
Police officer killed, 2 wounded in Missouri shooting Cops shot responding to 911 call, suspect dead.

Trump admin sues California over 'sanctuary state' policy

Valentine’s Day Wake-up Call from Parkland Scott Powell | March 7, 2018
The First Amendment explicitly says that it is not the role of government to establish any specific religion. But isn't it time for a government of the people, by the people and for the people to reestablish venues in schools to provide voluntary opp

Aside from providing hours of laughter, Justin Trudeau and his party are more of a danger to Canada than some drug addled terrorist is

What do crime scene investigators actually do? (video) American Chemical Society | March 6, 2018

The Belarus-born prostitute hopes America will grant her asylum in exchange for her tale

Badly confused children, men getting away with posing as women in little girl’s school washrooms, film stars far better at activism than acting and comedians like Jimmy Kimmel who laugh uproariously at their own sick jokes

Pardon Mike Flynn Dan Calabrese | March 6, 2018
Having to sell your house to pay your legal bills, when there doesn't appear to have been any underlying crime, is unconscionable. This needs to stop. Now.

All too predictable.

This is what she thinks "doing my job as mayor" means?

Twitter Keeps Censoring Pro-Lifers News on the Net | March 6, 2018

No one wants to take away your guns. ...Just like Australia.

But with counter-tariffs and counter-counter-tariffs and who knows? Where she stops, nobody knows

Justice is what they say it is.

Up to TEN people were hospitalised by mystery

Snowbirds Escape Winter in The Palm Beaches News on the Net | March 6, 2018
100 family-friendly attractions, world-class luxury, antique shopping experiences, 125 miles of peaceful waterways for on- or in-the-water activities, 150 artificial reefs that line the Atlantic Ocean, 160 golf courses, award-winning restaurants

The Bernie Sanders Dynasty Daniel Greenfield | March 6, 2018
Levi Sanders, Bernie's son, is running for Congress in New Hampshire on his dad's old inherited platform of free health care and free college

Pot and—Tarantulas? Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | March 6, 2018
International Spider Trade

Operation PTSD Joanna Rosamond | March 6, 2018
If given respect and decent living conditions –our Veterans will be fine, but the country's contaminated institutions are in desperate need of treatment for Post Obama Stress Disorder.

The Bulwark of Free Speech Tom McCaffrey | March 6, 2018
Free speech is under assault in the U.S. today as it has not been in a long time. Although a great many voices are engaged in the effort to preserve it, very few are speaking up for property rights. But if we fail to restore property rights to their


Unintended, but easily foreseen, consequences

The Counterfeit Pal-Arabs Victor Sharpe | March 5, 2018
That the world has fallen hook, line and sinker for duplicitous Arab propaganda speaks to the success of one of the biggest scams ever perpetrated. And Mahmoud Abbas is still at it!
