
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

CNN’s new midterm poll is bad news for Dems

CNN’s new midterm poll is bad news for Dems In 2016 we all learned an object lesson about public polling. The merits of polls are debatable, they’re often (disastrously) wrong, and they’ve increasingly become nothing more than a way of pushing an agenda while manipulating media and public perception. At the same time, we watched as CNN destroyed what was left of its barely-existent credibility and descended into the depths of Democrat boot-licking hell.
- Thursday, May 10, 2018

Pence: Pompeo and freed Americans are safely on the ground in Japan – meanwhile on CNN…

Pence: Pompeo and freed Americans are safely on the ground in Japan – meanwhile on CNN… Just minutes ago, Vice President Mike Pence tweeted that Mike Pompeo and the three captives who were being held by North Korea had landed safely in Japan. According to the Veep, they are in good health and are excited to be heading back to the states. The President and VP will personally greet them when they arrive at Andrews Air Force Base, sometime this evening.
- Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Former Dem Sen. Robert Torricelli: Dems don't deserve to govern, because their message isn't good enough

Former Dem Sen. Robert Torricelli: Dems don’t deserve to govern, because their message isn’t good enough There are a lot of reasons Democrats don’t deserve to govern. Their ideas are horrible, they trend toward the destruction of the constitution at every opportunity, your rights are an annoyance to them, they think they own everything you own – and you should be grateful for what you are allowed to keep, they hate borders, hate Trump, believe the United States is the planet’s arch enemy, and are salivating at the idea of fully embracing socialism if not outright communism. That’s who they are, and yeah, it’s pretty awful.
- Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Reuters: Wow! Trump did really well in our new poll – so it must be an outlier and we’re sorry

Reuters: Wow! Trump did really well in our new poll – so it must be an outlier and we’re sorry From time to time, I’ll refer to a mainstream media piece that contains good news for the Trump administration. Often, I’ll write something like: It must kill them to report this. That’s because we know how desperately the left wants this President to fail. A successful Trump is arguably the worst thing that can happen to the press, the DC swamp, or the old-guard political institutions that predicted his loss, and later, his implosion.
- Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Desperate to stay relevant, Michael Moore wishes Karl Marx a happy birthday – compares him to Jesus

Desperate to stay relevant, Michael Moore wishes Karl Marx a happy birthday – compares him to Jesus Michael Moore is in rough shape, and I’m not just talking about his physical condition. He’s a had a terrible couple of years. His Broadway show went down in flames, the man he considers to be one of the worst people on Earth demolished his political party, and his movies don’t enjoy the accolades (or box office receipts) that they used to. Add to that a virtue-signaling legal battle with his former friend and financial benefactor, Harvey Weinstein, and you’ve got quite the implosion.
- Monday, May 7, 2018

Detroit radio station bans Kanye’s music in a desperate bid to inadvertently prove Kanye’s point

Detroit radio station bans Kanye’s music in a desperate bid to inadvertently prove Kanye’s point A long time ago, when I was a barely-paid Detroit News contributor, I wrote a piece about the unarguable fact that the City of Detroit will champion any and all diversity, as long as it’s not ideological. Whatever sub-group you belong to, no matter how small, strange, or obscure, Detroit is a place that will welcome you with open arms and help you wave your banner. …Unless you’re a conservative. There is no room for conservatism in Detroit. Yes, you might get an article in a paper here or there, and you might get a slot on the radio from time to time, but the city as a whole will despise you. It’s simply a fact you live with if you’re born and raised in and around Motown.
- Saturday, May 5, 2018

NBC national political reporter: Bill Clinton told the DNC chairman not to let ‘Bernie folks’ take control

NBC national political reporter: Bill Clinton told the DNC chairman not to let ‘Bernie folks’ take control The DNC has a problem. No, it’s not that they’re devoted to the minimization, diminishment, and eventual elimination of the U.S. Constitution. For the faithful, that’s a selling point. Their problem is that their party is split – fairly evenly – between run-of-the-mill Democrats and proud, self-proclaimed, socialists. We saw this divide play out in 2016, when the party worked with Hillary Clinton to crush Bernie Sanders.
- Friday, May 4, 2018

Now Hillary’s blaming her love of capitalism for her 2016 loss. Yes, really.

Now Hillary’s blaming her love of capitalism for her 2016 loss. Yes, really. OK, let’s do this one more time. It’s not Hillary’s fault that she lost the 2016 election. It was, in no particular order, the fault of white men, white women, misogyny, racism, Christianity, backwards states, low-info voters, deplorables, Barack Obama, James Comey, Jill Stein, Vladimir Putin, nefarious hackers, the media, Bernie Sanders, Bernie Bros, the DNC, Wikileaks, and her own staff.
- Thursday, May 3, 2018

Zuckerberg: We’re going to ‘intensify’ suppression of news sites based on public opinion and our mysterious AI

Zuckerberg: We’re going to ‘intensify’ suppression of news sites based on public opinion and our mysterious AI If you have a news site on Facebook, you’d better hope it’s one that Mark Zuckerberg and his ant-army of moderators agree with. That’s because sites that cover current events – whether they’re opinion-based or comprised of hard news – have found themselves sent to the digital black hole if they don’t toe the Facebook-approved political line. Like most of Silicon Valley, Zuckerberg is a staunch leftist, and you that means right-leaning outlets are the enemy.
- Thursday, May 3, 2018

Reuters: Millennial support for the Democratic Party dropped 9% in less than two years

Reuters: Millennial support for the Democratic Party dropped 9% in less than two years Maybe Democrats haven’t been screaming “racism” loudly enough. Perhaps they haven’t pandered to just the right subsets of the country they’re trying to divide. It could be that all the free stuff they’ve been promising isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be. Whatever the reason, you can bet the following poll has caused someone in the murky bowels of DNC headquarters to hit a big red panic button.
- Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Breaking, not shocking: Netanyahu to release ‘dramatic’ intel showing Iran violating the nuclear ‘deal’

Netanyahu to release 'dramatic' intel showing Iran violating the nuclear nuclear 'deal' If you’re still foolish enough to believe that Iran is honoring – or ever had any intention of honoring – the “nuclear deal,” well ….we pity you. Even if you ignore the Mullahs’ decades of terrorist sponsorship, hostage-taking, and lies, you have to know that they violated the agreement almost as soon as they signed it. So, it takes a special kind of head-in-the-sand person to think their word is still their bond.
- Monday, April 30, 2018

South Korea’s Foreign Minister: ‘clearly credit goes to President Trump’ – CNN hardest hit.

South Korea’s Foreign Minister: ‘clearly credit goes to President Trump’ – CNN hardest hit. Earlier, we talked a bit about how crestfallen the Democrats, the NeverTrumpers, and their media allies are. The possible end of the Korean War has ruined their day. Most of the usual press outlets are doing what they can to play down the President’s involvement in current historic events. Most are trying to make sure you know that they’re observing President Trump’s role in the Korean peace process with an intense degree of skepticism – a stance we know would never have been considered if Barack Obama had achieved, or even attempted, such a feat.
- Friday, April 27, 2018

Ronan Farrow: Hillary tried to cancel an interview because of my Harvey Weinstein investigation

Ronan Farrow: Hillary tried to cancel an interview because of my Harvey Weinstein investigation Women were supposed to vote for Hillary Clinton. It didn’t matter if they agreed with her, they were commanded by left-wing media and politicos to support their sex by voting for the woman. Republicans, we were told, are woman-hating mouth breathers. They’d love nothing more than to let people like Harvey Weinstein run wild, because that’s supposedly how the right-wing boys’ club works.
- Thursday, April 26, 2018
