 60-day trial of socialism so far? Yeah, me neither, and to think that this is just a free sample, imagine what it could look like when you’ve enrolled in the full program? Ancient famous sayings aren’t famous because they’re ancient; they’re famous because they’re true. Hence, the old adage about the human nature/socialism cocktail making you puke at the end of the night is invariably true. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.
- Thursday, May 7, 2020

Scratch a leftist, find a fascist

Scratch a leftist, find a fascistDennis Prager currently has a series of videos explaining the basic difference between those on the left side of the political spectrum and those on the right. While his analyses of the difference between the two sides is relatively accurate, it’s a tad too kind for my taste.
- Monday, May 4, 2020

Those who do not learn from history…

Those who do not learn from history…As the subject of world history has become less about facts and more about the evils of Western Civilization, due to the perceived sins of our ancestors, I dread the truth of George Santayana’s famous quip, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
- Thursday, April 16, 2020

A nation of smelt?

A nation of smelt?Most ichthyologists will tell you, smelt are small, oily fish that travel in large schools seemingly without leadership and sometimes I am given to wonder whether Canada isn’t a nation of smelt. As a not-so-proud citizen of Canada, I feel it necessary to apologize for the boorishness of the Government of Canada in general and Canadian voters in particular for kicking off an election on this day. As my friend Art Weinreb wrote in these pages, dropping the writ for a general election on the 18th anniversary of 9/11 amounts to a poke in the eye for Uncle Sam.
- Sunday, September 15, 2019

When it comes to accusations of racism, truth is no defense

TRUMP, MEDIA, RACISMThere isn’t a day goes by without the Progressive Left branding someone with whom they disagree politically as “racist.” Someone please tell me what’s racist about pointing out that the city of Baltimore, or Chicago, or Detroit or any other large urban center in America, is a disgraceful dump, rife with poverty, crime and violence because corrupt politicians have made it so. The fact that the overwhelming majority of these cities are run by Democrats doesn’t logically translate into racism, unless it’s also that a large number of politicians governing these jurisdictions are black.
- Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Creepy Joe and the Social Justice Worriers

Creepy Joe and the Social Justice WorriersSo, Joe Biden has announced that he’s running for POTUS for the third or fourth time over the past 5 decades and the polls have him leading in the quest for the nomination. Are the Democrats nuts?
- Monday, April 29, 2019

Is the ‘Post-National State’ even possible?

Is the ‘Post-National State’ even possible? With ‘post-national’ elites preening their virtue over how badly government treats migrants by imposing such burdensome requirements as legally acquiring immigrant status, one is given to wonder if anyone has bothered to think through the idea of the ‘Post-National State’? The ‘Post-National State’ is an oxymoron. It’s one of those ideas that George Orwell’s 1984 so brilliantly illustrates, in which people committedly believe two polar opposites at the exact same time.
- Friday, January 4, 2019

Sleeping with the enemy

Sleeping with the enemy It’s outrageous that the Democrats are attempting to enlist the assistance of Khalid Sheik Mohammed to attempt to block the confirmation of Gina Haspel, a 30-year career CIA agent, as Director of the CIA. It’s even more outrageous that the Senate Intelligence Committee would consider a submission by the mastermind of the 9/11 outrage that resulted in the death of 3,000+ Americans.
- Thursday, May 10, 2018

They’ll get Trump…one way or the other

They’ll get Trump…one way or the other If there’s one thing I’m pretty sure of, it’s that the Donald Trump Presidency will not end well. It’s not because there is anything particularly wrong with the president, but the so-called ‘resistance’ is so committed that they are likely to go to any lengths to ensure that their goals are achieved.
- Friday, March 9, 2018

Thought crimes and misdemeanors

One could almost draw the conclusion that certain elements of the left were looking for an incident such as what transpired in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend to bolster their momentum in altering our understanding of American history.
- Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The gang that can't scoot straight

When it comes to screwing up there's no one more proficient than the 292 Republican members of Congress. They couldn't properly handle a case a diarrhea if their lives depended on it.
- Thursday, July 20, 2017

Canadian Values means paying terrorist millions

While this is old news here in Canada, Fox News recently discovered the fact that the Government of Canada, under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (son of Pierre), gave al Qaeda terrorist Omar Khadr a $10.5 (CAD) Million ‘settlement’ because his Charter rights were violated as a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay.
- Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Sick and tired of teddy bears and flowers

If like me, you’re sick and tired of teddy bears and flowers junking up public spaces because of yet another “man-caused disaster,” then you might be interested in the following:
- Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Climate Change: a serious farce

Don’t you hate being called a ‘denier?” Me neither. In fact, I view this appellation as an affirmation of my own independent scepticism, a divergent path from that taken by the herd. In today’s” legacy media” every weather phenomenon is seen as an indication of climate change, or global warming, as it was once called until facts rendered that term inoperative.
- Sunday, May 7, 2017
