
Robert Laurie

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Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Game already over: Enjoy this clip of media lefties acknowledging how great Kavanaugh is

Game already over: Enjoy this clip of media lefties acknowledging how great Kavanaugh is Yesterday, I offered this collection of left-wingers indulging in a pre-planned freakout over the Kavanaugh nomination. This morning, Dan shared a video of some of the same politically-neutered folks screeching and wailing as if the world would soon end. A few minutes ago, the boss explained why he thinks the “stop Kavanaugh” effort is headed for failure. Now, I’ll go him one better.
- Wednesday, July 11, 2018

NYT columnist comes unglued on MSNBC: Justice Kennedy 'betrayed the nation'--is 'destroying' it

NYT columnist comes unglued on MSNBC: Justice Kennedy ‘betrayed the nation’ – is ‘destroying’ it Panic! Hysteria! Rage! Hand-wringing and hyperbole! The left is in free fall right now, and they seem to be blissfully unaware that the fear tactics they’re still employing are the very things that got them into this mess in the first place. They offer nothing but excuses for their losses, they present no viable path forward, and they spend all their time pointing fingers at the alleged perpetrators of our global doom.
- Friday, July 6, 2018

Kamala Harris: Trump’s SCOTUS pick will mean ‘the complete destruction’ of the Constitution

Kamala Harris: Trump's SCOTUS pick will mean 'the complete destruction' of the Constitution If you spent any time on the interwebs yesterday, you were treated to a left-wing meltdown the likes of which we haven’t seen since Election Night 2016. After a brutal week of Supreme Court defeats, Democrats were rocked by the news that Justice Anthony Kennedy was retiring. The fact that Donald Trump will a get at least one more bite at the SCOTUS apple drove them into a wild fit from which they’re never likely to recover.
- Thursday, June 28, 2018

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy resigns – here’s President Trump’s Supreme Court list

Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy resigns As if the Democrats Hadn’t had enough bad news from the Supreme Court this week, Justice Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement. That means President Trump will get another bite at the SCOTUS apple -something which is sure to send leftists everywhere into anaphylactic shock. If you thought they were unhinged before, I suspect “we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
- Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Linda Sarsour says MLK Jr. warned us about folks like …Chuck Schumer?

Linda Sarsour says MLK Jr. warned us about folks like …Chuck Schumer? If you like watching leftists eat their own, 2018 is shaping up to be your year. After being shafted by their own party in 2016, the election and presidency of Donald Trump has driven them into a white-hot, self-destructive, rage. That’s why we’re seeing things like the violent harassment of opponents, the dumping of Joe Crowley for a radical socialist in New York, and unhinged activists turning on the people they used to support.
- Wednesday, June 27, 2018

More winning: SCOTUS rules forced public sector union dues unconstitutional

More winning: SCOTUS rules forced public sector union dues unconstitutional As you’re probably aware, the Democratic Party has money troubles. Their 2016 presidential candidate was an atrociously expensive failure, and they’ve been having serious trouble raising funds since her implosion. Back in February, it was widely reported that the DNC had just $6.5 million in the bank and was saddled with $6 million in debt. Things haven’t improved much since then.
- Wednesday, June 27, 2018

More truth from Maxine Waters: Schumer and Pelosi ‘don’t really say I’m out of line’

More truth from Maxine Waters: Schumer and Pelosi ‘don’t really say I’m out of line’ Ever since Maxine Waters made her comments calling for mobs to harass prominent Republicans, the media has been rife with stories about Democrats who are allegedly denouncing her. The narrative is that enlightened lefties – particularly those in positions of political power – are peace-loving individuals who want to live in a calm, genteel, world.
- Wednesday, June 27, 2018

SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump travel ban – so lefties rehash an old trope

SCOTUS rules in favor of Trump travel ban – so lefties rehash an old trope If you thought the Democrat histrionics had been ramped up about as far as they could go, brace yourself. As the saying goes, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” This morning, in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Trump’s travel ban. The decision has the libs in yet another meltdown, for the very first time in oh… about twenty minutes.
- Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Actress, NY gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon: ICE is a ‘terrorist organization’ – should be eliminated

Actress, NY gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon: ICE is a ‘terrorist organization’ – should be eliminated Sometimes I feel sorry for New York. There are places, well outside of NYC, where actual honest-to-goodness sane people live. They don’t have much of voice in the state’s politics because the cities overwhelm them, but they do exist. Sadly, they get saddled with people like Andrew Cuomo and Cynthia Nixon – two candidates in a desperate race to prove who can be the more left-wing Governor.
- Saturday, June 23, 2018
