
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

Democrats accidentally spend the weekend trashing Obama’s immigration policy

Democrats accidentally spend the weekend trashing Obama’s immigration policy Republicans are monsters. Donald Trump is a monster. Pretty much every conservative is a hateful bigot who despises the “other.” Any and all possible actions that could – in any way – embarrass or damage the political right must be undertaken immediately. Don’t bother to check the facts, just attack.
- Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Overwhelming majority of Americans perfectly ok with calling MS-13 ‘Animals’

Overwhelming majority of Americans perfectly ok with calling MS-13 ‘Animals’ Sometimes I’m baffled about the things pollsters choose to examine. I get polling policies or candidates, but stuff like this? I’m shocked that anyone, anywhere, actually thought “hey we really need to get a read on whether people are comfortable calling roving gangs of rapists and murderers ‘animals.'”
- Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Hillary endorses Cuomo over Cynthia Nixon – is she headed for a ‘special place in hell?’

Hillary endorses Cuomo over Cynthia Nixon – is she headed for a ‘special place in hell?’ Let’s get one thing straight. Hillary Clinton doesn’t give a damn about supporting women. In fact, she doesn’t really care about anything. To the Clintons, every single issue is a talking point – an exploitable moment – and nothing more. So, after a 2016 campaign that focused Hillary’s white-hot glare upon the idea that women absolutely must support female candidates, is anyone really surprised that she’s chosen not to do so herself? Of course not.
- Friday, May 25, 2018

Obama jabs Trump: says his administration ‘didn’t have scandals’

Obama jabs Trump: says his administration 'didn't have scandals' Obama has once again repeated his claim that his administration was scandal free. So, off the top of my head… Benghazi, IRS targeting, passing Obamacare based on the ‘ignorance of the American people, Hillary’s email server, ‘lost & found’ DOJ and IRS communications, YouTube video, OPM data breach, ‘you can keep your doctor,’ Susan Rice lies, Veterans Affairs deaths, Solyndra, secret cash to Iran, wiretapping AP reporters, James Rosen, Hezbollah cocaine shipments, FBI spying on Trump, Trump tower wiretaps, Biden groping everyone’s kids, Loretta Lynch Tarmac Meeting, ‘Matter’ vs ‘investigation,’ Hillary allowed to dodge charges, Pigford, Syrian Red Line, Arab Spring, Handling of the “JV Team,” Churchill Bust, illegal war in Libya, Clock Boy, ‘acted stupidly,’ and trading Taliban terrorists for Bowe Bergdahl.
- Friday, May 25, 2018

Trump kills the North Korea summit – hours after Pyongyang destroys its nuclear tunnels

Trump kills the North Korea summit--hours after Pyongyang destroys its nuclear tunnels If you read any news this morning, you probably saw that Pyongyang had – allegedly – blown up the tunnels that that made up the bulk of its nuclear testing facility at Punggye-ri. As the BBC reports, the site was destroyed. However, it’s entirely possible that the damage is reversible and may have been caused by a previous collapse. Remember, this is North Korea we’re dealing with. You can’t trust anything that comes from the pudgy mouth of glorious leader.
- Thursday, May 24, 2018

Please Democrats, believe the report that says Twitter bots elected Donald Trump

Please Democrats, believe the report that says Twitter bots elected Donald Trump Democrats are still desperate to explain their 2016 loss, and they’re desperate to do so without admitting that Hillary Clinton personifies most of their horrible, unworkable, rejected, beliefs. The candidate herself has become famous for her “everyone and everything but me” blame game – to the point where even former supporters are telling her to pipe down and go away. She’s not going to. Frankly, I suspect she’s in capable of doing so.
- Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Esquire magazine editor-at-large wants to ‘take your guns. All of your guns. Right now.’

Esquire magazine editor-at-large wants to ‘take your guns. All of your guns. Right now.’ “No one wants to take your guns.” As I’ve written before, that’s always been the left’s most easily identifiable lie. It’s never even been a question. Of course they want to take your guns. They want to strip you of your rights, eliminate your ability to defend yourself, and eradicate even the notion that you could resist their efforts to make you subservient to (and dependent on) the federal government. That’s their goal. That is the endgame.
- Tuesday, May 22, 2018

DNC pads disastrous April fundraising report – still the lowest midterm amount in 12 years

DNC pads disastrous April fundraising report – still the lowest midterm amount in 12 years The “Blue Wave” is coming, everyone. It’s going to roll across California, flood the deserts, swamp the Rocky mountains, and then drench everything from Kansas to Maine. There’s simply no stopping it, so you probably shouldn’t even try. Democrats are going to win everything in the 2018 Midterms, and then they’re going to raise your taxes and impeach Trump. …At least, that’s the situation according to Democrats.
- Monday, May 21, 2018

Chuck Schumer spends the day defending MS-13 from Trump’s ‘animal’ comments

Chuck Schumer spends the day defending MS-13 from Trump’s ‘animal’ comments Democrats sure do seem to have a lot of strange “protected classes” lately. Obviously, they’ve always liked to put people into groups, fan the flames of a victim mentality, and then play those groups against each other. It’s just what they do. But, in the last couple of weeks, they’ve decided to defend Iran, Hamas, and now – the icing on the cake – MS-13.
- Friday, May 18, 2018

The new Murphy Brown looks as creaky as an abandoned riverboat in a Scooby-Doo episode

The new Murphy Brown looks as creaky as an abandoned riverboat in a Scooby-Doo episode I don’t base my entertainment choices on politics. I don’t boycott musicians or actors over their political beliefs, I don’t confine myself to art I agree with, and some of my very favorite pieces of film and music were created by people with who I disagree vehemently. If I did base my pop-culture consumption on politics, I think I’d go insane. That’s simply no way to live.
- Thursday, May 17, 2018

Gina Haspel confirmed as first female CIA Director

Gina Haspel confirmed as first female CIA Director I’ll give them this: They really tried their best to torpedo the first female CIA Director. It was a valiant effort but, in the end, the left-wing smears were not enough to stop Gina Haspel. Moments ago, she was confirmed.
- Thursday, May 17, 2018

THIS is the pro-Trump video you big dummies need to see!

THIS is the pro-Trump video you big dummies need to see! Quincy Jones has no love for President Donald Trump, though he does claim to have dated First Daughter Ivanka. So, I have no idea what he thinks of this Pro-Trump take on his song, “The Streetbeater.” You’ll know the tune better as “The Theme from Sanford and Son,” and this version is…well, amazing.
- Tuesday, May 15, 2018
