
Dennis Jamison

Dennis Jamison reinvented his life after working for a multi-billion dollar division of Johnson & Johnson for several years. Currently retired from West Valley College in California, where he taught for nearly 10 years, he now writes articles on history and American freedom for various online publications. Formerly a contributor to the Communities at the Washington Times and Fairfax Free Citizen, his more current articles appear in Canada Free Press and Communities Digital News. During the 2016 presidential primaries, he was the leader of a network of writers, bloggers, and editors who promoted the candidacy of Dr. Ben Carson. Jamison founded "We the People" - Patriots, Pilgrims, Prophets Writers’ Network and the Citizen Sentinels Network. Both are volunteer groups for grassroots citizen-journalists and activists intent on promoting and preserving the inviolable God-given freedoms rooted in the founding documents. Jamison also co-founded RedAmericaConsulting to identify, counsel, and support citizen-candidates, who may not have much campaign money, but whose beliefs and deeds reflect the role of public servants rather than power-hungry politicians. ​

Most Recent Articles by Dennis Jamison:

Reflecting on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Faith in the American Dream

Reflecting on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Faith in the American DreamIn the wake of the day designated to honor the contributions of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., intelligent Americans can wonder about the legacy of this incredible man of God. And, the embattled political spheres demonstrated they are not prepared to see the same vision as Dr. King. Even if only the “I Have a Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial is used as a measuring stick, one can understand the words and intent that this crusader once shared with all Americans has been distorted and trivialized.
- Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Insensitivity to Illegal Immigration

Insensitivity to Illegal Immigration In light of the continuing federal government shutdown, recently Chris Wallace, of FOX News, grilled White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, about President Donald Trump’s resolution on the funding for the Border Wall. Mr. Wallace challenged Sanders on whether many of the illegal immigrants were actually terrorists who were attempting to cross, or who have already crossed the Mexican border with the United States.
- Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Battle Over God-Given Rights in 2019

The Battle Over God-Given Rights in 2019 On December 7th last year, while Americans were still recovering from bewilderment in the aftermath of the national elections, and while there were public acknowledgements of the Pearl Harbor attack, President Donald Trump issued a presidential proclamation of a different nature, specifically regarding the Bill of Rights.
- Wednesday, January 2, 2019

"Tis the Season" for Decision

Tis the Season for DecisionIt is highly likely that the average American citizen is more focused on earning a living and being able to live relatively freely as they attempt to pursue their own happiness. It is what the Founding Fathers hoped to offer to the future generations as they crafted a new nation.
- Monday, December 17, 2018

Deep State Darling Comey Comes Out of the Closet

Deep State Darling Comey Comes Out of the Closet The firing of James Comey was a shock to many and may have been to him, or his apparent ego, but it is now apparent that the first Deep State casualty of the "Swamp Wars" may have been justified.
- Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Democrat Party Lawlessness Undermines Elections

Democrat Party Lawlessness Undermines Elections The 2018 Midterm results have revealed a deeper crisis in America that threatens the fabric of our nation. The integrity of our electoral process is now in question. There are political candidates and leaders from both major political parties who are willing and able to subvert the vote in any number of ways
- Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Democrat Leaders' Willingness to Lie, Cheat and Steal

Democrat Leaders' Willingness to Lie, Cheat and Steal While many politicians lie during political campaigns, it is likely that politicians have lied to voters from the beginning when people were free to choose their own leaders. To lie is nothing new under the sun. Humanity developed upon the Earth by humans acting prematurely based upon a lie. However from the beginning of the millennium, politicians seem to exhibit a greater tendency to freely lie more frequently to the people. Possibly it is perception, but it also seems that candidates and leaders of the “Democratic” Party may be guilty of using lies more often than those from the GOP.
- Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Thanksgiving in the Midst of a "Civil" War

Abraham Lincoln Many Americans on the Thanksgiving holiday coming this week will likely breathe a huge sigh of relief that the divisiveness of the midterm elections are over. Of course, that will be true if families and friends can put aside that divisiveness in their hearts in the millions of homes where Thanksgiving will be celebrated across America.
- Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Veterans’ Day Tainted by Threat to Fair Elections

Veterans’ Day Tainted by Threat to Fair Elections Americans may celebrate Veterans’ Day twice this year. The historical and official day to honor America’s veterans was Sunday, the 11th of November. However today, because Veterans’ Day was on a Sunday, federal government employees will take a day off from work
- Monday, November 12, 2018

The Blue Wave Did Hit: California Drowning in Ocean of Blue

The Blue Wave Did Hit: California Drowning in Ocean of Blue“Elections have consequences” as citizens were instructed by former President Obama. Of course the midterm election battles have come to a conclusion with no “blue wave,” or no “red tsunami.” Yet, there will be consequences.
- Saturday, November 10, 2018

The 2018 Midterms: Christians vs. Communists

The 2018 Midterms: Christians vs. Communists Long ago, from the past of a distant America, during another election year, a man named Ronald Reagan gave a speech that set him on a journey that would eventually lead to him becoming president of the United States. On October 27th, at the height of the presidential campaign of 1964, Ronald Reagan delivered a rousing speech at the GOP National Convention to support Barry Goldwater’s effort to receive the Republican Party’s nomination. While endorsing Goldwater, Reagan stressed his own convictions in his now famous speech, “A Time for Choosing” that is also known as “The Speech.” In this address, he argued:
- Monday, November 5, 2018

The 2018 election: A Forum on the Bill of Rights

The 2018 election: A Forum on the Bill of Rights The massacre of eleven innocent members of the Tree of Life Synagogue this past weekend evokes fear and sympathy from many Americans, as well as empathy from many throughout the world.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2018

To vote in 2018: A defense of the freedom to vote

Elections have consequences, and 2018 is no ordinary midterm election year The midterm elections in 2018 are not just another set of national elections in the long stream of midterm elections down through America’s history. Citizens of the United States are still standing at a crossroads in the nation’s history because freedom is still being threatened.
- Monday, October 22, 2018

Democrats and the politics of deceit, denial, and diversion

Democrats and the politics of deceit, denial, and diversion The confirmation hearings of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, now Justice Kavanaugh, revealed the current political playbook for Democrat leadership for as long as the insurrectionists control the Party. The Democrat leadership, from Barack and Michelle Obama on down through the hierarchy of “tyrannically-correct” politicians, media moguls, and Hollywood hypocrites, has declared all-out opposition to the Trump presidency and anyone who is allied with Donald Trump.
- Tuesday, October 16, 2018

GOP Senators vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh; Democrats Appeal to Voters

GOP Senators vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh; Democrats Appeal to Voters The victory to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is a great victory, of this there is no doubt among those who are trying to protect and defend the values and principles in the Constitution. However, Senator Chuck Schumer, the senior United States Senator from New York, delivered the key hope for the Democrats in this election year: to vote - an appeal to vote. Yet, his message should be a rallying cry for all people of genuine faith, all sincere conservatives, and all true patriots to get out and vote also.
- Sunday, October 7, 2018

Kavanaugh Battle: Prelude to an American-Style French Revolution?

Kavanaugh Battle: Prelude to an American-Style French Revolution? In these turbulent days of the battle lines being drawn over the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the Left is coming out of the closet. The current ongoing battle regarding the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, is not a normal battle - even unlike the battle when Judge Clarence Thomas was being confirmed. Today, hatred drives the Democrats, not a true commitment to justice. And, organized street theater in the United States Senate chambers would have made old Saul Alinsky proud because the more chaos the better.
- Friday, October 5, 2018

Patriots Still Required to Protect the U.S. Constitution

Patriots Still Required to Protect the U.S. Constitution Since the tragedy of 9/11/2001, Americans honor the heroes of that day through Patriot Day. And since Americans annually celebrate the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States, these two days are forever entwined. The two days honor different kinds of heroes, but heroes nevertheless. Patriot Day commemorates the courageous actions of heroes who served their fellow human beings during an act of war upon American soil. Constitution Day commemorates the courageous men who signed the document that become the Law of the Land -- that essentially created that “American” soil. Patriot Day and Constitution Day are days honoring the American spirit.
- Monday, September 17, 2018

Perceptions and Reflections from Patriot Day in 2018

Donald Trump, 9/11 As Americans commemorated the heroes of 9/11 on Patriot Day, it was appropriate that the focus was on them. President Trump was in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on Patriot Day to pay tribute to a new memorial to the victims of Flight 93. Trump offered a personal and “solemn tribute” to the 40 passengers and crew members of that fateful United Airlines flight. He praised the passengers “who stood up and defied the enemy” 17 years ago.
- Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Doubts on Deep State Dispelled by New York Times, but doubts about "Anonymous" Linger

Doubts on Deep State Dispelled by New York Times, but doubts about Anonymous Linger In March of 2017, New York Times columnist, Max Fisher, wrote an article stating that the “deep state” was not real, and implied there would be real consequences for blaming the Trump’s administrative problems on the deep state if it does not exist. (What Happens When You Fight a ‘Deep State’ That Doesn’t Exist? – March 10, 2017). Unfortunately, the reality today is that either the New York Times were in error before when they published propagandist Fisher, or they are wrong now.
- Saturday, September 8, 2018
